Intelligent/Possessed Items/Weapons in Dark Heresy.

By Joeker, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

Intelligent/Possessed Items/Weapons in Dark Heresy. A player in my campaign had to burn a fate point to avoid dying. Instead I blew up his most prized possession, his tricked out sniper rifle. Later in the adventure he found a disassembled Eldar sniper rifle. After getting the tech priest to put it together again with some hard rolls, he had a much better rifle. I figured that since the Eldar build everything out of wraith bone and such that there could be the soul of an Eldar sniper in the rifle. Recently the rifle has begun talking to him. Berating him about missed shots and the glory of the Eldar. Unfortunately he seems to be taking it fairly well, and I want help to know how to make his life a little more miserable. Any ideas?

Plus I have had ideas to do this to other equipment in players life. A mechadendrite that does its own thing a lot, flip people off, pinch bottoms, etc. An unarmed fliter that thinks it's a gunship. 40k is rife with equipment that personalities and quirks, and I wondered if there were any ideas or examples out there.

The easiest way (and possibly the most fun to watch) would be to inflict insanity points on him, or have him roll a WP test of some sort to resist insanity on a missed shot.

Good idea. I have been having him make WP rolls but I haven't been doing insanity. I want him to keep the rifle so it shouldn't be to high a loss.

Make them fights eldars. And the gun refusing to work against them.

I made it so that every time he misses in combat he has to roll a wp or suffer a point of insanity, when not using the Eldar weapon. When using the Eldar weapon and missing he has to make a wp roll, if he makes it he takes 1 insanity and if he fails he takes 1d10.