Armada World Cup - Vassal Tournament:

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Armada

Thanks, came back to post it after I found it. :)

Yeah, this one's going to be close, I think. The lists are similar, and I think each has ways to exploit the other's' weaknesses. I've seen both pay, and they're both good players--I can see the coin flip having a pretty substantial impact on this one.

Truthiness, I am pulling for you pod buddy!

Truthiness / Reith is up!

We have games scheduled for tonight (tomorrow) at 03:00 GMT (Madaghmire vs Caribbean Ninja) and 04:00 GMT (Truthiness vs Reith28). A bit late for you Europeans, I know.

I'll be live-streaming one of the games (probably Madag vs Carib) to test out my capabilities for livestreaming the Semi-Finals. More details as we get to the actual game time.

Edit: Fixed a bad link.

Once again thx for the great previews, Biggs, and boy would I love to see those coming games unfold. Hope the stream can be seen in replay.

Decided to go back and count the objectives played, as well as who won (Player 1 vs Player 2). There were a few players who didn't post their objectives played in their end game reports (Clontroper5, I'm looking at you), but overall I was able to get a pretty good picture.


Precision Strike was the only objective that actually had First Player winning (that I could see) and at a 5:3 margin. It's also the only one that really got played much at all, with one Most Wanted and 2 Opening Salvos. No one played Advanced Gunnery at all.


Exactly half of the games I have records for were played in the Yellow. Of those games, only Contested Outpost seemed to favor Second Player (4-1) with Fleet Ambush being a frequent pick of First Player (7-1) who dominated almost every time it was picked. Only one pick of Fire Lanes, and 4 Hyperspace Assaults that also resulted in a First Player victory.


All over the place. Superior Positions was picked frequently enough and resulted in more Second Player victories (3-1) with splits in Minefields and Dangerous Territory. Not one Intel Sweep was played.

Decided to go back and count the objectives played, as well as who won (Player 1 vs Player 2). There were a few players who didn't post their objectives played in their end game reports (Clontroper5, I'm looking at you), but overall I was able to get a pretty good picture.


Precision Strike was the only objective that actually had First Player winning (that I could see) and at a 5:3 margin. It's also the only one that really got played much at all, with one Most Wanted and 2 Opening Salvos. No one played Advanced Gunnery at all.


Exactly half of the games I have records for were played in the Yellow. Of those games, only Contested Outpost seemed to favor Second Player (4-1) with Fleet Ambush being a frequent pick of First Player (7-1) who dominated almost every time it was picked. Only one pick of Fire Lanes, and 4 Hyperspace Assaults that also resulted in a First Player victory.


All over the place. Superior Positions was picked frequently enough and resulted in more Second Player victories (3-1) with splits in Minefields and Dangerous Territory. Not one Intel Sweep was played.

Decided to go back and count the objectives played, as well as who won (Player 1 vs Player 2). There were a few players who didn't post their objectives played in their end game reports (Clontroper5, I'm looking at you), but overall I was able to get a pretty good picture.


Precision Strike was the only objective that actually had First Player winning (that I could see) and at a 5:3 margin. It's also the only one that really got played much at all, with one Most Wanted and 2 Opening Salvos. No one played Advanced Gunnery at all.


Exactly half of the games I have records for were played in the Yellow. Of those games, only Contested Outpost seemed to favor Second Player (4-1) with Fleet Ambush being a frequent pick of First Player (7-1) who dominated almost every time it was picked. Only one pick of Fire Lanes, and 4 Hyperspace Assaults that also resulted in a First Player victory.


All over the place. Superior Positions was picked frequently enough and resulted in more Second Player victories (3-1) with splits in Minefields and Dangerous Territory. Not one Intel Sweep was played.


Oh good, we can have ninja's obliterating my posterior posted for posterity.

I played precision strike 3 times in a row and you know the last one :) (almost did Precision strike Again but couldn't resist fleet ambush)

Fixed on the sheet.

I think there was like 2 or 3 more that didn't have data on either first player or objective choice.

Madaghmire vs Caribbean Ninja is starting, and we will be live momentarily.

Well I blew it. Good game to Madaghmire. He held on and survived the blows. My big mistake was putting my lead ISD in front of my carrier. What a blunder. I think i took 8 damage from ramming!

My squads once again ruled to day. Not that it matters when you lose two ISDs. Vader is gonna be so pissed...

Good luck to Madaghmire in the next round. This was a blast!

Thanks Biggs for all that you do!


Edited by CaribbeanNinja

Truthiness defeats Reath 550-305 (Reath, I forgot to include Demolisher while you were still on).

I won the coin flip, went first, and chose Precision Strike. The game was almost certainly decided by Demolisher's first APT, which was a Comm Noise of all things. It slowed Reath's ISD from speed 1 to speed 0 just in time to take the full brunt of Demolisher without being able to use defense tokens. Despite that, Reath's bombers still managed to snipe down Demolisher only to have his VSD finally scub to the Colberica at the top of the next turn. Unbelievably good game that would have easily gone the other way had it not been for one lucky crit. Reath out played me on the squadron front pretty early on, limiting me to a total of 6 bomber shots. Alas, Demolisher is an evil bastard.

