Map for new campaign

By Oshaegda, in Only War Game Masters

I've been pondering this idea for a campaign for a while, and I'd like to move forward with it, but I'm not sure how to make the technology work, among other things.

The idea for the campaign is that the PCs are either a scout unit or a mechanized infantry unit, and they are way behind enemy lines. While they will have some overarching goal (like eliminating the enemy from an area or clearing a specific base), it is too difficult to do in one fell swoop, and so the majority of the campaign is spent on side missions designed to either stiffen resistance against the enemy or soften their target through guerrilla warfare. I was considering that said side missions would increase the party's Logistics score, and once it got sufficiently high the group would be considered worthy of air support. I hope for this to be fairly open world, with the players doing their own recon to discover targets and acting on their information. There would be locals who could be persuaded to help the PCs, as well. the party can get resupplied via air drop, which of course presents its own problems since the enemy can investigate.

Ideally, the setting for the campaign would be limited (like an island, perhaps), and the player of the sergeant or commissar would have a map of the area that he or she could zoom in and out on and mark up on a tablet or laptop, adding way points, etc. I could go low-tech and find a way to print a poster-sized map for the PCs to physically mark up, but that doesn't seem as immersive in a sci-fi realm. I thought google maps would work, but it doesn't look like I can upload a fantasy map into my maps.

On a related note, does anyone know where I could find some fantasy topographic or relief maps to use for the campaign, or could any of you make and sell such maps?

Thanks for the help!

The official FInal Testament module has a lot of those kinds of missions you are talking about. Other tips:

Sabotage fuel/ammo/food depot

Calling in artillery using laser designators at closer ranges

rescue/recover mission for crashed air units

bunker assault

contacting and training local guerillas/resistance fighters

stealing enemy resources (fuel, weapons etc.)

The main problem with these is a lack of base, so making a secret hideout should be the first task of such a unit behind enemy lines, otherwise they would need to go back "home" regularily to rest/resupply etc. Just relying on occasional air drops is probably not sustainable in the long run unless there are significant local resources.

As for tech, remember that despite sci-fi the empire is often very low-tech, so having holographic maps and having some made with feather quills are equally correct, and could even be used in the same place.

Other maps: I've used google maps or searched for map types to use, works fairly well for settlements.

I've made up a system of gains for success in missions in my newest campaign. It's gonna be a city fight with very distinctive goals for every mission. PC's won't have their weapons customized automatically, nor cybernetics installed only with a logistics roll. They'll require a skilled PC or NPC to do this.

For example there's a mission in a former hospital in which they have to rescue famous doctor. If they succeed, they're gonna have great Medicae specialist in their base. In the factory they'll be able to rescue skilled Tradesman(Armourer). Before it they won't be able to customize their weapons (if they don't have the skill themselves).

Other type of the mission - destroy artillery nest. If they'll ignore it, the enemy will be free to bomb them with mortar shells as long as their spotters are living.

Retreive the artifacts, at the end of a mission guardsmen will be given choice to risk being accused for treason and keep powerful artifact for themselves or give it to the authorities and receive gratification. It might be for example a Force Field with an average Rating and average Overload level