Dark Heresy: Digital Character Sheet App

By TomDeal, in Dark Heresy

Hi everyone,

I am Thomas, co-founder of DIZELABS and responsible for the “Dark Heresy First Edition: Digital Character Sheet” app (or DCSDH1 in short).

In this thread, I would like to give you an idea of the app, which has been developed in collaboration with Games Workshop and Fantasy Flight Games. I’d also be glad to answer all questions and help solving any problems or issues here.

Now, what exactly is this “Dark Heresy First Edition: Digital Character Sheet” app?

“Dark Heresy First Edition: Digital Character Sheet” (DCSDH1) represents our vision for a character sheet that is accessible via digital devices like tablets and mobile devices and which provides players the opportunity to fully concentrate on the role-playing game without distraction. The app offers numerous advantages over the traditional paper-based character sheet such as a character generator, databases including all relevant equipment, a multiplayer option and much more.

Why do I need this app?

The DCSDH1-app enables you to concentrate on playing instead of tracking and changing stats. With the help of our app you can create a full-fledged character according to your own preference in only a few minutes. You can keep track of all of your acolyte’s stats and insert temporary effects in a simple and convenient manner. If your acolyte is gifted with psychic powers, the app offers an effective way of managing your abilities. If you like, you can use the digital dice for carrying out all dice rolls as indicated by the Core Rulebook. In addition, being the official app, DCSDH1 provides an extensive database: the game-relevant data for all weapons, gear, armor, ammo, skills, talents, psychic powers, character paths and much more is directly available in the app, fully searchable and easily adopted for your character.

If you play together with other app-users, you can just start a multiplayer session in which you can view dice rolls of other players as well as their character sheets conveniently in your own tablet or mobile device.

And if you like it old school, the app also offers a printable version of your character sheet in the official character sheet layout.

You can find a list of all features further below in this post. A more in-depth description of all features is also available on our home page at www.dizelabs.com .

OK, I’m convinced – where exactly can I get the “Dark Heresy First Edition: Digital Character Sheet”-app?

DCSDH1 is available for Android- and iOS-based tablets and mobile devices in the respective app stores at the price of 4.99€ (or your regional equivalent). We continue developing our existing Digital Character Sheet apps and publish all updates including new features free of charge.

Sooo…what about the supplements?

The DCSDH1-app comes with a database corresponding to the Core Rulebook. We will publish supplements via In-App Purchase at a price of 1.99€ (or your regional equivalent) on a monthly basis. These add new characters, newly available items from the respective book as well as character paths to the app.

DIZELABS…who are you again?

We are a small developing company from Germany and have published our first Digital Character Sheet for Dark Heresy Second Edition in May 2015. Here you can find the corresponding thread in the FFG-forum: http://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/176143-dark-heresy-digital-character-app-now-available/

List of features:

- comprehensive character generation analogous to the procedure illustrated in the Source Book

- Supplement DLCs will be released every month

- automated calculation of all skills including advancements and temporary effects

- a digital dice roll system including threshold calculation

- multiplayer

- inventory system for all of the Acolyte's gear

- searchable database for talents, psychic powers, weapons, gear, armour and ammo

- all databases include the core rulebook and supplements

- unlimited character slots for Dark Heresy Acolytes

- character cloud and file backup

- combat actions

- personal initiative tracker

- path planning for your characters advancements

- Ongoing development with new content updates!

If you have any questions, suggestions or issues with our apps, you can always contact me in this forum or via our support at support@dizelabs.com.

Have a nice day!



Sooo…what about the supplements?

The DCSDH1-app comes with a database corresponding to the Core Rulebook. We will publish supplements via In-App Purchase at a price of 1.99€ (or your regional equivalent) on a monthly basis. These add new characters, newly available items from the respective book as well as character paths to the app.

Do you already have the plan what would be the order of supplements additions ?

Frankly , without at least the "The Inquisitor's Handbook" application will not be very useful .

Sooo…what about the supplements?

The DCSDH1-app comes with a database corresponding to the Core Rulebook. We will publish supplements via In-App Purchase at a price of 1.99€ (or your regional equivalent) on a monthly basis. These add new characters, newly available items from the respective book as well as character paths to the app.

Do you already have the plan what would be the order of supplements additions?

Frankly, without at least the "The Inquisitor's Handbook" application will not be very useful.

We will try to push the important ones first, starting with the Inquisitor's Handbook. If everything works out, it should be available within the next two weeks.

This seems really cool.

Are there any plans for the app on Windows Phone?

This seems really cool.

Are there any plans for the app on Windows Phone?

Hehe, that's a question which is asked quite often for the DH2 app, too. Yes, there will be a windows phone app and we will try to get it out as soon as possible.

Patch 1.0.1 released!

Patch Notes:

- added: printable character sheets (PDF export)

- fixed: orientation issues on iOS

- fixed: minor display bugs in the character tab

Printable character sheets allow you to export your currently selected character as a printable file in the pdf format. You find detailed instructions in the backup/load popup in the character selection.

Additionally, I have something funny/interesting for you. While creating the printable character sheets, a lot of pdfs were generated. We took them all and put them in a timelapse video to show how a printable character sheet evolves. Anyone want to count how many iterations are in this video?

Link to the video: https://youtu.be/mogcUyCV-9I

Hi Tom, any update on when/if the 1e supplements will be coming out?