Armada World Cup - Vassal Tournament:

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Armada

I would also be interested in joining the next event. (If you are trying to gauge interest I think the answer is A LOT) :)

I'm definitely up for the next event, whatever it is. And if any help is required in setting stuff up I'd be more than happy to assist.

The final countdown


20 minutes to show time!

Edited by BiggsIRL

Semi-live now!

Squee!!! :D

Clontrooper wi s. Congrats!!!

I want AAR's!

I want AAR's!

i will post some stuff tomorrow sometime

I want AAR's!

Demolisher+first player+high activation count= really ******* mean

"Sorry you got Stabbed"

-my victory poster



Congrats, Clonny! :D

Well done Clon!

And thanks to the rest of you for playing!

Congrats Clon!

Thx Biggs!

Was a pleasure pod and JJ.

Gz Clon, after experiencing the pain firsthand and watching your other games, I think you really deserved to win this one. You put a lot of thought in your list, and flew it incredibly well, never making any mistakes for what I've seen. I'm eager to watch the stream of the final, and will as soon as I get home tonight.

Well done Clon. Just watched the final, I can see you spent a long time working out your strengths and played them perfectly.

Well done by everyone involved, particularly clontroper5!

I would love to see clontroper5 do a Raider write-up/tactica that we can direct haters to when the inevitable "this ship is garbage and instantly explodes I hate everything about it and if you like it you're a molly-coddled doof who only plays against idiots" post comes up. Because those come up with saddening regularity, and anything that helps people appreciate all the ships at their disposal is a welcome improvement to our community.

Well done by everyone involved, particularly clontroper5!

I would love to see clontroper5 do a Raider write-up/tactica that we can direct haters to when the inevitable "this ship is garbage and instantly explodes I hate everything about it and if you like it you're a molly-coddled doof who only plays against idiots" post comes up. Because those come up with saddening regularity, and anything that helps people appreciate all the ships at their disposal is a welcome improvement to our community.

However, with this all said.

Clon, why did you have to **** all over the squadron heavy mrta that was developing?

However, with this all said.

Clon, why did you have to **** all over the squadron heavy mrta that was developing?