Armada World Cup - Vassal Tournament:

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Armada

JJs Juggernaut vs Clontroper5 set for Friday 8:00 PM US Central time (GMT-6). It could end up being slightly later, but it won't start any later than 8:30 PM

Edited by JJs Juggernaut

Is that tonight?

JJs Juggernaut vs Clontroper5 set for Friday 8:00 PM US Central time (GMT-6). It could end up being slightly later, but it won't start any later than 8:30 PM

Yep 6:00 My time

Is that tonight?

Wow, that was fast!

I posted and immediately realized I forgot the put the day in. In the time it took me to edit it you caught me, lol!

This will be streamed!

Truthiness and I are playing Thursday night, 10pm EST/ 8pm Mountain Time.

Truthiness and I are playing Thursday night, 10pm EST/ 8pm Mountain Time.

Live-stream is a go!

Where is this being streamed again I would really like to see the Raider swarm in action!

On twitch at Biggsirl channel called, wait for it... Biggsirl

Also we will be posting a link in this thread

Edited by clontroper5

Looking forward to it thanks BiggsIRL and Clontroper5.

May you please save the stream and post it on youtube? I would love to be able to watch this later with the commentary as I will likely not be able to watch live.

I know it won't happen this tournament but I am curious to see how Clon's fleet does when either he doesn't get first player or have activation advantage. Love the fleet!

May you please save the stream and post it on youtube? I would love to be able to watch this later with the commentary as I will likely not be able to watch live.

I know it won't happen this tournament but I am curious to see how Clon's fleet does when either he doesn't get first player or have activation advantage. Love the fleet!


May you please save the stream and post it on youtube? I would love to be able to watch this later with the commentary as I will likely not be able to watch live.

I know it won't happen this tournament but I am curious to see how Clon's fleet does when either he doesn't get first player or have activation advantage. Love the fleet!

well, I lose... Bad... Luckily for me I won't have to worry about either of those situations! :P

I think you still may be able to pull it off vs some but yeah...without the Demo double activation I doubt you would be able to take out the big ISD's and MC80's before she gets blown up.

That Demo of yours has to be the deadliest 98 points in the game btw.

Yeah, JJ will have to play an amazing game to win this one. Those squadrons aren't going to hit hard enough to do him any good before the swarm strikes, and the Raider evades are going to just eat up his at-range TRC advantage. He'll end up with Demo tearing down the first thing it manages to sink its teeth into, and it's just a matter of time from there.

That said, I really want to see how JJ plays it, especially if he manages to pull it out. Please, somebody either Youtube this or vlog it, cause I'll be at work when they play! :(

Yeah, JJ will have to play an amazing game to win this one. Those squadrons aren't going to hit hard enough to do him any good before the swarm strikes, and the Raider evades are going to just eat up his at-range TRC advantage. He'll end up with Demo tearing down the first thing it manages to sink its teeth into, and it's just a matter of time from there.

That said, I really want to see how JJ plays it, especially if he manages to pull it out. Please, somebody either Youtube this or vlog it, cause I'll be at work when they play! :(


It should save to bigg's twitch, with commentary, assuming it works as planned

It should save to bigg's twitch, with commentary, assuming it works as planned

Hoping it works as I really want to be able to watch this one with the commentary.

I am curious to see if there is any answer to the bringer of death that is Clon's Demo.

It should save to bigg's twitch, with commentary, assuming it works as planned

Hoping it works as I really want to be able to watch this one with the commentary.

I am curious to see if there is any answer to the bringer of death that is Clon's Demo.

I actually think JJ *might* be able to work around it, if any of the remaining players could. My fleet, even if I managed to get past Truth, would get shredded. Truthiness on a second go...I dunno, maybe? But lost initiative and being severely out activated makes it tough. He at least has a counter demolisher though. I know the last one went poorly for him, and he *says* he has no idea how to tackle clons fleet, but I think he has something up his sleeve.

It should save to bigg's twitch, with commentary, assuming it works as planned

Hoping it works as I really want to be able to watch this one with the commentary.

I am curious to see if there is any answer to the bringer of death that is Clon's Demo.

I actually think JJ *might* be able to work around it, if any of the remaining players could. My fleet, even if I managed to get past Truth, would get shredded. Truthiness on a second go...I dunno, maybe? But lost initiative and being severely out activated makes it tough. He at least has a counter demolisher though. I know the last one went poorly for him, and he *says* he has no idea how to tackle clons fleet, but I think he has something up his sleeve.

I am curious. I think Truthiness is better equipped to lay some kind of trap with his Demo and his bomber screen. I just don't see how you get past Clon's 5 activations as he can keep his demo at long range, activate last and move it in with engine techs, get off 3 shots and kill pretty much any ship before JJ or any ship in Truthiness's fleet could respond. I am sure they have been trying to come up with some kind of formation etc.. Maybe a solid Critical effect by Dadonna can turn the tide. We shall see.

Yeah, JJ will have to play an amazing game to win this one.

That's what JJ does...

Yeah, JJ will have to play an amazing game to win this one.

That's what JJ does...

Your Overconfidence Will be Your Undoing.

Haha! I wouldn't say I have overconfidence, I'm just confident that the outcome (for better or worse) is going to be determined by me