The Seastone Chair / Rakhoro

By SWeini, in Rules Questions

The Seastone Chair

Interrupt: When claim is applied for an unopposed agot2-icon-military.gif challenge in which you are the attacking player, kneel your faction card to choose a character without attachments, controlled by the losing opponent. Instead of the normal claim effects, kill that character.


Reaction: After a character is killed to satisfy claim during a challenge you initiated, Rakharo gains 1 power.

Does Rakhoro gain 1 power if I use The Seastone Chair for a direct kill?

The Seastone Chair is a Replacement Effect (RR page 18) and so the kill has still something to do with claim. But the word "satisfy" confuses me (no native speaker).

This is a trickier one I got stuck in as well (also on the wording of "satisfy), but the RR p18 makes it clear that even when a replacement effect affects HOW something resolves, it is still considered to have resolved. Claim replacement effects that kill characters (Seastone, Mirri Maz Duur) will allow Rhakharo to trigger.

effect affects

Thank You. Thanks for the answers as well.