Leaders - Who's in the game?

By jonboyjon1990, in Star Wars: Rebellion

So we know from the product page that the game includes 25 leaders. I presume that'll be 12 for each faction + 'Luke (Jedi)'

Each player begins the game with the 4 starting leaders of Mothma, Dodanna, Leia, Riekaan or Vader, Palp, Tarkin, Tagge.


Looks like in rounds 2,3,4 and 5 each player adds a new leader to their leader pool?

Each faction probably has 6 space and 6 ground leaders each:

* = confirmed
? = guess


Ground Leaders :
Vader *
Tagge *
Veers *
Fett *
[bLANK] ?
[bLANK] ?

Space Leaders :
Palp *
Tarkin *

Ozzel *
Piett ?
Needa ?


Ground Leaders :
Leia *
Riekan *
Young Luke *
Chewie *
Obi-Wan *
[bLANK] ?

Jedi Luke *

Space Leaders :
Han *
Dodonna *
Mothma *
Wedge *

Lando *

Ackbar ?

So who do you think the other leaders will be?

Edited by jonboyjon1990

Imperial Admiral Motti

Rebel General Crix Madine

Chewy could be his own character, or he could be an attachment ring that gets assigned to Han. I'm guessing he's popular enough to be his own character though.

Crix Madine seems like a shoe in for Rebels.

Pretty sure Obi is confirmed already. That would round out your rebel ground crew.

Ackbar and Lando seem like pretty good choices to finish out the space crew for the rebels. Ackbar is basically mandated.

The Empire has so many good options.

Motti and Jerjerrod from the movies. Needa and Piett seem like obvious choices.

Thrawn is a fan favorite but he's legends only, and no one else off the list is legends material so far, so I think they are going to stick to the movies only. Sadly, this throws out Daala also.

Other OT options: Bast and Yularen.

Today's news item confirms Lando.

I find myself doubting Needa, as he's merely captain of one of the myriad Star Destroyers in Vader's fleet.

Only a Captain, but his name got dropped more than many on the list, and he had more screen time than a lot of them. Since the game seems to be focusing on OT characters, it puts him near the top without too many other contenders that fit the bill.

All of the confirmed heroes so far.


1. Mon Mothma

2. Jan Dodonna

3. General Rieekan

4. Princess Leia

5. Luke Skywalker

6. Luke Skywalker Jedi

7. Han Solo

8. Wedge Antilles

9. Lando Calrissian

10.Obi-wan Kenobi




14. Emperor Palpatine

15. Darth Vader

16. Grand Moff Tarkin

17. General Tagge

18. General Veers

19. Soontier Fel

20. Boba Fett






Would it be too soon for them to have basic information on (and LFL's consent to use) the relevant characters in Rogue One ? We've established that leaders in this game are just numbers anyway.

I guess I've been under the assumption that all of their products going forward are going to adhere as closely to the unified canon as possible, but then you've got Soontir Fel there, who is Legends, unless of course they incorporated his character into the plot of the spinoff movie (which is too cool for me to assume that's what has happened, but it's the only explanation I can think of unless FFG is continuing to make Legends nods in its Star Wars games).

Was Soontier confirmed? Certainly a possibility, but I don't remember seeing a confirmation of this one.

Would it be too soon for them to have basic information on (and LFL's consent to use) the relevant characters in Rogue One ? We've established that leaders in this game are just numbers anyway.

I guess I've been under the assumption that all of their products going forward are going to adhere as closely to the unified canon as possible, but then you've got Soontir Fel there, who is Legends, unless of course they incorporated his character into the plot of the spinoff movie (which is too cool for me to assume that's what has happened, but it's the only explanation I can think of unless FFG is continuing to make Legends nods in its Star Wars games).

This game seems to be resting completely within the realm of the OT. One exception is the Imperial transport unit.

Even if allowed to use other material, I doubt they'd pull from something not released.

Fel isn't considered Legends though. He was at the battle of Endor and had screen time.

From what we can tell, FFG still seems to be able to touch on legends material in at least some of their games. This honestly makes sense as there just isn't enough material in the current canon to handle expandable games. This game doesn't have anything from Legends at this point though.

Was Soontier confirmed? Certainly a possibility, but I don't remember seeing a confirmation of this one.

From the game's description, right after the image of the four starting leaders for the Empire and Rebellion.

"These are not the sum of your possible leaders, however. You will also be able to recruit more leaders over the course of your game, including such notable characters as Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian™, General Veers™, and Soontir Fel™."

