Ferric Summons

By alemander, in Dark Heresy House Rules

Has anyone adopted a houserule to allow Ferric Summons to pull "lightly secured" metallic objects, in other words Disarm opponents? This was briefly discussed in the 2nd Beta forums.

SimSum had suggested: If it's to use the power to disarm people, maybe just look at how the Disarm action works and combine it with the normal Ferric Summons weight limitation: Opposed WS test to snag up to 2kg's worth of object per point of WPb. 1-2DoS on WS test makes opponent drop weapon. 3+DoS on WS test makes the object come flying into your hands, mechanical tentacles, or whatever.

Just wondering if anyone adopted anything similar and if so what were the results.

~ alemander

I'd make it a new Talent to be that precise and have enough force with manipulating the magnetics that way.

I was thinking about Darthvadering the blast... eeee, sorry, laspistols from hands of scum shooting at with Ferric Summons, but why complicate it with new talents? Opposed Willpower/Strenght Test sould suffice would be enough.