Armada World Cup - Vassal Tournament:

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Armada

If anyone would like to try out my experimental 216 (beta) build:

It's the same as 215, except the following:

I've played quite extensively with these extra auto-reports and it speeds up play quite a bit, especially when using only the text chat. It also makes it less of pain (plus you no longer have to stare intently on the screen to make sure you don't miss something) to make sure your opponent is actually tracking changes like he should - no more of that "didn't you go to speed 3 last round?" or "did you take it on your left zone?". It's all in the log! Any "clogging" of the log is more than offset by the reduced need for stating the obvious and asking "did you this or that".


- HP change


- Speed changes

- Shield changes

- Hull changes

- Exhaust/Refresh/Discard defense token

- Notching the maneuver tool

Other stuff:

- Cycling the command stack (this was a loophole - you could mask your stack, then cycle without triggering a report, creating a possibility for players to unlawfully manipulate their commands)

- Added a cycle option for command 1 ships (I often select all my ships, then hit cycle, which makes it kind of annoying that command 1 ships don't cycle)

- Also includes option of rolling more dice (10 red, 8 blue/black)

These changes MAY OR MAY NOT make it into the 220 build (graphics update).

Edited by Green Knight

Chill doesn't have to wait anymore. Miedo takes the final game in a 270 MOV, getting the 9-1 win he needed.

Here's the spreadsheet I was using for the tournament so far .

Elimination games start now!

Ardaedhel vs Quark

Clontroper5 vs Miedomeda

JJs Juggernaut vs Nebulon B

Quadro28 vs Zanos

Cutter9999 vs Madaghmire

Green Knight vs Caribbean Ninja

Doobleg vs Truthiness

Reith 28 vs JRockNZ

Am I understanding this correctly if I think I'll get to play Madag after I beat Caribb?

(which I will, despite Biggs' pet analysis).

And after that it would be the winner of the Truthiness and Reith/JRock match?

Before finally crushing either JJ or Clon in the final???

(I have an evil plan, moahahah!)

Thx for the Vote of confidence since both I And JJ still have another game to go through before we could meet :P

Chill doesn't have to wait anymore. Miedo takes the final game in a 270 MOV, getting the 9-1 win he needed.

Here's the spreadsheet I was using for the tournament so far .

Elimination games start now!

Ardaedhel vs Quark
Clontroper5 vs Miedomeda
JJs Juggernaut vs Nebulon B
Quadro28 vs Zanos
Cutter9999 vs Madaghmire
Green Knight vs Caribbean Ninja
Doobleg vs Truthiness
Reith 28 vs JRockNZ

Am I understanding this correctly if I think I'll get to play Madag after I beat Caribb?

(which I will, despite Biggs' pet analysis).

And after that it would be the winner of the Truthiness and Reith/JRock match?

Before finally crushing either JJ or Clon in the final???

(I have an evil plan, moahahah!)

Nah, that's not how it goes. I beat you tomorrow. :)

Now I'd skip work to watch if turns out that JJ and Clon play. They should set that up for fun if it doesn't.

Edited by CaribbeanNinja

Oh Dont worry We will :P

One way or another

Edited by clontroper5

Oh Dont worry We will :P

One way or another


Oh Dont worry We will :P

One way or another




Who do you think will win?

Chill doesn't have to wait anymore. Miedo takes the final game in a 270 MOV, getting the 9-1 win he needed.

Here's the spreadsheet I was using for the tournament so far .

Elimination games start now!

Ardaedhel vs Quark

Clontroper5 vs Miedomeda

JJs Juggernaut vs Nebulon B

Quadro28 vs Zanos

Cutter9999 vs Madaghmire

Green Knight vs Caribbean Ninja

Doobleg vs Truthiness

Reith 28 vs JRockNZ

Am I understanding this correctly if I think I'll get to play Madag after I beat Caribb?

(which I will, despite Biggs' pet analysis).

And after that it would be the winner of the Truthiness and Reith/JRock match?

Before finally crushing either JJ or Clon in the final???

(I have an evil plan, moahahah!)

This is all correct (at least what the brackets are).

3-1 on my predictions. Never should have doubted you JJ.

Oh Dont worry We will :P

One way or another




Who do you think will win?

The bees. They can't be stopped by a silly thermal exhaust port.

Green Knight vs CaribbeanNinja should start in about 30 mins.

Green Knight vs CaribbeanNinja should start in about 30 mins.

Game started

Green Knight vs CaribbeanNinja

I took the match 110-0. Green Knight was 1st and chose minefields.

