Confused on how to integrate Dark heresy Psykers with Rogue Trader Rules

By Abhoth, in Rogue Trader Rules Questions

Hi all it states in Rogue Trader that the full rules for Sanctioned Psykers are in Dark Heresy, and states that you can use this system with them. However it then states you can use "the powers in RT" to represent the powers in Dark Heresy, except there are many powers in Dark Heresy (Like the Bio-Mancy (regneration, boosting your physical body with the power of the warp) whcih do not have a match at all in RT, nor do the minor powers have a match in Rogue Trader so my question is how do you Use the Sanctioned Psykers from Dark Heresy with their own powers in the Rogue Trader (RT) rules? Which dont use power dice or threshold to determine if you can cast a psychic ability.

Can ayone help me out please?

Thanks all.

I did the following:

Rogue Trader Sanctioned Psykers (non-Astropath)
The Astropath career may be used as a sanctioned psyker with the following modifications:
-The psyker may any 1 Discipline and 3 techniques from the Discipline.
-The psyker gains the Telepathy Discipline or if he already possesses it he gains an addition technique.
-The psyker does not get the Soul-Bound, or See without Eyes traits.
-The psyker starts with a 3 psi score, and when psi rating advances become available to the Sanctionite the available psi score is one higher.
-He may not take the Rite of Sanctioning, but may take warp affinity.

This will be covered in either Radicals or Ascension

Santiago said:

This will be covered in either Radicals or Ascension

Is there any evidence of that? Because this is the first mention of it I've seen - nothing in the RT book even implies that the RT system is the new way forward and will be supported in future Dark Heresy supplements... indeed, the sidebar on page 172 of the RT rulebook even makes a point that the psychic system there is an alternative, complimentary, interpretation of psychic powers, rather than a replacement for. The rough guidelines given there are for converting DH material across if you want to use talents and powers from DH in the RT system, and are constrained by the obvious practical limits of putting too much Dark Heresy material in the Rogue Trader rulebook.

It stands to reason that additional material for psykers using the Dark Heresy system will be in Dark Heresy books, and additional material for psykers using the Rogue Trader system will be in Rogue Trader books - doing anything else leads to confusion.

Ascension isn't, as far as I'm aware, simply a book about "making your Dark Heresy characters fit into Rogue Trader"; it's a book about play at and beyond the higher ranks in the rulebook. That it's likely to expand things so that DH characters can keep pace with those generated using the Rogue Trader rules is an important secondary concern, but a secondary concern nonetheless.

I remember having read it in one of the announcements...

My take on the whole thing is this:

RT rules are for ASTROPATHS - if you want to convert DH the powers over for your ASTROPATH to use then then follow the suggested rules.

DH rule are for SCANCTIONED PSYKERS - if your not an ASTROPATH these are the rules you should use.

As for balance a psyker with 5000 xp is WAY more powerful than a RT character. The one I made was a Calix Templar, and had a Psy rating 5, had 8 powers an 10 minor powers. I of course decided that this would be out of tune withe the rest of the crew so I'm playing the ships void master.

I tired integrating a psyker from DH with RT and it was really bad. A psyker built with the DH rules. Even converted to use the RT system was very powered compared to the rest of the party. Not converted to use the RT psyker rules he was even more over powered, and extremely dangerous. It should be noted that a psyker built my way is still very nasty if he/she goes heavily into TK, and takes wrydling. Making him psi 4 with 5 powers.

The thing is I LIKE the RT rule set for how you handle psychic powers, and the RT book states you can use those rules for the powers in DH, I am trying to fgiure a way of using the basic rule set from RT (totally ignoring the powers for astropaths and navigators) and with the powers from DH.

Anyone have idea's on how to do that?

Abhoth said:

The thing is I LIKE the RT rule set for how you handle psychic powers, and the RT book states you can use those rules for the powers in DH, I am trying to fgiure a way of using the basic rule set from RT (totally ignoring the powers for astropaths and navigators) and with the powers from DH.

Anyone have idea's on how to do that?

Roughly speaking, yes. Use the RT psychic rules instead of the DH rules. Replace the Telepathy, Divination and Telekinesis disciplines in DH with their RT versions. Adapt the Biomancy and Pyromancy disciplines following the same model.

Have Imperial Psykers start with one disicipline of their choice - and the associated base power- at character creation. Replace Minor Psychic Power & Psychic Power on the Imperial Psyker advance charts with Psychic Technique. I think the trickiest part would be deciding at which rank Imperial Psykers gain access to 300 or 500 exp psychic techniques and potential new disciplines. Off the top of my head I'd suggest they gain new disciplines at the same rank as Psy Rating 3, Psychic Technique (300) at the same time as Psy Rating 4 and Psychic Technique (500) at the same time as Psy Rating 5. I would add Rite of Sancitioning and Warp Affinity to both rank 4 charts (if not to the rank 1 chart) at 200 exp each.

Edit: I might also reduce the number of Psychic Powers/Techniques an Imperial Psykers gets at each rank by 1/2, round up (so where it says they can get 3 minor psychic powers for 100 exp, instead they can get 2 psychic techniques for 100 exp).

If you want to keep minor powers, I would have them all be 100 exp Psychic Techniques with no prereqs that are available to any discipline. That said I would cut out ones that duplicate Discipline powers (like Spectral Hands or Healing), but that's just an issue I have with those "faux discipline" minor powers in general.

Below are my attempts to adapt the Biomancy and Pyromancy Disciplines. Your millage may vary:

Basic Technique: Enhance Senses
Healing Path
Seal Wounds: Value 100, Prereq: none
Toxic Siphon: Value: 100, Prereq: none
Constrict: Value: 200, Prereq: Seal Wound
Blood Boil: Value 200, Prereq: Constrict
Body Control Path
Cellular Control: Value 100, Prereq: none
Hammerhand: Value 100, Prereq: Cellular Control
Shape Flesh: Value: 200, Prereq: Cellular Control
Bio-Lightning: Value 200, Prereq: Hammerhand
Regenerate: Value: 300, Prereq: Cellular Control

Basic Technique: Call Flame
Burning Fist: Value: 100, Prereq: none
Blinding Flash: Value 100, Prereq: none
Firebolt: Value 100, Prereq: Burning Fist
Sculpt Flame: Value 100, Prereq: none
Douse Flames: Value: 200, Prereq: Sculpt Flame
Firestorm: Value 200, Prereq: Firebolt
Wall of Fire: Value: 200, Prereq: Sculpt Flame, Firestorm
Incinerate: Value 300, Prereq: Sculpt Flame, Firebolt
Holocaust: Value 500, Prereq: Firestorm, Incinerate, cannot be used Fettered

Cool that gives me a better idea on how to approach things thank you very much. mmmm Must Get Inspiration!

Need more help the way Psychic Powers are rolled IN GAME is totally diffrerent to Dark heresy as well, how the hell do we convert a Threshold and D10 based psychic powersystem to the WIllpower and Psychic Strenght based stats of the Rogue Trader system, unless I missed somthing EVERY SINGLE minor power and psychic discipline MUST be re-written as the psychic powers work on the amount of D10 your roll.

Please Some one helpppppppppp

Don't worry about thresholds, they no longer matter. A lot of powers already require the psyker to test against some Characteristic to see if the power is effectual or not such as Fire Bolt requiring a WP test to hit the target. Those will be easy as they test right there is what the psyker will roll to activate the power and everything else. For those that don't have such a test (a lot of the Biomancy) just decide what characteristic would best suit the use of the power and use that as it's activator. Finnaly, Overbleed simply changes to Degrees of Success. 1 DoS = 5 OB.

That should do it.