I'm super excited for the world champ decks!

By TylerTT, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

I collected FFG net runner for quite a while but eventually dropped it.

I love netrunner but it's not my life style (x-wing is) While the LCG model is great I felt like it was an all or nothing proposition.

So I'm happy FFG is letting me buy into the game just a little bit and have a few real functional decks. I will be buying most of these decks.

Also full bleed art really does it for me.

According to the new NAPD Most Wanted deck building restrictions, these decks will be illegal for tournament play by the time they hit the store shelves.

that applies to the corp deck right? the runner will still be useable?

oh never mind. at first i thought the list was something else. i see that these will not be tournament decks. shame.

According to the new NAPD Most Wanted deck building restrictions, these decks will be illegal for tournament play by the time they hit the store shelves.

A quote from the news release " fully tournament-legal cards" ... the NAPD does not totally ban these decks nor any card in them. The NAPD only forces one to pay an influence price of 1 (stated as reducing your identity's influence by 1 point) for the cards on the list. All the cards in these decks will still be playable even if the deck as a whole is not due to influence limits. And furthermore none of the runner cards are currently on the NAPD and ony 3 of the corp cards (Architect, Eli 1.0, and NAPD Contract).

Just my $0.02....

Well if you want to see why those 3 ice got put on the MWL, just play this list as printed.

I will buy these because IMHO, to me this is a pack of (very) nice alt art cards whose selection happens to commemorate a particular moment in the game's history. Those of us in the AGOT community are well-used to the transience of winning decks due to tinkering with the restricted list. What is a RL/MWL *for* if it doesn't take the top decks of the meta down a peg or two?

Marketing wise, this is pure genius coming from FFG. Other TCG manufacturers always made their tournament / world winning decks non-tournament legal with different card backs and all (gold borders for MtG for example). But this,... this is gold.

1. It's a very much needed stepping stone to start the game, using proven quality decks and strategies. Not just for newbies, existing players like the Tyler here would be interested.

2. The biggest entry barrier for LCGs, especially those with so many expansions like ANR or Cthulhu or the 1st AGoT are buying the expansions. Much like reason no.1, this pretty much mitigates said barrier.

3. It uses an all new layout and "full art" cards, making veterans want s to collect it.

Personally I'm buying two since both decks doesn't have all 3 of the cards. I want 3 Account Siphons and 3 D4v1ds for completion sake :P

I just heard about it from this thread. I was a little ticked, ready to get my pitch fork and torch, but then I looked it up and it seems like a cool idea, plus you only have 2 decks to get. I hope they just do this yearly, with a new set of championship decks every year (Something tells me they might try to milk it), but if they decided to just pump out new decks on a month by month bases, I'm jumping ship, like I did with draft play lol.

So I'm seriously looking at getting into netrunner and was really looking forward to this product as a good way to jump into it with a competitive deck but now I'm confused as to whether I'd actually be able to play with them both??

So I'm seriously looking at getting into netrunner and was really looking forward to this product as a good way to jump into it with a competitive deck but now I'm confused as to whether I'd actually be able to play with them both??

the runner deck is A-OK ready to play in anything..

the corp deck would need a few cards swapped out for official event play but can be played as is casually, I suspect someone will post a modified version that is up to date with the latest format.

Another way to get Howard Jackson if you can't get opening moves in your LFGS.

I'm not sure what's the point of having a world champ deck for a LCG:

I mean: the whole point of LCGs is that everybody has equal access to all the same cards as everybody else.

With CCGs like magic, champ deck give the average player a chance to play with some OP deck full of cards that they normally would have a hard time aquiring due to rarity/price.*

With these FFG could have just as easily posted a decklist.

The full art is a nice touch and probably the only reason I will pick this up.

*Ok there are the 1 per core set cards, so getting a few more of those without having to buy more core sets is a good thing.

Edited by Robin Graves

The point is there are plenty of players like myself that enjoy net runner but not enough to buy the hundreds of dollars worth in cards required to play a top level deck. There are also plenty of collectors who like to have multiple decks built at the same time and something like this helps those players do that.

you might have a point, I got in at day one, so i just bought every expansion when it came out. (15 buck here, 15 bucks there)

A better question (coming from a newbie like me) would be : Is the matchup between these 2 decks balanced, or skewed in favor of 1 or the other? If they are balanced I don't mind getting it to casually play with.

The runner deck is completely useless with the Wireless net pavillion errata and the MWL, but the corp deck only needs a little changing, right?

The MWL doesn't hit the Runner deck at all. The only change is the WNP errata, which makes it playable still, just a little worse.

​The Corp deck needs quite a few changes to be MWL legal.

The point is there are plenty of players like myself that enjoy net runner but not enough to buy the hundreds of dollars worth in cards required to play a top level deck. There are also plenty of collectors who like to have multiple decks built at the same time and something like this helps those players do that.

