
By FellowPT, in Star Wars: Rebellion

I was very excited when this game was first announced. As I'm reading the previews I'm starting to wonder how re-playable this game is going to be. I get the rebel base being in a different location each game but as far as missions go it appears every game will start with the same leaders performing the same missions every time. I hope the addition of more hero's as the game progresses allows for more variability in decisions the players have to make and thus making this a game you want to play again and again.

Does anyone feel the same as me or am I in the minority?

Not only will there be additional leaders on both sides which change, but the objective card for the rebels will be different according to what you draw, so also will mission cards for both sides. There is the thought that the starting planets could be different to some degree for both sides, so all these will give a different feel to the game. Also, variable strategies to win will be available. The win conditions for the Rebels and the Empire are different, obviously, but the paths to get there will be varied.

The minority should never major on the minors like the majority.

Your starter leaders and your basic missions are the same but that is it. Which non-starter leaders you get will be different each time. Which non-basic missions you get will be different. The order in which the rebel player gets the objectives. The probe deck will be different. The starting planets will be different. The tactics of the players will also likely be different.

This all leads to a dynamically different game each time.

Just the fact alone that you can never have all of your leaders available to you in any one game, will increase the replay ability of this game. Different combinations of heroes attempting different missions every game will add plenty of variability.

We've seen indirect confirmation of additional add on leaders. Luke is mentioned in the "Return of the Jedi" mission. And Han is mentioned in an article. However hey are not among the 4 core leaders used in the examples.

We've seen indirect confirmation of additional add on leaders. Luke is mentioned in the "Return of the Jedi" mission. And Han is mentioned in an article. However hey are not among the 4 core leaders used in the examples.

Obviously you can't have a Star Wars game set in the classic era without Luke and Han.

Han is RRYB 2/2. Dont know Luke's stats but we do know that you can upgrade him to Jedi Knight Luke through his mission.

Since recruiting does not appear tied to missions (as it was in the PC game), it is likely part of phase 3 in a turn.

Since recruiting does not appear tied to missions

What makes you say that?

Since recruiting does not appear tied to missions

What makes you say that?

They previewed the 4 basic replayable missions in yesterday's article and recruiting leaders is not part of any of them. Therefore i assume recruiting is one of the round phases.

I have read on the game page that there will be 25 leaders, accordingly to what you guys say about the non availability of every leader in a single game, the replay value is increased. Let's see what about the cards : one deck for the planets, two objective decks (one per players), what else did I miss, here ? Mission deck ? two mission decks (one per side ?)

Thanks for any further information. This game remind me of two video games, both on PC : STar Wars Galaxies and Star Wars Empire at War... no doubt they took inspiration in it. Or does this boardgame take its inspiration in another boardgame I don't know ?


This game remind me of two video games, both on PC : STar Wars Galaxies and Star Wars Empire at War... no doubt they took inspiration in it. Or does this boardgame take its inspiration in another boardgame I don't know ?

There was also a Star Wars PC game called Rebellion (Supremacy in the UK), which is kind of Empire at War's predecessor. Some believe the title of this game is an homage to that game, because they're quite similar as well.

[EDIT: I've got a funny feeling I'm gonna be cranking up the ol' PC this weekend to play some Rebellion and get in the mood... :P ]

Edited by I. J. Thompson

This game remind me of two video games, both on PC : STar Wars Galaxies and Star Wars Empire at War... no doubt they took inspiration in it. Or does this boardgame take its inspiration in another boardgame I don't know ?

There was also a Star Wars PC game called Rebellion (Supremacy in the UK), which is kind of Empire at War's predecessor. Some believe the title of this game is an homage to that game, because they're quite similar as well.

[EDIT: I've got a funny feeling I'm gonna be cranking up the ol' PC this weekend to play some Rebellion and get in the mood... :P ]

There was an interview wih FFGs CEO Cristian T Petersen recenty where he says right out that the old PC game Rebellion has been an inspiration to this game.

You can see the interview here:

Around 18:20 he starts talking about Rebellion, the whole thing is worth watching though... or atleast listen to.

Edited by Smuggler


Looks like in rounds 2,3,4 and 5 each player adds a new leader to their leader pool?

And yes there are 25 leaders - I think 12 per faction, plus Luke (Jedi)

Each faction probably has 6 space and 6 ground leaders each:

* = confirmed
? = guess


Ground Leaders :
Vader *
Tagge *
Veers *
Fett *
[bLANK] ?
[bLANK] ?

Space Leaders :
Palp *
Tarkin *

Ozzel *
Piett ?
Needa ?


Ground Leaders :
Leia *
Riekan *
Young Luke *
Chewie ?
[bLANK] ?
[bLANK] ?

Jedi Luke *

Space Leaders :
Han *
Dodonna *
Mothma *
Wedge *
Ackbar ?
Lando ?

Edited by jonboyjon1990

I was very excited when this game was first announced. As I'm reading the previews I'm starting to wonder how re-playable this game is going to be. I get the rebel base being in a different location each game but as far as missions go it appears every game will start with the same leaders performing the same missions every time. I hope the addition of more hero's as the game progresses allows for more variability in decisions the players have to make and thus making this a game you want to play again and again.

Does anyone feel the same as me or am I in the minority?

As was pointed out, you actually don't get the same leaders and missions each time. We don't know how leader recruitment works, but the 4 missions shows are only the core missions you can *always* run; you draw other missions out of the deck as you play. So plenty of variability.


Rebel base placement. Character variety. Missions. Tactic cards. Dice rolls. Feints and taunts.

Honestly, you could replay a single round of this game a dozen times and end up with a dozen results. A major battle could be decided by just the right cards at the right time, or a lucky die roll. The hidden info portions of the game also leave a lot of room for variability.

Two people playing the same sides over and over again may never have two games that are even all that similar in their narrative or end result.