Would it be too soon for them to have basic information on (and LFL's consent to use) the relevant characters in Rogue One ? We've established that leaders in this game are just numbers anyway.

I guess I've been under the assumption that all of their products going forward are going to adhere as closely to the unified canon as possible, but then you've got Soontir Fel there, who is Legends, unless of course they incorporated his character into the plot of the spinoff movie (which is too cool for me to assume that's what has happened, but it's the only explanation I can think of unless FFG is continuing to make Legends nods in its Star Wars games).

This game seems to be resting completely within the realm of the OT. One exception is the Imperial transport unit.

Even if allowed to use other material, I doubt they'd pull from something not released.

Fel isn't considered Legends though. He was at the battle of Endor and had screen time.

From what we can tell, FFG still seems to be able to touch on legends material in at least some of their games. This honestly makes sense as there just isn't enough material in the current canon to handle expandable games. This game doesn't have anything from Legends at this point though.

The transport is from Rebels, and while I would love Fel to be canon again I'm not sure he is, or at the very least they haven't updated his Wookiepedia page from legends. I think because it was later said he was there rather than said his name or was called as such all Tie pilots in the films are just "Unnamed Imperial Pilot".

Edited by Animewarsdude

I suppose it's only a matter of time before writers in the present canon begin to reintroduce Legends staples like Fel.

I would love to see Thrawn, Palleon, and Yullaren, but I'm not counting on it. Veers is a given.

On the Rebel side, I would like to see Crix Maine and Wedge.

I would love to see Thrawn, Palleon, and Yullaren, but I'm not counting on it. Veers is a given.

On the Rebel side, I would like to see Crix Maine and Wedge.

Wedge is allready pretty much confirmed. If you look at the product page for Rebellion and klick the "read more" thingy he is in one of the pictures there.

Edited by Smuggler

Anybody sit through AngryJoe's twich on the game?


I don't have the 3 hours of free time to dedicate to it, but I was wondering if they happen to talk about the leaders, or encounter them playing through the game?

It might fill in a couple of the blanks we have.

I started watching it last night but didnt get that far. I had a conscienciously stop myself from banging my forehead on the table several times.

Hopefully today's article will shed more light and hopefully waylay my concern for the leader balance.

Edited by Deadwolf

Chewie and Obi-Wan confirmed by latest article

I'm dissappointed we didnt get to see the stats on them.

I suspect that Chewie might be the Rebel's 3 specops character, and ObiWan is the rebel's 3 intel character.

From Angryjoe's video we know:

1. Mon Mothma
2. Jan Dodonna
3. General Rieekan
4. Princess Leia
5. Luke Skywalker
6. Luke Skywalker Jedi
7. Han Solo
8. Wedge Antilles
9. Lando Calrissian
10. Obi-wan Kenobi
11. Chewbacca
12. Crix Madine
13. Admiral Ackbar (Hasn't been confirmed but seems like a shoe in)
14. Emperor Palpatine
15. Darth Vader
16. Grand Moff Tarkin
17. General Tagge
18. General Veers
19. Soontier Fel
20. Boba Fett
21. Moff Jerjorrd
22. Janus Greejatus
23. Admiral Piet
24. Admiral Ozzel
25. Wulff Yularen

Greejatus? Wow, that was out of left field. He wasn't anywhere close to my predicted roster.

Thanks for suffering through the video for us.

Greejatus? Wow, that was out of left field. He wasn't anywhere close to my predicted roster.

Thanks for suffering through the video for us.

Yea, he wasn't in my predicted roster either, but it is what it is. And yea, the video was difficult to watch at points especially with them ignoring rules or Joe telling the other guy he couldn't do this or that, like being able to move the Rebel base after it was discovered.

Though at least we now know the leaders in the game, and have the game's map figured out as I showed in another thread.


Wulff Yularen woop woop!

"Cake, for everyone!"

(If you didn't get that, I apologize. Move along... move along.) :P

What would Soontir Fel provide to the game?

He's a leader of a squadron of Tie Interceptors - and those ain't even in the game.

I mean he's a fighter ace pilot ... maybe even THE fighter ace pilot - still I can't see which role he would play in this game.

I agree. Personally I would have preferred an imperial admiral instead. Even inside the movies there are many to choose from. Heck I would have even settled for IG88 as a space hero.

I bet we will see IG-88 with similar values as Vader have in terms of Recon and Special Ops ... but then ... why should a hired bounty hunter and assassin be able to command the Imperial Navy?

The same goes for Boba Fett.