Kuat Drive Yards - Armada Custom Card/Dial Maker

By ThatRobHuman, in Star Wars: Armada

FoaS, when you have time could you add the Cannon keyword from Lurtz creations. I'm going to start adding his stuff in the next few days (by invitation), so no rush.


Cannons added, but with a slightly different icon.

EDIT: I've changed cannons to increase range, but not resolve critical effects. If you want to have Cannons be the same as Lurtz printed, combine Cannons and Bomber. This offers squadron makers to have a bit more flexibility in keyword combos.

Don't know if you were saving the mercenary faction for anything special, but here's something I came up with that uses the cloak keyword.


Mercenaries are exactly that. Ships and characters that can be used by either side.

Edited by FoaS

Added and updated a few Upgrade Flags (now you can do "Flotilla" or "Flotilla or Large Ship" and all other such combinations)

I've added a prelim icon for Fleet Support (I will get a higher-quality icon up there once the cards are actually in my hand)

aaand I think that's it so far.

So, I had a thought about Upgrade Flags... Instead of having a single flag that says, for example, "Small or Medium Ship" and so on, I take the combinations out and have it so that people would use "Small Ship" as well as "Medium Ship" on an upgrade card. Would this be clear enough and reduce redundancy you think?

NM I was reading that wrong. Should the Flotilla be a selectable base size so it can be filtered in that order when searching?

Edited by Wes Janson

It will be such in the future, but it will take me some time to overhaul the rendering code to support it (sadly, its not quite as simple as copy & pasting the small-sized).

By the way, I spent a good chunk of today adding art to a lot of cards (mostly mine, a few others tagged with "Needs Art"). I'm proud to say that we're down to 38 items that are tagged with "Needs Art" - not bad considering it was well into the hundreds before.

When I came accross one that needed it I went through my pile. You made it a mission however ^_^

I've added the Jedi squadrons, but I'd really like to see a "generic" version of the Delta-7 and Eta-2 (I know that they are supposedly jedi only, but still).

Only that remains for images on my cards are all my elite squadrons (which could be interesting since there aren't a whole lot of e-wing and k-wing images out there :/).

As I get to painting them, I will use painted miniatures as card art. Great way to show off some custom models.

I'm not a fan of using mini's for art, but that is entirely on me.

The "Needs Art" tag is now empty.

Now to start coding up the flotilla stuff...

Well we can agree to disagree on that. Code faster you!

Flotillas SHOULD be working now. I've changed over your CR90A corvettes for a test, but I haven't touched any others.

Seems to work ok.

More Hapan ships in the works.



I'm still getting used to making ships - too many variables. As such, I'm always open to suggestions and recommendations - hell, I'd even be up to supply a bunch of art for someone else who has a better idea for a fleet.

So, I've been thinking about how I want the Hapes to behave (and I will be re-stating what is here in order to accommodate), but before I do, I'd like some feedback and ideas for execution.

I want the Hapes to be masters of the kite. They want you in medium-long range and they want to try to keep you there. They are grav-well upgrade heavy, so they'll have tools to lock a ship's speed down, and they'll be able to mess with the shape of the battlefield, too. I'm also thinking that they will be Broad-side and Rear heavy in order to facilitate the great kiting.

I'm going to be using a combination of Green and Red dice, so they won't have quite the same damage output as other ships, but they should be pretty good at locking down defense tokens to get what little damage they do through. They will probably also be pretty good at maneuvering at low speed (or even fairly good turning at the first turn-joint even at high speed).


Well, they'd certainly have a unique feel, as there aren't any kiting-style craft in armada right now. The only problem is, in my experience, I've never gotten into a kiting situation before, so I wonder how useful that would really be.

There's only one way to find out, and if it doesn't work, then its back to the drawing board.

As you said, there isn't any good ships out there for that strategy right now, so its not like someone would TRY to go for that strategy.

I like it! It will definitely give the Hapes ships a different feel!

Cynan could I trouble you for a Double Arquitens icon as well as a Shadow Caster?

Top of my list.

So I created a new action (yay!) to counter the Board action called Captive. I'm currently trying to balance it out (even more yay!), and any help would be appreciated.

Currently, the only upgrade that uses Captive Tokens is ISB Agents (8 pts.) If an enemy ship or squadron fails a Board action, you may exhaust this card to gain a captive token.

These are the current rules for Captive Tokens:

They make an attacking ship lose one die (included on the ISB Agents card)

They are stackable

They are discarded after two turns

Any other suggestions would be welcome, as well as a rebel counterpart to ISB Agents!

I am unclear on how you can fail a Board attempt from a squadron, as it requires you to spend a Hit to initiate one, and is then kind of automatic.

Oh, thought it was a die roll, that's what I get for not looking it up.

Welp, back to the drawing board!

Edited by ianediger

I think a better call would be to say 'When you recieve a boarding token, immediately gain a captive token." That would be much easier.

Card now reads: When you gain a board token, you may exhaust this card to discard the board token and gain a captive token.

I wanted to keep the exhaustion in there, so you couldn't gain five tokens in one turn.

Edit: Sarcasm. Yes, I know you can't have more board tokens than your command value.

Edit2: What's the current way of getting rid of a board token? Do you spend a dial, or is it just there for the rest of the game?

Edited by ianediger

FoaS. Could you make a Black Sun Faction for KDY please?