Armada World Cup - Vassal Tournament:

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Armada

Clontroper: COME AT ME BRO.[/size]


Thirsty for revenge I imagine after getting smacked down by my pack of CR90's last time. ;)

Thirsty for revenge I imagine after getting smacked down by my pack of CR90's last time. ;)

Also about time I fed them some Rebel seafood, they get tired of Pizza

He had Fleet ambush in his objectives which played right into my fleets strengths...

I'm having flashbacks to both of my Superior Positions matches in the previous tournament. Wave 2 has really put the hurt into some of these objectives. :unsure:

Biggs pre-match bets spot on so far?

Biggs pre-match bets spot on so far?

3-0 on predictions so far, at least on who wins.

Okay, I have a little more time now. So, this game went more or less how I expected it to. I was pretty sure I could win any of the Defense objectives against this list--Hyperspace Assault would've given me a little trouble, but I was pretty sure it wasn't going to be in there anyway--so I decided to go ahead and go first. This also gave me the advantage of being able to move fighters last during the squadron phase and then first during the ship phase, effectively doubling the threat range of my B-wings. I knew getting them into position would be a challenge against those CR90's, so this helped a lot.

My game plan going in--as soon as I saw the expected clustered Fire Lanes objectives--was to bear right for the MC80 to neuter the list before it could get too bad, while hopefully catching a CR90 kill on the way in to slow the incoming fire.

I placed the B-wings to try for that kill on the way in by holding them right where he wanted those wide flankers to be, while my ships trundled at medium speed right down the middle. I knew I'd be hemorrhaging points until I got into range of the objective tokens, so I couldn't take it as slow as I'd have liked.

I also knew that I probably wouldn't get too many Yavaris double-taps against the corvettes, so I wasn't really conservative with it. Fortunately, I did end up getting I think one B-wing double tap on a corvette in turn 2, which contributed significantly to that CR90 going poof early, limiting the incoming fire I had to deal with on that flank. Unfortunately, I was hoping it would live just one round longer to get some tasty double taps on Home One , but I somehow managed to not remember to point the front at Home One when I dropped Yavaris into range like a jackass. It was okay, though, because she drew the ire off of Ambellina , who ended up taking the fighter control handoff from Yavaris and planting some nasty shots on the front of Home One, while Paranoia followed up just off her flank to toss out the fighter cover and some supporting fire.

The following turn opened with an interesting placement, with Ambellina and Home One corner-to-corner facing each other but offset just enough to bypass each other. If either had wanted to. Ambellina opened up with some more devastating B-wing shots into the nose before placing some hull damage with her double arcs into the nose and side of Home One , then taking a bump to 1) stay out of a focused double arc, and 2) keep the side arc pointed at my nose, which was the only one with any significant shielding left. Home One blasted right through that AF2 with 7 damage and an accuracy on the brace, leaving Ambellina with 2 hull left. Home One got the engine tech double bump on her to finish the job before Paranoia activated and finished off Home One.

At this point I'd traded Yavaris and Ambellina for a CR90 and the Home One flagship, and focused on flinging out B-wings in hopes of chasing down the last 2 CR90's. This was the part of the game where I showed how you chase down CR90's with B-wings, and I really wish we'd had a vlog going (I never remember to start them...). In brief--you don't. You don't have to, because even though their range is long, a CR90 flanker is almost always going to turn back into the fight. Eventually, unless they're flown extremely expertly and extremely defensively , they'll end up inside range 5 of your B-wings, at which point the double activation from last-first gives you the range to snag them. And it doesn't take many B-wing shots to down a CR90, especially one that's also facing broadsides from an AF2.

So I ended up barely tabling him at... it was the end of round 5 or beginning of 6, I really don't remember. Paranoia was in pretty bad shape, but she was also running the fsck away after that round so I wasn't took concerned about her.

Lessons learned:

The Home One + CR90-turret list puts out the hurts. My defensive game plan going in was to just evade everything to force him to come to me. What actually ended up happening what that he had all the CF commands ready at exactly the right time, and accuracies on the evade every time, which plinked away at me much worse that I expected it to.

Point Yavaris at the threat, for Pete's sake.

Triple-check my **** dials at the start. I got super lucky that I didn't need my turn 2 (3?) squadron commands that I always program, because I somehow found myself flipping CF dials on both AF2's at the same time. My Garm bucks mitigated the issue somewhat, but it was still a **** waste, and I got really lucky that most of my B's ended up in range to take some shots by the time the squadron phase rolled around.

