VASSAL Facebook Skirmish League

By azrael1415, in Imperial Assault Organized Play

I would love to be a part of it. Downloaded Vassal and the module, but have no clue yet as to how to actually work the program. ^_^

It's not too bad. I recommend opening up an offline game and just start clicking on everything. Once you put stuff on the map/table, just start right-clicking on pieces, that'll be where you can trigger things/view hotkeys.

I'd definitely be interested in a tourney on vassal. Been jealous of the BoardWars tourney ever since they announced it was only for Europe. Though I'll probably just get matched up against someone like DT and get stomped round one.

I'm up for it!

I'm signed up already.

If you want a tutorial for how to use the Vassal mod, follow this link:

It's a little bit out of date because the dice roller mechanic shown in the video has been changed (read: UPGRADED!) to work like the X-Wing mod's dice roller. But aside from that, the video explains pretty much everything you need to both get Vassal up and running, and to understand how the IA mod works.

I'm obviously in.

I'm obviously in.

I was hoping so as you're one of the regular "lurkers" ;)

I'm obviously in.

I was hoping so as you're one of the regular "lurkers" ;)

Yeah, he's good too. He's beaten me a couple of times. Just put him in the "other" pod, okay? ;)

I'm obviously in.

I was hoping so as you're one of the regular "lurkers" ;)

Yeah, he's good too. He's beaten me a couple of times. Just put him in the "other" pod, okay? ;)

He's spanked me pretty hard too...but I got some good list advice, so it soothed the "sting."

To those requesting access to the group, to make sure people get the necessary stuff I need first, I'm restricting membership until I receive each person's:

- Challonge username

- Time Zone

- Skirmish list (this can be changed, altered if needed prior to the league games starting - just want to make sure I have something)

You can just Facebook Message me (Brandon Newburg) when you have all that.


I'm obviously in.

So who's gonna win 2nd place then? :D

I'm going to try to get one of m

I'm obviously in.

So who's gonna win 2nd place then? :D

I'll try to get one of my friends to play, too.

If you're going to leave out one of the 6 missions, I recommend leaving out Training Grounds B. It is the most stalemate-ish map, since there is no way to get points aside from killing.

Kuat B is actually pretty interesting to play.

If you're going to leave out one of the 6 missions, I recommend leaving out Training Grounds B. It is the most stalemate-ish map, since there is no way to get points aside from killing.

Kuat B is actually pretty interesting to play.

I randomized it. Just as if I were running a tourney and drawing from an available mission deck each round.

Okay, that's fine then.

FYI, I've got some good quality scans of the new Bantha and Smuggler packs, so I'll be updating the Vassal mod very soon. I'll post here and in the usual places when it's ready.

Now back to your regularly-scheduled banter. :)

I'm already registered! Looking forward to it.

We're up to 18 registered. There's still time, registration ends March 12th!

Four days left! Can't wait!

Alright, it's coming down to the wire. Registration ends at 11:59am tonight (Central, UTC-6).

This is also your last chance to make any last minute list changes before I pod everyone and publish them.

We currently have 36 players registered, meaning we have six full pods!