Adding an officail optional rule

By yaki2100, in Talisman

Hi All,

I've been playing talisman since I was 15 (back in the late 80's), and now I want to renew my loyalty to this great game by playing with my wife, family and friends.

However, I think that too much randomness in the game is a bit problematic (after reading John Goodenough article). In order not to jeopardize core mechanics, I thought of an optional rule. The ability of a player to choose his/her own character. People like to get attach with their characters. I've done it before with other games. For example, if two players would like to play the wizard, they can make one duplicate copy of the character and use another miniature or token to represent the other wizard..

The benefit of this optional rule is by letting player decide which character to play according to the own personal preference. In addition, this rule will state that two or more characters that start the game at the same location can't duel during the first round of the game.

What do you think?



Hi All,

I've been playing talisman since I was 15 (back in the late 80's), and now I want to renew my loyalty to this great game by playing with my wife, family and friends.

However, I think that too much randomness in the game is a bit problematic (after reading John Goodenough article). In order not to jeopardize core mechanics, I thought of an optional rule. The ability of a player to choose his/her own character. People like to get attach with their characters. I've done it before with other games. For example, if two players would like to play the wizard, they can make one duplicate copy of the character and use another miniature or token to represent the other wizard..

The benefit of this optional rule is by letting player decide which character to play according to the own personal preference. In addition, this rule will state that two or more characters that start the game at the same location can't duel during the first round of the game.

What do you think?



i think one of the important flavor of Talisman it's variety (and fun). Unexpected events and unbalance are in the DNA of this game. Normally we take 2 or 3 characters and players make their choice. Then duplication? no thanks. happy.gif


Well, there is always a third option. Divide characters at random, and them If you don't like your pick, choose one.

Also, as the title state: Optional rule.

I thought of the matter deeply, lets say three people want to play the wizard. I say, let them. Think of the limitation and option that imposed in such cases. To my experience, there is nothing bad for player to come into and play with his/hers favorite characters (e.g D&D, Runebound, etc...). The ultimate goal is fun and playability and replayability.



Personally, last game we had we just allowed people to select their hero if they wanted, me and another player (out of 4 total) chose ours randomly anyway.

I wouldn't want to play the same as someone else, it seems less fun somehow.

What we do normally do is give 2 or 3 cards to each person (depending on how many players there are and if they've played before and let them pick their favourite) - though I think in future we'll just let folks play whoever they want to and dice for it in the event of an arguement.

Its not for me personally, but has merit. I say if thats the way you want to play the game, then go for it.

I have never tried playing using the same characters as my opponent(s), I suppose it can eliminate the "you had a better character than me" whinge ;)


Thank you for you comments.

I think that as an optional rule is a nice addition. However, you can always give the player a chance of picking his favorite chacter or getting one randomly.