Speaking of Garm... He's still amazing. I once dismissed killing him as unimportant, since he doesn't have much effect on the game after he's already doled out his tokens on turn 1. But having played him many, many times, I've seen over and over those round 5 tokens save my life, push me over the edge to finish off a target, or both. And the flexibility he gives you throughout the game is unparalleled.

Yavaris: the most-killed ship in Armada :D

Yavaris: the most-killed ship in Armada :D


Yavaris: the most-killed ship in Armada :D

Yavaris: the most-killed ship in Armada :D

does that make Demolisher the most Murderous ship?

Your 98 point monster certainly is. Man that emporer won't give me anything like th...ah............argh........

Is the vassal server down or is it just me?

Looks like it is down.

Fortunately no games scheduled for today.

Edited by BiggsIRL

Looks like it is down.

Fortunately no games scheduled for today.

Should still be possible to play peer-to-peer. Never tried it though.

Looks like it is down.

Fortunately no games scheduled for today.

Should still be possible to play peer-to-peer. Never tried it though.

I've had no luck so far trying to start a peer game. Apparently my Vassal wants to talk home even to connect local. I can't even get the home page to come up. I wouldn't think they were on the same server, but maybe so.

Looks like it is down.

Fortunately no games scheduled for today.

Should still be possible to play peer-to-peer. Never tried it though.

I've had no luck so far trying to start a peer game. Apparently my Vassal wants to talk home even to connect local. I can't even get the home page to come up. I wouldn't think they were on the same server, but maybe so.

nevermind. I got it working. add a P2P server and setup your FW to forward port 5050 to your local IP. Works like a charm.

Looks like it is down.

Fortunately no games scheduled for today.

Server is still down.

I've tried my hand at peer-to-peer setup, but haven't gotten it figured out.

Let's hope the server is back online soon.

Server restored.

Let's hope it stays that way.

Server restored.

Let's hope it stays that way.

It better because... Green Knight vs Caribbean Ninja tonight!!!!

Server restored.

Let's hope it stays that way.

It better because... Green Knight vs Caribbean Ninja tonight!!!!

New time: Sunday, around 2 pm gmt

New time: Sunday, around 2 pm gmt


Edited by BiggsIRL

New time: Sunday, around 2 pm gmt


Better for me. I won't have to sit up until very late if its a long game. Yeah, I'm that old.

JJs Juggernaut (1st Player) vs NebulonB (2nd Player)

Objective: Fleet Ambush

Win for JJs Juggernaut.


A really great game with NebulonB. I was able to leverage my activation advantage and with first player I was able to keep NebulonB's options very limited. NebulonB's dice where a little off, but he took it all very well. This was a game in which maneuvering played a huge part. Thanks to my opponent, who was very gracious throughout.


Edited by JJs Juggernaut

JJs Juggernaut (1st Player) vs NebulonB (2nd Player)

Objective: Fleet Ambush

Win for JJs Juggernaut.


A really great game with NebulonB. I was able to leverage my activation advantage and with first player I was able to keep NebulonB's options very limited. NebulonB's dice where a little off, but he took it all very well. This was a game in which maneuvering played a huge part. Thanks to my opponent, who was very gracious throughout.


I knew I would be at a severe activation disadvantage, and yes, I actually had a plan, but JJ taking Ambush (this really needs to go, I cant handle it well and just brings disaster) and my unflexible setting up my ships just to get a shot at an ambushed AF (which oc I didnt get, anyway, as it moved first) doomed me from the start. The rest was flawless flying, time and again dodging my broadsides and using evades for TRCs from ships that would not need those evades themselves.

Edited by NebulonB

Chill doesn't have to wait anymore. Miedo takes the final game in a 270 MOV, getting the 9-1 win he needed.

Here's the spreadsheet I was using for the tournament so far .

Elimination games start now!

Ardaedhel vs Quark
Clontroper5 vs Miedomeda
JJs Juggernaut vs Nebulon B
Quadro28 vs Zanos
Cutter9999 vs Madaghmire
Green Knight vs Caribbean Ninja
Doobleg vs Truthiness
Reith 28 vs JRockNZ

Am I understanding this correctly if I think I'll get to play Madag after I beat Caribb?

(which I will, despite Biggs' pet analysis).

And after that it would be the winner of the Truthiness and Reith/JRock match?

Before finally crushing either JJ or Clon in the final???

(I have an evil plan, moahahah!)