Encouraged by the great, quality tips I recieved in the last topic now I am asking you guys to share your tips, suggestions and warnings regarding the Harrower of Thanes adventure. Please let me know if you made any useful modifications, what were the boring parts and what is cool about this adventure. I promise to share my thoughts after we play it (approximately 2 weeks from now). Sigmar bless you!
Harrower of Thanes adventure
This is the adventure I'm hoping to run with my players next, but we're also a few weeks out. I think your setup for Crimson Rain should work here, prepare the NPCs beforehand and the journey through the pass should be memorable.
We usually play about 4 hours at a time so I'm planning to split this into two adventures: One for the Pass and One for the Hold. I know this means the Hold will probably need some fleshing out though.
Well, I've only experienced it as a player, so I haven't read the adventure or know if the GM did any modifications. But some thoughts:
- It's probably more fun with some dwarves among the PCs. It's probably easier to get the dwarven players motivated to go on this adventure.
- During the adventure several people join the party, only to attack and try to rob the PCs. I felt that it was quite easy to see through for us players ans in most adventures maybe 1 NPC joins the group, not 5 or 6. Still, we let them join but it was no surprise when we got attacked by them all. If the GM could have made it more subtle, it would have been more of a surprise and more fun.
- The encounter with Theodosius von Tuchtenhagen could be one of the greatest comical moments in all the adventures combined. He's such a strange guy and the first meeting with him could have all the players laughing uncontrollably. Which was really great.
- The fight at the end is pretty hard. I played a really hardcore figher slayer and we had a few other PCs that were good in a fight, we still had trouble winning (not that it should be easy to win). I believe that 2/4 characters were knocked out during the fight, and my slayer was darn close to fulfilling his destiny.
Thank you guys very much! Is there anyone left in these forums who has actually GMd this adventure and can share his/her thoughts?
I think the combination of it being one of the last advetnures and it being dwarf specific narrows down the amount of people who played it. I can't remember many people even mentioning it on the forums. I have the book (since I have a complete collection) but I haven't gotten around to reading it.
So, I finally managed to play through this adventure, here are a couple of advices:
practice lisping before the session to be comfortable while speaking as the ruler of Grentzstadt - it is just so funny
you can find tutorials on youtube to learn how to speak as Sid from "Ice Age" - thats quite useful,
· make sure that the PCs has strong motivation at the start, for my players it was very awkward that the Dwarfs did not accept the hammer and are sending humans and elf(!) to deal with their ancestors business,
· my PCs did not care to enter the sounding chamber - they returned the hammer silently and tried to leave - just prepare for that: think of a reason they should enter the last chamber OR think of an exciting finale that will replace the intended one. Else, the adventure will have no "real" ending,
· the Dragon Ogre is really powerful
· keep in mind that the whole "treason" plot is quite obvious and players will discover it (unless they are really blind) which is just entertaining in my opinion. You can have some nice moments when some NPCs beg players to spare their lives and so on, just have fun with it and don't force the players to trust everyone.
· Overall it is a light and fun adventure, a nice, refreshing break from the usual atmosphere of dark-fantasy setting. My players (especially girls) were very satisfied with such a change.