Dogfighting: X-Wing needs to detox off all the Turret crack...

By BadAsh1, in X-Wing Mission Control Technical Support and Feedback Forum

You know what made X-Wing fun in the opening waves? Dog fighting. Manuevering for firing arc shot, hopefully on your enemy's tail.

You know what made that (and half the cards related to it) irrelevant? 360-degree turret meta. It's rampant now. People can't field a squad without Y-wing or Decimator or YT-2400 or K-wing crutches. TLT...TLT...TLT...I win.


We have formed a "no-turrets allowed" wing and tournament and the results are amazing. When new people join, it's like watching a heroin addict going through detox. They realize they have to totally rethink their combat and...(gasp)...actually dogfight! Wasn't that why the US Navy established Top Gun? Same deficiency is developing here in X-Wing. Now it's just about using cheap ships to block someone from moving, then pile on the turret fire from any direction because it's all 360.

As more turret ships get published, the more X-Wing loses the dogfight charm and just becomes another Armada.

Get within 3 range...shoot. Move...get within 3 range...shoot...I win!

I haven't been playing Xwing that long, but it seems like TLT is the main problem. It should have been an 8pt cost. 6pts is too cheap for that much efficiency. That would eliminate majority of TLT lists (only being able to field 3 ywings with TLT). Kwings would then begin to be too costly (31pts for lowest TLT).

However, since it is what it is, the only way to fix turrets is with more upgrades to counter them. I think Tractor Beam is on its way to becoming that. One tractor beam token lowers agility by 1. So Ywings and Kwings and such will have zero defense, plus you have the option of moving them onto asteroids to lose their attack. However,not many ships have the cannon upgrade, so it will be limited in use that way.

Maybe have a system upgrade for 1pt that reads "When attacking, you may cancel one hit or crit die. The defenders secondary weapons are then disabled until the end of the round." So basically, you give up one hit to disable their secondary weapons.

Personally, I think a turret shouldn't be equippable without a crew slot to actually fire it, or at least function like a turret. Maybe if there is no crew slot, it can only fire straight like a cannon unless you have a 2pt modification called something like "Automated Firing System" But that requires a complete rule change, haha.

I hate 360 arcs too! With a passion!!! I agree fulheartedly about the 360 turrets ruining probably the funnest aspect of the game. Trying to think where where you opponent will be and where can i move to shoot him and not be shot by him.

I have always felt that instead of a 360 degree arc. a turret ship after he reveals his dial but before moving should nominate a facing on his base and that becomes the ships firing arc. it will still allow ships to fire in any direction but now requires fore thought and allows arc dodging. instead of dumbing the game down it adds another layer of complexity while still being thematically accurate ( after all a turret can only be pointed in any one direction at once) this rule should be for every turreted ship but the decimator. its a missile boat so i thought the decimator should only be able to fire at ships in its front arc at range 1-3 the side arcs and front arc at range 2-3 and full 360 arc at range 3( i.e. missile require distance to maneuver)

it won't happen nut one can dream.

Well first of all, not sure why you posted this topic in the Mission Control Support/Feedback section....

Look, turrets suck if your playing against them with a list that they are meant to counter (mostly arc dodging phantoms and interceptors), but they are a completely reasonable, and necessary aspect of this game. Believe me, my favorite lists all revolve around Soontir and Phantoms, using maneuverability and luck from defense dice to avoid destruction. There's no better feeling than perfectly positioning an interceptor so that it has a range one shot on a ship it's just barley outside the arc of. I even posted a thread quite like this one at some point, and I hated turrets.....until i played against an arc dodging list with a good pilot. And now I understand. The same lack of fun you feel when playing against a turreted ship, comes from playing against arc dodgers. It's annoying to go against a ship that can shoot you outside of it's arc, but it's just as annoying to go against a ship that always avoids your arc, and when it doesn't, it has so many green dice and tokens that it's almost impossible to kill. without turrets, arc dodgers would be unstoppable. They are necessary to counter just another type of powerful list, that can take away just as much fun.

Most turreted ships (falcon, outrider, hawk, y wing, k wing) have low maneuverability and/or low defense. There is just as much skill required to be good with a turreted list as is required for any other. Maneuvering may not be required to get someone in arc, but it is required to maximize your defense, avoid being focus fired down, not hitting asteroids, and sometimes just turning around with the slow ships. Turrets are a perfectly acceptable play style, with their own set of advantaged and challenges. There's nothing wrong with choosing not to play as turrets if you don't like the play style, but try to understand other players perspectives on the game, and don't straight up ban or ask for nerfs for them just because they don't work for you.