I believe a certain TO has some crow to eat :D

And That is why I said, of all, I love that Crit the most in that Thread.

And That is why I said, of all, I love that Crit the most in that Thread.

Yeah, that thing is very dangerous for speed 1 ships. I've been triple checking myself because it almost felt like a cheat.

I'm still 6-3 in predictions! Also, the stream didn't save. Sorry guys.

On the plus side, I'm definitely going to (try to) live stream the Semi-Finals and Final (if I am not working).

Truthiness defeats Reath 550-305 (Reath, I forgot to include Demolisher while you were still on).

I won the coin flip, went first, and chose Precision Strike. The game was almost certainly decided by Demolisher's first APT, which was a Comm Noise of all things. It slowed Reath's ISD from speed 1 to speed 0 just in time to take the full brunt of Demolisher without being able to use defense tokens. Despite that, Reath's bombers still managed to snipe down Demolisher only to have his VSD finally scub to the Colberica at the top of the next turn. Unbelievably good game that would have easily gone the other way had it not been for one lucky crit. Reath out played me on the squadron front pretty early on, limiting me to a total of 6 bomber shots. Alas, Demolisher is an evil bastard.

I believe a certain TO has some crow to eat :D

THIS has happened to me too! Only Ozzel and some well-timed nav commnads save that ISD from destruction - or at least delayed it...

I'm still 6-3 in predictions! Also, the stream didn't save. Sorry guys.

On the plus side, I'm definitely going to (try to) live stream the Semi-Finals and Final (if I am not working).

I will be honest, that crit is absolutely brutal. Even so it was a really good game. Truth was a great opponent. I look forward to playing against him again soon and next time I might just keep at Speed 2 until that Demolisher is dead :P

That crit is brutal, however aren't the defense tokens already spent at that point, so at least they are used for that attack! I've had the same thing with the capacitor failure were they can't spend redirects on zones without shields, but since its past the spend defense tokens step if they used their redirect they still get it for that attack.

0-2 for semis predictions

This is looking good for me... ;)

That crit is brutal, however aren't the defense tokens already spent at that point, so at least they are used for that attack! I've had the same thing with the capacitor failure were they can't spend redirects on zones without shields, but since its past the spend defense tokens step if they used their redirect they still get it for that attack.

Now that you mention this, I think we did resolve that first shot wrong, resulting in two hull damage that should have been able to be braced. What made really it, though, was Demolisher did it with the last activation of the turn, and the followed up with the first activation of the next turn. The first shot really didn't do all that much besides the crit. It was the double arc at the top of the next turn that all but killed the ISD. I'm pretty sure my VSD, which actually killed the ISD, did enough damage to make the two damage up hull damage from earlier irrelevant.

Edited by Truthiness

That crit is brutal, however aren't the defense tokens already spent at that point, so at least they are used for that attack! I've had the same thing with the capacitor failure were they can't spend redirects on zones without shields, but since its past the spend defense tokens step if they used their redirect they still get it for that attack.

Now that you mention this, I think we did resolve that first shot wrong, resulting in two hull damage that should have been able to be braced. What made really it, though, was Demolisher did it with the last activation of the turn, and the followed up with the first activation of the next turn. The first shot really didn't do all that much besides the crit. It was the double arc at the top of the next turn that all but killed the ISD. I'm pretty sure my VSD, which actually killed the ISD, did enough damage to make the two damage up hull damage from earlier irrelevant.

Actually, he probably would have redirected as well, bringing it up 4 damage would have been different since all the other damage went through the open front arc. Thinking through the game again, I don't think it would have mattered because the ISD still activated the turn it died and Demolisher was parked right behind it. Demolisher could have activated first and killed off the ISD before making a difference. Still, the order of the initial APT effect was definitely wrong. I'm positive I picked up that habit because I've had other people do this to me as well. Good catch there JJ.

Edited by Truthiness

Ill be honest. It was the crit changing my ISD to sp0 that was the significant factor that resulted in the ships destruction. I concur with Truths assessment, the small mistake in ordering of damage for that turn did not effect the game, ISD would still have been dead that turn

Yeah, I didn't really think it would make a difference, I just wanted to mention it for future use!

Ard vs. Clontroper starts in a little over two hours, at 0730 PST/ 1530 GMT.

Come watch somebody get tabled.

Edited by Ardaedhel

Ard vs. Clontroper starts in a little over two hours, at 0730 PST/ 1530 GMT.

Come watch somebody get tabled.

I like how that's either outrageously optimistic and bold or pessimistic and dreary at the same time.

I'll be there!

Just grabbing some Breakfast then our game can start