I set up the mines in what I thought would cut off half the board and was really surprised when Green Knight set up two of his AFs to veer right into the middle line. I think he hit four of the mines. He angled these two minesweeping AFs to flank Motti. The other AF was positioned in between my two ISDs but because he was first he was able to move it out of harms way before one of my ISDs ever got a front arc shot.

The blue dice were going in my favor and my aces cut down the A-wing swarm. I decided I wasn't going to kill any AFs so I focused my ISDs to shoot at the A-wing and support my already hot aces. Because he had flanked so hard and fast with the other 2 AFs, it left an opening where my ISDs could run. And run at 3 they did after the fleet wiped out all squads.

Great game to my opponent who was fun to play against even though the mines and blue dice did not go his way. I look forward to a rematch!

I knew I'd lose more (all?) of my fighters, but that didn't matter much. My plan was to bag one isd and not lose an af, making me ahead in points.

While I did maneuver quite well, taking close to no damage, I could not prevent his isds from running away. Exactly as I had feared.

The problem was those mines...yes, I managed to play a little maneuvering trick, but I took too much mine damage - I wasted too many commands on engineering and not enough energy killing that flagship!

Lessons learned!

Edited by Green Knight

Ugh. Not looking forward to playing ninja, we have practically the same list except he has two ISD's to my one.

Zanos vs Quadro28 starting now!

Results are in for Zanos vs Quadro28!

10-0 victory to the Rebel Alliance!(Quadro28) MOV of 372. Quadro28 was first player choosing Precision Strike.

I had some good dice, getting a Yavaris bombing run with 2 Scurrgs and a Y-wing on a fully shielded Demolisher at the top of turn 3. I finished it of with a broadside from Yavaris rolling just the damage I needed!

The squadron fight was pretty one-sided in my favor. I didn't expect Zanos to be able to get any bombing runs on me, but he was able to maneuver a Firespray to finish of Yavaris.

I finished off a VSD(more solid bombing runs) at the top of turn 5 and we called it there.

Zanos was a great opponent, as always!

Looking forward to the match-up against JJ! It's his swarm of bees against my smaller swarm of bees!

Results are in for Zanos vs Quadro28!

10-0 victory to the Rebel Alliance!(Quadro28) MOV of 372. Quadro28 was first player choosing Precision Strike.

I had some good dice, getting a Yavaris bombing run with 2 Scurrgs and a Y-wing on a fully shielded Demolisher at the top of turn 3. I finished it of with a broadside from Yavaris rolling just the damage I needed!

The squadron fight was pretty one-sided in my favor. I didn't expect Zanos to be able to get any bombing runs on me, but he was able to maneuver a Firespray to finish of Yavaris.

I finished off a VSD(more solid bombing runs) at the top of turn 5 and we called it there.

Zanos was a great opponent, as always!

Looking forward to the match-up against JJ! It's his swarm of bees against my smaller swarm of bees!

JJs "bees" are turbo laser reroute circuits. Damned things sting.

Looking forward to the match-up against JJ! It's his swarm of bees against my smaller swarm of bees!

With the Quarter Finals approaching, I'll be releasing a separate preview for each individual game, starting at 12:00 (noon) GMT tomorrow and continuing every day until each preview is finished. So pop on into the Steel Squadron then, and check it out (I'll link it here when I wake up).

First preview will be Ardaedhel vs Clontroper5

Looking forward to the match-up against JJ! It's his swarm of bees against my smaller swarm of bees!

I think your looking at the wrong list there since JJ doesn't have b-wings...

On a completely unrelated note, I think I found a better avatar :)

Looking forward to the match-up against JJ! It's his swarm of bees against my smaller swarm of bees!

I think your looking at the wrong list there since JJ doesn't have b-wings...

On a completely unrelated note, I think I found a better avatar :)

So, which interpretation have people been playing with on the Instigator + Heavy question? That Instigator forces you to shoot at heavy squadrons before itself, or no? Has anyone run into this in this tournament yet?

I ask only because it's definitely going to come up in my game against Clontroper, and I would really rather not have to roll off on a rules interpretation that FFG is dragging their feet on answering...

I'm in the 'can shoot at instigator' camp, but I'm less adamant about it than usual.

So, which interpretation have people been playing with on the Instigator + Heavy question? That Instigator forces you to shoot at heavy squadrons before itself, or no? Has anyone run into this in this tournament yet?

I ask only because it's definitely going to come up in my game against Clontroper, and I would really rather not have to roll off on a rules interpretation that FFG is dragging their feet on answering...

We are now into elimination mode: Tournament score, MOV, a Jedi craves not these things. Now it is do, or do not. There is no try.

Just found this was added to the 2nd post :D