Armada World Cup - Vassal Tournament:

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Armada

I dont know, Clon really wants to hit the MC30 with Demo, and JJ might just be able to prevent that with TRC90's....

I will say that it is going to be A REALLY fun game though :D

And I am looking forward to watching Mad and truths game

Haha! I wouldn't say I have overconfidence, I'm just confident that the outcome (for better or worse) is going to be determined by me

well said.

I have the greatest respect for all the remaining players (and many others), but somehow it would be nice to say that it was the tournament winner who exposed you to cold space ;)

Your Overconfidence Will be Your Undoing.


And I am looking forward to watching Mad and truths game

I feel like Truth has a lot going for him in our game.

And I am looking forward to watching Mad and truths game

I feel like Truth has a lot going for him in our game.

Don't think you can Handle the TRUTHINESS! :P

And I am looking forward to watching Mad and truths game

I feel like Truth has a lot going for him in our game.

Truthiness definitely has more activations and the Demo but I think you have the clear advantage in the squadron fight with your better anti squad wing and flight controllers. If you can keep his ships off of you long enough and mop up his squads quickly I think you have a good chance. I see this one as a lot more 50/50 than Clon's game, more like 80/20. As Clon pointed out with being able to go first and activation advantage he pretty much has to make a big mistake to lose. Then again I've only been playing Armada since December so I'm the least qualified person to commentate on these games haha.

And I am looking forward to watching Mad and truths game

I feel like Truth has a lot going for him in our game.

Truthiness definitely has more activations and the Demo but I think you have the clear advantage in the squadron fight with your better anti squad wing and flight controllers. If you can keep his ships off of you long enough and mop up his squads quickly I think you have a good chance. I see this one as a lot more 50/50 than Clon's game, more like 80/20. As Clon pointed out with being able to go first and activation advantage he pretty much has to make a big mistake to lose. Then again I've only been playing Armada since December so I'm the least qualified person to commentate on these games haha.

There are other factors which I feel are more problematic that I don't want to go into before we play though, not because I don't believe truth is aware of them but I don't want to inadvertantly give him too much of what I'm thinking.

Also Truth is just a very, very good player.

Edited by Madaghmire

Tonight is the night! 12 hours until go time!

Going to bed, have great games, gents! Cant wait to see the replays.

Whee! Exciting! :D

Livestream is standing by.

Edited by BiggsIRL

Stream is over, and congratulations to Madaghmire who won a convincing 440 to 72 point victory.

You can watch the replay up on the twitch channel above, and hopefully Youtube soon.

The game was intense and very entertaining to watch :)

This post is devilish, (post 666)

Congrats to Madaghmire. I caught the tale end of the match after most of Truthiness's fighters had been dispatched. I thought his superior anti squad capabilities would allow him to dominate the fighter war. I really think him being able to be first player was the other big decider. Demolisher not being able to activate last and then first helped him keep her away until the last couple of turns when it was too late. That obstructed long range shot from the VIC to finish Truth's flagship was something else though. I still think Madaghmire wins even if he doesn't take it out but it would have been a much closer victory.

Did the twitch stream save? I would like to view the first 2 rounds of the game to see how the deployments and opening fighter waves went.

It saved.

Congrats to Madaghmire. I caught the tale end of the match after most of Truthiness's fighters had been dispatched. I thought his superior anti squad capabilities would allow him to dominate the fighter war. I really think him being able to be first player was the other big decider. Demolisher not being able to activate last and then first helped him keep her away until the last couple of turns when it was too late. That obstructed long range shot from the VIC to finish Truth's flagship was something else though. I still think Madaghmire wins even if he doesn't take it out but it would have been a much closer victory.

Did the twitch stream save? I would like to view the first 2 rounds of the game to see how the deployments and opening fighter waves went.

I completely agree. The lucky shot that killed Screed really didn't matter as far as win/loss. The only difference would have been a dead ISD.

The game hinged on two events. First was my first turn bomber strike. I got 3 damage from 7 Bombers and Vader. I had 4 blanks in a row. The second, and more glaring, was activating my right VSD first on turn 3. I meant to wait for the ISD to activate and bring itself to within close range of Screed's ship. I have no idea why I changed that plan. I think it's mainly that decision that cost me the game.

I have to admit, I was secretly hoping for Clon vs Truth rematch so that this tournament could later turn into an inspired underdog story featuring a training montage and gonna fly now.

And I was hoping for turn 6 to be simultaneous complete destruction of both fleets via melodramatic ram. Just saying.

Congrats to Madaghmire. I caught the tale end of the match after most of Truthiness's fighters had been dispatched. I thought his superior anti squad capabilities would allow him to dominate the fighter war. I really think him being able to be first player was the other big decider. Demolisher not being able to activate last and then first helped him keep her away until the last couple of turns when it was too late. That obstructed long range shot from the VIC to finish Truth's flagship was something else though. I still think Madaghmire wins even if he doesn't take it out but it would have been a much closer victory. Did the twitch stream save? I would like to view the first 2 rounds of the game to see how the deployments and opening fighter waves went.

I completely agree. The lucky shot that killed Screed really didn't matter as far as win/loss. The only difference would have been a dead ISD. The game hinged on two events. First was my first turn bomber strike. I got 3 damage from 7 Bombers and Vader. I had 4 blanks in a row. The second, and more glaring, was activating my right VSD first on turn 3. I meant to wait for the ISD to activate and bring itself to within close range of Screed's ship. I have no idea why I changed that plan. I think it's mainly that decision that cost me the game.

Agreed. That activation choice hurt, far more than the bomber burn out.

we will be starting in about an hour

we will be starting in about an hour

I will be watching my first live stream. Make it a good one, I wanna see what these Raiders can do before I buy my first one :D

we will be starting in about an hour

This. Live stream is being set up as we speak.

Edited by BiggsIRL