Dark Herecy Homeworld Bonuses

By Sindalis, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

Good Evening!

So I have now all the 2nd edition books and have been reading through them. I've been seeing things like these homeworld bonus's for individual worlds but they seem to all be scattered throughout the various books.

Is there a central location with all of them in one place along with descriptions of the worlds to

  1. See what has been already done and perhaps more easily build a character around that
  2. Better balance for new house rules about homeworld bonuses that fit the existing flavour and text

Thank you for your time.

No, sadly there isn't (as far as I know). Basically every book introduces a few new ones as extra content. Gathering all the information in one place would be good presentation, to which the line appears to be deathly allergic.

I know 1d4chan has them gathered up, if you want a quick-and-dirty list to look at.

No, sadly there isn't (as far as I know). Basically every book introduces a few new ones as extra content. Gathering all the information in one place would be good presentation, to which the line appears to be deathly allergic.

Well, it would also be a separate book... Pretty much no RPG recompiles all their stuff into a new mega-book after releasing additional content.

Thankfully, it's rather easy to pop open several PDFs and have all the pages available via bookmarks.

And lastly, if you were so inclined, you could simply take your pdfs and edit them together with some software. May be a fun evening! Who knows?

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