Gamorrean Minions - As A Group

By edwardavern, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Hi all

In the Beginner Game, the combat with the Gamorreans allocates just 1 NPC slot in the Initiative. Previously I've been assuming that the minions each act individually, but are they supposed to be acting as a group, as per normal minion rules?

I suspect they are intended to act as a group. This is likely partially to reflect the proper minion rules but also just to simplify and speed things up. I don't have the books with me at the moment so I am not sure what information it gives for attacking with them and how to handle one or more of them being incapacitated/defeated.

Yes you pick what ever makes sense. But there has been time where I throw out those rules due to how the combat plays out. You're the GM you decide.

I run it as acting in the same initiative slot, but each Gammeorian acts independently.

I run it as acting in the same initiative slot, but each Gammeorian acts independently.

That's what I ended up doing. Not that it mattered - my players destroyed 3 of the 4 Gamorreans before they got to attack. *sigh*

A recent group I ran through Escape Mos Shuuta, was encouraged to attack by giving them a surprise round before initiative was rolled. Not a single Gamorrean lived to roll initiative! lol

Edited by unicornpuncher

I have been plying with 1-2 Gamorrean's being upgraded a category to reflect 'group leader' since the basic minions are a pushover. or adding 1 in the doorway that runs for reinforcements as his patrol becomes bacon.

overall i feel the beginner game needs a challenge difficulty increase. still got time before Kubla con to figure out what works best.