Missing character creation options so far

By GauntZero, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

Yeah - but the catholic church and the imperial faith are not the same.

And although there were parts in history, where militaristic deeds were done out of this faith, the imperial creed is much more about militaristic approaches.

Just think about a lot of saints of the imperial faith in general (not only the living ones) - St.Drusus wasnt really known for his kindness.

And although there were parts in history, where militaristic deeds were done out of this faith, the imperial creed is much more about militaristic approaches.

This isn't my point.

My point is that saints in 40k are not people that were given divine powers. They are people that, after death, were canonised for their important part in the divine plan of the Emperor.

They are then attributed miracles and such.

A Living Saint is a living embodiment of the EMperor's will, and are not seen very often.

Well...your faith in the imperial creed seems not to be very deep...if you say such blasphemous things... ;)

But honestly, I think you should go to have a short discussion with your local ministorum representative about this issue.

Is that....... Heresy I smell?

Yeah, there's a number of interpretations/versions; a notable Living Saint with holy powers active for an extended period of times, as well as a rebirth, is Saint Sabbat.

And Saint Sabbat was "big business".

Not the "hey, look how kind this gal is" type.

But more the "Drop to your knees 'cause she is filled with the emperors essence" type...

Seriously, I think living saints (and saints in general) are way above the PC's league. Imo they would even be out of league of a reinforcement character.

The main reason is, that they are more or less legends.

For the same reason, I wouldnt like to see a "chapter master" class in Deathwatch.

Even for Ascension Level of Play, I'd rather go a different road than hit for Saints. Inquisitors, temple assassins, Judges and Magi, all discussable - but please no Saints.

If you are that much into Saints, I think there is a Video game line that focusses on a bunch of them ;D

To be fair most of te citizens of the Imperium consider Space Marines legends and most will never see one.

One of the resons to also not use them in DH as regular characters imo. But for Deathwatch you are among equals in a whole another setting. Even if both games are in the wh40k world, the approach differs a lot - not only by the numbers/power level.

Thats also why I think of DW as the only other line than DH that is really unique and couldnt be merged with DH (besides the reinforcement sidekicks now and then).

I leave aside BC by purpose, as this is a interesting line to me, but very messed up in regard to power Level Balance. I like the Basic idea, and think it is really fun to Play the bad guys for the one or other day - but tbh I wouldnt want to do a whole campaign with it. But thats maybe just me.

Yeah DH operates on a very thin line in terms of balance and even minor stuff can throw things out. BC on the other hand just lets everything go crazy without much regard to power balance and individual characters. I can't imagine how you could even hope to have other characters actually operate on an even basis with a Living Saint. If you allow a character to become a Living Saint, that would almost certainly nominate that character as the main focus of the story and everyone else as supporting characters. Space marines, inquisitors, and even psykers to a certain extent can fall into this trap as well which ruins any sense of story or level balance.

To be fair most of te citizens of the Imperium consider Space Marines legends and most will never see one.

There are still 1000 000 of them.

Saints that have real powers and called "living saints" (because majority of saints are dead when they are canonised) can be counted by a 7 years' old child.

If you allow a character to become a Living Saint, that would almost certainly nominate that character as the main focus of the story and everyone else as supporting characters. Space marines, inquisitors, and even psykers to a certain extent can fall into this trap as well which ruins any sense of story or level balance.

Background wise, yes.

But in game, it depends on your individual players. I've got a game with a temple assassin, an Inquisitor and a Space Wolf while the rest are other "normal humans". Still they all fare very well and the Inquisitor isn't more important than the others, it depends how the players play the game.