Hi all, hoping for a few pointers.
I played 1st edition, and I've played a bit of 1st Ed Enemy Within converted to 3rd edition rules, now I'm taking my first steps into GMing 3rd edition (I've run some EotE stuff but not much else).
My party will be a Wardancer and a Swordmaster; background is going to be something along the lines of "SM has been living with the woodies for a while to learn new fighting techniques".
So... my current plan for running this:
* Starting off with a short episode or two - I've got the GM Toolkit so was thinking a Chase to start, possibly followed by a Delivery. This gets a bit of early combat (chasing some beastmen with possibly a bigger beastman baddie of some sort), and gets the party out of the woods - the delivery will almost certainly take them to Ubersreik. I reckon on one XP after each of these episodes?
* Next up: An Eye for an Eye, then Edge of Night. Both are based in Ubersreik so I think it makes sense to lead from one to the other.
Again, for XP... don't have the books to hand now but IIRC they seem be split into 3 parts, would 1XP per part make sense, maybe with an extra one for finishing?
* After those, I'll leave it open for either Gathering Storm or Horror of Hugeldal (or both).
* Next up would be Witches Song and/or the Slaanesh one. I know the Witches one will go down well (a nice bit of elf rivalry thrown in as well!), the Slaanesh one may be trickier with the party being more combat-oriented but maybe by then things will have changed anyway.
I've got all the books so could run anything, but I figured the magic adventure wouldn't fit too well with these guys, and the Omens of War adventure is maybe too far away... though could potentially be brought in after all these, or if they decide they fancy a bit more travel!
Does this all sound vaguely sensible, or am I missing out on something? Do the XP rewards sound about right (I'm never sure how much to give out for these things)?