Well, here they are. Following overwhelming demand, I will now start running monthly legacy events using the epic-scale banned list at the bottom of this post. All tournaments other then the prerelease are free to enter
UFS November 2009
Saturday 7 November 2009
11:00 am
Standard Format
Join us for our standard format November UFS event! Build a deck including only tournament legal cards with a five point shuriken and prove your superiority! Prizes consist of promos only available in offical tournaments. New and experienced players welcome, demos available in-store.
UFS Legacy November 2009
Wednesday 18 November 2009
19:00 am
Legacy format with Sheffield banned list
Join us for our legacy format November UFS event! Build a deck including tournament legal cards from any set and prove your superiority! In addition to the official banned list, additional cards at the bottom of this post are banned from Sheffield legacy events. Prizes consist of promos only available in offical tournaments. New and experienced players welcome, demos available in-store.
Quest of Souls prerelease
Sunday 22 November 2009
11:00 am
Soulcalibur Prerelease - £20 entry fee
Join us for the Quest of Souls prerelease! Build a deck using cards from boosters from the unreleased Quest of Souls expansion and prove your superiority! Prizes consist of promos only available in offical tournaments. New and experienced players welcome, demos available in-store.
UFS November 2009 (pm)
Wednesday 25 November 2009
19:00 pm
Standard format
Join us for our standard format evening November UFS event! Build a deck including only tournament legal cards with a five point shuriken and prove your superiority! Prizes consist of promos only available in offical tournaments. New and experienced players welcome, demos available in-store.
......please note that these are in ADDITON TO the official banned list.
Attacks (9) :
Aghano Geri
Chain Throw
Darkness Blade
Devil Reverse
Kasumi Suzaku
Leaping Commando Kick
Rolling Storm
Shadow Banishment
Tsunami Saber
Assets (7) :
Cage Arena
Fruit F#@!er
Overwhelming Strength
Pigeon Games
Rare Card
Actions (6) :
Absurd Strength
Combination of Blows
Ryu’s Ashura Senku
Start Over
You Will Not Escape
Characters (22) :
*M. Bison*
Nicholas the Saint
Tycho, Evil Genius
*Zi Mei*
Foundations (32) :
Amy’s Assistance
Ancient Insight
Armored Defense
Battle Prowess
Billiard Player
Blood Runs True
Calm Mind
Dark Hado (The Next Level)
Dirty Pool
False Pretenses
Fortune and Glory
Friends and Rivals
Mortal Strike
One Track Mind
Order and Law
Ring Veteran
Shinobi Technique
Soul Power
The Gorgeous Team
The Red Lotus of the Sun
The Ways of Punishment
Torn Hero
Tough Outer Shell
Undercover Agent
Unorthodox Style
War Between Sisters
Whereabouts Unknown
Yoga Mastery
This will be on an ongoing basis and will be updated with any cards which are found to be a significant problem.
If anyone has any questions, please send me a PM on either the FFG or SQC forums or post here.
- Ross