Armada World Cup - Vassal Tournament:

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Armada

on a roll today

Captain ICT was on watching mine and Truthiness game so i roped him into playing ours


Clontroper5(1st) vs Captain ICT: 9-1 229 mov

all the BEESS anyway full on charge and let my glass cannons blow up everything which they did. instigator fed itself to the b-wings and then Demolisher killed independence off a double activation (move last shoot first) followed by yavaris getting knocked out by a double arc it was forced to move into (my raiders hurt like heck)

I then chased salvation down killing it with a double arc the next turn but not before his b-wings claimed a 2nd ship and a bunch of tokens anyway good game to my opponent and Good luck on your future matches. :D

This is one of the few times I've been completely outflown. He used his upgrades (which even though I'd looked at his list, I just saw APT on one, and thought ooh, apt on all. Holy OW. Then after noticing that once, I did it again against another raider.

Didn't help that after a great first round, my fighter attacks turned to crap. Could have been close to a tie, if my B-wings could hit the broad side of a barn with black dice.

Just to confirm how we are doing this. We play a game against the other 3 players in the pod and then post results. I just want to confirm prior to tapping up the other three guys for games.

Just to confirm how we are doing this. We play a game against the other 3 players in the pod and then post results. I just want to confirm prior to tapping up the other three guys for games.

Yup! Just post after you've played. Feel free to share when your games are on, too.

... we like to watch... :ph34r:

Edited by doobleg

Clontroper5 (1st)vs Truthiness: 10-0 mov 362

We had our game and knowing I had >>>>>>firepower but <<<<<<<<<surviability I just charged and after placing instigator well enabling me to tie up his fighters I demonstrated the full firepower of my fleet able to destroy every ship with 2 vollys and ending the game turn 4

I am sure it was a very shocking experience for the Truthiness

Very well played by clon. I mangled my plan badly, wandering my Bombers straight into instigator while being obstructed by obstacles. I badly underestimated clon's firepower.

It was a very good game, and very well played by Clontroper5

I highly recommend anyone interested in Raiders watches the replay.

(I recorded the first few turns but then went to Nandos :D )

Just to confirm how we are doing this. We play a game against the other 3 players in the pod and then post results. I just want to confirm prior to tapping up the other three guys for games.

Just to confirm how we are doing this. We play a game against the other 3 players in the pod and then post results. I just want to confirm prior to tapping up the other three guys for games.

Three pod games, posting results as you finish each game.

Then on to elimination rounds.

Clon needs to play 3rd reserve DeadEyeJedi and his 5 VSD's

Awww man missed it... please sign me up as a replacement.

Just managed to get Vassal working today and am eager to play!

(CDT / US) I'll get a list posted in the morning. I guess no hurry since I'm sitting on the bench ... lemme in coach lemme in!

You can go ahead and play with the other 3 replacement players as a "super secret special pod" once you post your list - tournament has started already though, sorry, so you wouldn't be eligible for replacement even if you posted your list.

Just to confirm how we are doing this. We play a game against the other 3 players in the pod and then post results. I just want to confirm prior to tapping up the other three guys for games.

That is correct. Play 3 games, one against each other player in the pod. Probably best to average 1 game per week but there's nothing stopping you from clearing them all out in a single week of craziness (see Clontroper5).

Clon needs to play 3rd reserve DeadEyeJedi and his 5 VSD's

Edited by clontroper5

Clontroper5 (1st)vs Truthiness: 10-0 mov 362

We had our game and knowing I had >>>>>>firepower but <<<<<<<<<surviability I just charged and after placing instigator well enabling me to tie up his fighters I demonstrated the full firepower of my fleet able to destroy every ship with 2 vollys and ending the game turn 4

I am sure it was a very shocking experience for the Truthiness

Very well played by clon. I mangled my plan badly, wandering my Bombers straight into instigator while being obstructed by obstacles. I badly underestimated clon's firepower.

It was a very good game, and very well played by Clontroper5

I highly recommend anyone interested in Raiders watches the replay.

(I recorded the first few turns but then went to Nandos :D )

I'd love to see the replays...but where do we find them?

Awww man missed it... please sign me up as a replacement.

Just managed to get Vassal working today and am eager to play!

(CDT / US) I'll get a list posted in the morning. I guess no hurry since I'm sitting on the bench ... lemme in coach lemme in!

You can go ahead and play with the other 3 replacement players as a "super secret special pod" once you post your list - tournament has started already though, sorry, so you wouldn't be eligible for replacement even if you posted your list.

ok! Sure understand, secret pod it is... Thanks again for doing this.

My List:

Imperial 400/400

Imperial Star Destroyer I

Admiral Screed

Gunnery Team

Overload Pulse


Gladiator I

Ord Experts

Projection Experts

Gladiator II

Assault Concussion Missiles

Gladiator II

Assault Concussion Missiles


Tie Fighters

Tie Fighters


Tie Fighters

Ackbar with accuracies do a number to Raiders. Another example of why home one with fish lord is very relevant in the meta. Lol again that other thread that disagrees.

Ackbar with accuracies do a number to Raiders. Another example of why home one with fish lord is very relevant in the meta. Lol again that other thread that disagrees.

I haven't played raiders in an inperial mirror match, but I have seen raiders fight ackbar.

Actually "fight" is a strong word. I'm not alledging they were asking for what they got, you know, because a spaceship should be able to wear what it wants, but it stongly implied that it wanted to be "sleeping with the fishies" if you get my meaning.

Clon needs to play 3rd reserve DeadEyeJedi and his 5 VSD's

Challange Accepted!!

Awww man missed it... please sign me up as a replacement.

Just managed to get Vassal working today and am eager to play!

(CDT / US) I'll get a list posted in the morning. I guess no hurry since I'm sitting on the bench ... lemme in coach lemme in!

You can go ahead and play with the other 3 replacement players as a "super secret special pod" once you post your list - tournament has started already though, sorry, so you wouldn't be eligible for replacement even if you posted your list.

POD7 Schedule of Games (Tentative)

BiggsIRL vs Meidomeda - Saturday 9th 1:00 AM GMT

Miedomeda vs Gowtah - Sunday 10th 10:00 AM GMT

BiggsIRL vs Gowtah - Saturday 16th 1:00 AM GMT

Chilligan vs All - TBD (some time after Thursday 14th)

wait, what?

wait, what?

You're so special you're in two pods...

Double header coming up tomorrow, well...sort of.

Thursday January 7th:

JJs Juggernaut vs Deadshane to begin at 10:00 AM Central (GMT -6)


JJs Juggernaut vs AlexW to begin at 8:00 PM Central (GMT -6)

POD7 Schedule of Games (Tentative)

BiggsIRL vs Meidomeda - Saturday 9th 1:00 AM GMT

Miedomeda vs Doobleg - Sunday 10th 10:00 AM GMT

BiggsIRL vs Doobleg - Saturday 16th 1:00 AM GMT

Chilligan vs All - TBD (some time after Thursday 14th)

Fixed. :)

... my broken heart, however, won't be so easily mended... :(

Ard vs JRockNZ tonight at 0300GMT (2100CST/1600NZDT).

Things I shouldn't post having woken up after an overnight shift.

Sorry Doobleg.

Things I shouldn't post having woken up after an overnight shift.

Sorry Doobleg.

I'll take your apology in the form of EXPLODING FRIGATES!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! :P

Any Pod 4 players want to try to schedule something?