Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay core set "On the Boat"?

By rabindranath72, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Hi all,

I have seen the core set is listed as "on the boat". Does it mean it has been reprinted and is actually shipping to the warehouse? The last update is 17 December, how long before it actually gets to stores? I'd like to buy it at an "appropriate" price, not the extortionist prices I have seen around for used copies.



Edited by rabindranath72

I have no idea - I discovered that they are being reprinted in August. At 12th of december it was still 'at the printer' - your guess is as good as mine. Maybe a month?

I suppose a better question should have been "how reliable are the time estimates about products going to the warehouse?" :) The web page lists 4-6 weeks, I suppose by the end of January it should be in store...then I'll have to wait for the product to reach UK.

Might show up on Amazon as well...

Hi all,

I have seen the core set is listed as "on the boat". Does it mean it has been reprinted and is actually shipping to the warehouse? The last update is 17 December, how long before it actually gets to stores? I'd like to buy it at an "appropriate" price, not the extortionist prices I have seen around for used copies.



I believe it's the proverbial 'slow boat to China' as such it'll be here, when it's here. Not later than 3 months next sunday. Unless it's late, in which case it could be later. lol :P

Is there any other stuff aside from the core set being released?

Is there any other stuff aside from the core set being released?

I do believe the dice are reprinted and "On the Boat" as well. Makes sense that FFG would support their reprint of the Core Set with more dice, which is great, people have been shouting for more dice for some time now. Other than that I don't think anything else for WFRP is beeing reprinted at the time beeing.

Cool. I actually think, (don't spread it around) that I have enough dice.

An extra set of criticals and disease cards, now that would make me happy.

Yeah, I'd love having multiple copies of the diseases. It would make more sense getting the same disease if it spreads from PC to PC. It would have been great if they had completed their Wizard and Priest PODs as well, but that's not happening I guess.

I also think I have enough dice actually, but still think it's great that FFG reprinted them (better late then never right?), and I'll probably buy one extra dice set, just for the heck of it.

Edited by k7e9

When an item like this is reprinted, is it an exact copy or do they fix any errata there might be?

I'm confused. I was under the impression that Fantasy Flight would no longer support the line (as per it's official announcement). Are they testing the waters to resurrect the line again? Why would they reprint the core set and dice? a process that would cost them money no doubt.

Not that I'm complaining. I'd love to buy one more set of dice in case I start a new campaign in the near future.

Don't question it. Just buy when it comes out!

I actually bought two copies of the GM Vault when they were marked down at my local RPG store only to get some extra dice to roll.

The one product that has been out of print the longest, and thus much sought after, is the Adventurer's Toolkit. I hope this gets put back into print at some point, as it is the only place you can get the career cards for Bailiff, Bounty Hunter, Dockhand, Ironbreaker, Pit Fighter, Ratcatcher (And his Small, but Vicious Dog), Scribe, Smuggler, Sword Master, and Wardancer (I believe). It also comes with the new party cards; Glory Hounds, Defiant Scoundrels, Diplomatic Entourage, and Outhbound.

There is another set of basic action cards (the core box comes with enough for 4 players), a pad of character sheets, more cardboard bits and standees, and other cards including the 'intoxicated' status cards.

The best part of this expansion (besides the cards for the 10 additional basic careers not found anywhere else), in my opinion, is the beautiful and sturdy box that it comes in. It's just a tad larger than a trade-paperback book, but has the thick sturdy construction of the Core box covered in wonderful Warhammer themed art. This makes the perfect storage solution for a players cards and standee (We like to use painted Warhammer minatures!), etc between games, as the little 'character boxes' that come with the Core set are flimsy and tend to fall apart from the repeated opening/closing of the flaps, etc.

You are right, the Adventurer's Toolkit would need a reprint. Allthough the Ironbreaker is actually included in Black Fire Pass as well. :) The other careers are not found in any other box though. We also use the adventurer's toolkit box to store a character in, it's a great box.

@Razkir they will probably not errata or change anything.

Edited by k7e9

In the product descriptions, it looks like the Adventurer's Toolkit is scheduled for reprint, along with several other products.

The hell? First we're just expecting the core book, now there's other stuff? I don't know whether to be excited or what to think...

It's up for sale at MSRP on FFGs site as wel as CoolStuffInc. The dice are for sale now, too.