Yikes don't say collectors, that makes my skin itch. Everything else you said sounds great though.

A better question (coming from a newbie like me) would be : Is the matchup between these 2 decks balanced, or skewed in favor of 1 or the other? If they are balanced I don't mind getting it to casually play with.

Chances are they are not balanced at all. Champ decks are usually over powered messes that win more by luck then skill.

A better question (coming from a newbie like me) would be : Is the matchup between these 2 decks balanced, or skewed in favor of 1 or the other? If they are balanced I don't mind getting it to casually play with.

Chances are they are not balanced at all. Champ decks are usually over powered messes that win more by luck then skill.

...are you even serious? This guy piloted his decks to victory against an enormous field of the best players, winning CONSISTENTLY. That requires skill. Even the DLR decks don't win by autopilot.

Edited by CommissarFeesh

A better question (coming from a newbie like me) would be : Is the matchup between these 2 decks balanced, or skewed in favor of 1 or the other? If they are balanced I don't mind getting it to casually play with.

Chances are they are not balanced at all. Champ decks are usually over powered messes that win more by luck then skill.

Well how does that differ from any other card game (or card type setup game) to be fair you could say that about MagicTG, HearthstoneHoW, even X-wing with the whole dice mechanics.

I like this move, although I may not get the packs. I made a thread asking about the competitive power gap between those that have the entire collection and those who just have the big boxes. In a way these championship decks bridge that gap by bringing in powerful cards that would be in the rotation cycle packs best example Howard Jackson, it was one of the last cards I could get a hold of (I already completed the Lunar Cycle) because the pack was so sought out for that one splash.

Now that being said the rotation cycle is something to be concerned with. I am assuming that cards in these decks rotate out with their cycle and not just with the pack. Trying to make that clear for newer players is something of concern. Lets not forget after the NAPD Most Wanted I think one of these decks is now premier tournament illegal.

Still by simply making some of the most powerful cards in the game available and easily accessible in one pack instead of searching through an entire cycle will make the game more accessible.

A better question (coming from a newbie like me) would be : Is the matchup between these 2 decks balanced, or skewed in favor of 1 or the other? If they are balanced I don't mind getting it to casually play with.

Chances are they are not balanced at all. Champ decks are usually over powered messes that win more by luck then skill.

...are you even serious? This guy piloted his decks to victory against an enormous field of the best players, winning CONSISTENTLY. That requires skill. Even the DLR decks don't win by autopilot.

I have to take your word for it right now. I never watched the deck in action. So this guy never lost one match?

A better question (coming from a newbie like me) would be : Is the matchup between these 2 decks balanced, or skewed in favor of 1 or the other? If they are balanced I don't mind getting it to casually play with.

Chances are they are not balanced at all. Champ decks are usually over powered messes that win more by luck then skill.

...are you even serious? This guy piloted his decks to victory against an enormous field of the best players, winning CONSISTENTLY. That requires skill. Even the DLR decks don't win by autopilot.

I have to take your word for it right now. I never watched the deck in action. So this guy never lost one match?

I don't know his track record across the whole tourney, he probably dropped a game or two, but he's the world champion for the second time running. That doesn't happen unless you know your decks (and the game) VERY well.

Dan D'argenio had 24 prestige after eight rounds of Swiss, meaning he lost only four games out of 16. IIRC his Corp deck went 8-0 and his runner deck went 4-4. He went undefeated in elimination rounds.

But this is not a matter of just being the best deck, it's also being the best deck for that tournament, knowing what other decks are in the field and how to play against them, as well as just being able to pilot your deck competently. Kaijudo is smoking crack though, if he thinks that Netrunner champ decks are overpowered messes that win by luck (a sentence which I can't even figure out how it isn't self-contradictory.) On the contrary, Netrunner champ decks win by being incredibly efficient and consistent. Corp decks that ramp up the difficulty to a state of absolute board control, and runner decks that are equally potent. Maybe it's like that in Magic but not in NR. Seriously dude, look at the decks that won in 2015, 2014, 2013. SMDH.

Sorry, but I can't believe that FFG would release a product like this. I am an inexperienced player, and have never played in a tournament. If I was planning on attending the next tournament in my area, and wasn't confident in my deck building or didn't have access to cards, and bought theses Corp and runner decks, sleeved them up, and simply showed up with my tokens and playmat, and then got disqualified in round 1 because for whatever reason these are illegal to play out of the box, I would most likely abandon the game. Are they issuing a large red banner on the cover that screams a warning to uninformed players like myself? Just seems wrong to me.

If they are going to do something like this, they should include the original tournament decks as the winners built them, then an insert with the rules changes, identifying which cards are impacted by subsequent rule changes, then offer alternative cards to ensure someone can sleeve up and play in a tournament without any additional purchases.