Game Contents

By zero80, in Runewars

192 plastic figures
10 plastic mountains
12 plastic dial connectors
16 activation tokens
1 battle marker
7 city tokens
26 damage tokens
8 defeated hero markers
20 development tokens
35 exploration tokens
4 home realm setup markers
40 influence tokens
13 large map tiles
12 resource arrows
38 rune tokens
16 stronghold tokens
24 training tokens
4 faction sheets
4 reference sheets
32 order cards
23 quest cards
30 fate cards
12 hero cards
16 objective cards
25 reward cards
32 season cards
50 tactics cards
3 title cards
1 40-page rulebook


Well..another step closer to MUST HAVE corazon.gif




Please, FFG : open in your company a departement that would help your fans finding a new bigger flat, eh ? that'd be sweet :)

13 tiles only? The preview pic on the website shows alot more.

Those are "multi-hex" tiles, for a total of 36 hexes (IIRC)

How does this work? *confused

Raviv said:

Those are "multi-hex" tiles, for a total of 36 hexes (IIRC)

ah ok I understand. So I guess there are 3 connected hexes per multihex tile?

Stefan said:

How does this work? *confused

The multi-hex tile thing? Probably similar to the Warcraft game, I would imagine. Certain hexes are fused together, and you can arrange the "meta-tiles" in various patters to make various boards.

With even 13 map tiles, that still allows for an extremely high number of layouts.

Ah OK. Now I get it. Thanks.

I see a dragon on that box ^^

item, skills and combat card??

What about them? Or are you referring to the "lack" of mention?

The combat cards are probably the tactics cards.

The item cards are probably hero-specific, and may be part of the quest cards (maybe like World of Warcraft: The Adventure Game)

Skills? I'm not sure if a game of this scope is going to have "skills", even on the heroes. Maybe generic upgrades, but since this game isn't hero-centric, it may not focus on skills and such like a more individual-scoped game (like Descent or Runebound) would.

Anyone noticed how this is different from f.e. TI?

- it's not like 400 game tokens, 600 cards and 60 hex game tiles....

Do you also think that this game will have a faster pace? More fights and much much less time to play?

YoshiPL said:

Anyone noticed how this is different from f.e. TI?

- it's not like 400 game tokens, 600 cards and 60 hex game tiles....

Do you also think that this game will have a faster pace? More fights and much much less time to play?

I'd be happier with a Starcraft-sized game than TI3.

Seboss said:

I'd be happier with a Starcraft-sized game than TI3.

yes. I too. 3-5h are more than enough for one game session.

Yes, that would be enough if they manage it. But if it's good I'm ready for another TI3.

Doesn't seem to be going an epic time consuming game like TI. Just 4 players. Little variation in units. Small map (13 hexer - still depends on their size, I know!).

YoshiPL said:

Doesn't seem to be going an epic time consuming game like TI. Just 4 players. Little variation in units. Small map (13 hexer - still depends on their size, I know!).

For what it's worth, 13 tiles does not mean 13 hexes - from what it looks like, each tile will have 2 or 3 hexes on it; I think somewhere it said the game will have a total of 39 hexes, just like the original Battlemist.

sigmazero13 said:

YoshiPL said:

Doesn't seem to be going an epic time consuming game like TI. Just 4 players. Little variation in units. Small map (13 hexer - still depends on their size, I know!).

For what it's worth, 13 tiles does not mean 13 hexes - from what it looks like, each tile will have 2 or 3 hexes on it; I think somewhere it said the game will have a total of 39 hexes, just like the original Battlemist.

The tile's could also be double sided.

I am not too fond of the list. Too many fiddly tokens and card subtypes. Order tokens AND order cards? I guess this could be called overdesigned. What about just having plastic figures a flexible game board, dice and some cards or so? (and no, I dont like TI3, I am a TI1-2 fan)

superklaus said:

I am not too fond of the list. Too many fiddly tokens and card subtypes. Order tokens AND order cards? I guess this could be called overdesigned. What about just having plastic figures a flexible game board, dice and some cards or so? (and no, I dont like TI3, I am a TI1-2 fan)

I can respect that opinion. Meaning no offense when I say this though, if that's how you feel then you should probably stay away from all of FFG's "epic box" sized games. What you refer to as being "overdesigned" is kind of the point of these games. Lots of fiddly bits, rules that take an hour just to sort out before your first play and forget about how long the game itself will take. Set aside a lazy Sunday, you're going to need all of it. I knew that's what this game would be like the moment I saw it was an epic box, as that's what all the other epic box games I'm familiar with were like.

You probably want to stick to the mid-sized boxes like Runebound, or maybe even the smaller games like Citadels. With FFG you can generally tell how complicated a game will be based on the size of the box they put it in.

Steve-O said:

superklaus said:

I am not too fond of the list. Too many fiddly tokens and card subtypes. Order tokens AND order cards? I guess this could be called overdesigned. What about just having plastic figures a flexible game board, dice and some cards or so? (and no, I dont like TI3, I am a TI1-2 fan)

I can respect that opinion. Meaning no offense when I say this though, if that's how you feel then you should probably stay away from all of FFG's "epic box" sized games. What you refer to as being "overdesigned" is kind of the point of these games.

Lots of fiddly bits, rules that take an hour just to sort out before your first play and forget about how long the game itself will take. Set aside a lazy Sunday, you're going to need all of it. I knew that's what this game would be like the moment I saw it was an epic box, as that's what all the other epic box games I'm familiar with were like.

You probably want to stick to the mid-sized boxes like Runebound, or maybe even the smaller games like Citadels. With FFG you can generally tell how complicated a game will be based on the size of the box they put it in.

Runebound has too many cards bits and counters for me. Its also not very interactive. So I dont think I would like it. But the FFG game I like is surprisingly Fury of Dracula, CoC LCG and Warhammer Invasion. These are great. (magblast and TI2 too) The other games? Rather meh. In Runewars I am only interested because my nostalgia regarding battlemist, which I played several times many y ago and because the previews looked fine. But after reading the endless shiny bit list, my interest unfortunately wanes away. serio.gif

So I wish you other forists endless (in quantity and qualtity) fun with your new toy, but I think I am out.