A bunch of base game questions

By MrBody, in StarCraft

Sorry, couldn't find a FAQ and all the threads here seem to be about the expansion.

I read a little about them, but in general what are the known imbalances in the base game? We just got a copy and would rather find out before we try out a bunch of games. Even before playing a game there seem to be a couple that jumped out at us:

-It seems like some special victory conditions are a lot easier to pull off than others, like Arcturus & Tassadar. Players who start next to such factions seem to be at an extra disadvantage because it then becomes up to them to constantly dedicate orders to preventing them from fulfulling their condition. All it takes for Tassadar to win is to invade that one extra empty territory.

-Reavers. Their capabilities and costs seem EXACTLY the same as siege tanks (right down to ground splash damage technology cards), except the protoss can get them in 2 build orders and 2 minerals for the structure. It takes terran 4 build orders and more minerals to get siege tanks, and 3 build orders for the zerg to get ultralisks.

1.One dillema we ran into during a test run was random combat cards during a skirmish. It says players have a choice to play one from their hand or the top card from their deck (without looking at it). What happens if it turns out to be a reinforcement card with no attack/health values?

2. Do the same rules determining who controls resource cards also apply to controlling other territories? Say you have a base on an empty planet, does that mean you control all conquest points even if you don't have the base or units on the territory with the point? Does this also count for factions whose special victory conditions involve controlling a number of territories (Arcturus having a base on an empty planet would count as controlling every territory on that planet)?

3. How often do conquest point victories or "the end is near" victories occur? Given how easy a lot of the special victories seem, I can't imagine it being very often. Aldaris seems screwed.

II think you misread TassadarĀ“s special victory.. its one of the harder ones..you have to control more territoeries than each opponent.. for protoss thats not so easy.. you should play not judge by how it just seems..

Yes, reavers are cheaper and stronger than siege tanks and spawn broodling does not effect them.. but terran can easier support or replace their units than protoss.. in BW reavers are tier2 so you need 1 more build order to get them

1. You discard it and draw another one.

2. No, in order to gain CP you need to control that specific area.. read rulebook one more time, its all in there

3. In our games often we dont even get to stage III and someone has already 15 CPs. And AldarisĀ“s SVC is the strongest one (imo), especialy with BW,

1 is in rule book as RESHETO said

2. is in rule book and in faqs

let me cut them for you

What defines control of an area

A player control an area if he has atleast one unit / base /installation(brood war only) and there are no enemy unit or base(installation) in the area

So if you want to win with tassadarr you must spread your unit to every area of the planet

You gain Resource in Free area in case no other player's base there but not gain control that area ^-^

3.For my game it is Aldaris win Most since my tactic is just put my order on top of other players order and let them gain Event card

almost every time we win by special victory when we never notice or forget thier special victory until they shot "I win I win"

but later when we remeber all other factions Special Victory it always end with CP

we always play even players (2/4/6) So some one will always take care you ^-^

and if your opponent are going to win with his

special Victory We shout "Help me defeat him i can't stop him now ^-^ "

Oh geez. I just realized that all the special victory conditions only apply once you hit the stage III event deck. For some reason when I read them I thought they were referring to the regroup phase, hence thinking that Arcturus could fulfill his special victory condition the very first turn and win.


GrooveChamp said:

Oh geez. I just realized that all the special victory conditions only apply once you hit the stage III event deck. For some reason when I read them I thought they were referring to the regroup phase, hence thinking that Arcturus could fulfill his special victory condition the very first turn and win.



you just forget the most important part T-T

GrooveChamp said:

Oh geez. I just realized that all the special victory conditions only apply once you hit the stage III event deck. For some reason when I read them I thought they were referring to the regroup phase, hence thinking that Arcturus could fulfill his special victory condition the very first turn and win.


"Well, that was fun..."

[ cricket ]

"Who wants to play again?"