So we know from the product page that the game includes 25 leaders. I presume that'll be 12 for each faction + 'Luke (Jedi)'
Each player begins the game with the 4 starting leaders of Mothma, Dodanna, Leia, Riekaan or Vader, Palp, Tarkin, Tagge.
Looks like in rounds 2,3,4 and 5 each player adds a new leader to their leader pool?
Each faction probably has 6 space and 6 ground leaders each:
* = confirmed
? = guess
Ground Leaders
Vader *
Tagge *
Veers *
Fett *
[bLANK] ?
[bLANK] ?
Space Leaders
Palp *
Tarkin *
Ozzel *
Piett ?
Needa ?
Ground Leaders
Leia *
Riekan *
Young Luke *
Chewie *
Obi-Wan *
[bLANK] ?
Jedi Luke *
Space Leaders
Han *
Dodonna *
Mothma *
Wedge *
Lando *
Ackbar ?
So who do you think the other leaders will be?
Edited by jonboyjon1990