Armada World Cup - Vassal Tournament:

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Armada

TRC's Mini-swarm: 1

Imperial Brawlers: 3

I'm not up on the lingo dude - can you explain what these mean? :)

TRC's Mini-swarm: 1

Imperial Brawlers: 3

I'm not up on the lingo dude - can you explain what these mean? :)

I believe it is referring to JJ Juggernaut's list

Imperial brawler is referring to ship heavy close range list(black dice) which usually has a large amount of hit points such as a triple isd list

Edited by clontroper5

Don't worry, I'm still carrying the glorious torch of the B-wing. :)

Not gonna lie, I'm half tempted to throw any game against you. Such is my love for the mighty B-Wing.

Oh, you wouldn't have to throw it... ;)

Don't worry, I'm still carrying the glorious torch of the B-wing. :)

Not gonna lie, I'm half tempted to throw any game against you. Such is my love for the mighty B-Wing.

Oh, you wouldn't have to throw it... ;)

But now he can say he did. Well played, Truthiness... well played. :P

Mad vs Cutter is in the books. 404-125, in my favor.

Cutter went first and took contested outpost. The score is not at all indicative of the game. He had demolisher on my tail on turn 6 before I burned it down with firesprays, but my ISD was sitting on no shields and only 5 hull remaining. Demolisher put in some serious work, obliterating my Flagship vsd that thought it was clever cutting to speed 0 for the first couple turns and coordinating squadrons. Motti ironically misplaced his faith in his ships defensive capabilities. But it couldn't carry the whole load, and after I gained an early lead in the squadron game my bombers were able to put too much pressure on his raiders.

Well played game, would be happy to play again any time Cutter. It was a pleasure.

Man, now I'm wishing I had brought my tried and true Rebel list. Too many Rhymerballs and Ackbars.

3 of 16 Ackbar broadsides? Doesn't sound like much to me.

TRC's Mini-swarm: 1

Imperial Brawlers: 3

I'm not up on the lingo dude - can you explain what these mean? :)

erm, and what is cinnamon and vanilla in regard to fighter balls, pls? Seems I miss out on that one :)

vanilla with plain old rhymer, and cinnamon spiced with firesprays?

TRC's Mini-swarm: 1

Imperial Brawlers: 3

I'm not up on the lingo dude - can you explain what these mean? :)

erm, and what is cinnamon and vanilla in regard to fighter balls, pls? Seems I miss out on that one :)

vanilla with plain old rhymer, and cinnamon spiced with firesprays?

Man, now I'm wishing I had brought my tried and true Rebel list. Too many Rhymerballs and Ackbars.

3 of 16 Ackbar broadsides? Doesn't sound like much to me.

3 of 6 Rebels though. I mostly hate myself for being one of SEVEN rhymerballs.

Man, now I'm wishing I had brought my tried and true Rebel list. Too many Rhymerballs and Ackbars.

3 of 16 Ackbar broadsides? Doesn't sound like much to me.

3 of 6 Rebels though. I mostly hate myself for being one of SEVEN rhymerballs.

Give in to your hate.

Man, now I'm wishing I had brought my tried and true Rebel list. Too many Rhymerballs and Ackbars.

3 of 16 Ackbar broadsides? Doesn't sound like much to me.

3 of 6 Rebels though. I mostly hate myself for being one of SEVEN rhymerballs.

This is why I'm not running my MC80/2xMC30T list again: I'll dust it back off once the Ackbar herd thins out a little.

And yes, this does mean I'm judging all of you Ackbar players out there. :)

Man, now I'm wishing I had brought my tried and true Rebel list. Too many Rhymerballs and Ackbars.

3 of 16 Ackbar broadsides? Doesn't sound like much to me.

3 of 6 Rebels though. I mostly hate myself for being one of SEVEN rhymerballs.

So RHYMER is OP, not Ackbar - I've known that since wave 1! :D :D :D

Edited by Green Knight

Two games tonight that are scheduled for 8:30PM GMT!

Ardaedhel vs Qark

Clontroper5 vs Miedomeda

Two games tonight that are scheduled for 8:30PM GMT!

Ardaedhel vs Qark

Clontroper5 vs Miedomeda

Have my two prospective opponents scheduled a game? I haven't seen anything, but I might just be missing it.

I am still waiting to hear on a scheduled game time for:

I am still waiting to hear on a scheduled game time for:

Reith 28 vs JRockNZ

It's always good to get confirmation that I am, in fact, not crazy.

JRockNZ and I are scheduled for 6pm (+11) on Tue 02 Feb. Unfortunately he is unable to play before this point. Biggs request a one day extension for the match.

It's always good to get confirmation that I am, in fact, not crazy.


Edited by Drasnighta

JRockNZ and I are scheduled for 6pm (+11) on Tue 02 Feb. Unfortunately he is unable to play before this point. Biggs request a one day extension for the match.

I will allow it. Better than a coin flip.

Miedomeda vs Clonetrooper starting any minute!

Clontroper takes the match, 400-8. Clon was first player and chose Fleet Ambush.


great game to Miedomeda! He too was unprepared for my onslaught ( but dealt with it better than i expected by slow rolling) He had Fleet ambush in his objectives which played right into my fleets strengths allowing me to place my heavy hitters right up in his face, where i was able to force a discard of his ISD's brace token turn 1 with a 8 damage roll form demolisher+intel officer followed up with rolls of 11 and 6 at the start of turn 2 to finish it off. I then used my superior activations to force his raider to enter close range of one of my Expanded launcher Raider which promptly rolled 7 damage+ an acc for the kill. He had slowed demolisher down to 0 to prevent a ram and after my raider killed his, it lined up a nice close range shot on demo, which it took at the start of turn 3 (while demo was still speed 0) killing him with a roll of 8 damage.

In all honestly my demolisher (which had taken a beating turn 1 and 2 form his fireball) was probably going to die that turn from his fire sprays so add 98 points to his score ( and probably another tie fighter)but it wouldnt be enough to effect the outcome

Edited by clontroper5

Ardaedhel and Quark Good luck!!

I Will be waiting...

Edited by clontroper5

Ard vs Qark done, with victory to Ard. 505-277 with 228 MoV by my count. Fantastic game that I'd love to do a long write-up for, but I have to go shower before work. :)

The crucial point of the game was Home One flying into the cloud of angry bees while her YT-2400 escorts got stiffarmed by Dutch and her A-wing escorts suppressed by Jan. I traded Yavaris for a CR90 and a stay of execution on AF2 Ambellina , who was dead to rights in Home One's full broadside--but Qark had to choose which one to execute, and couldn't get them both.

I have a couple of comments, but I'll have to save them. Great game that balanced on a knife-edge in the third and fourth turn, and outstanding sportsmanship from Qark.

Clontroper: COME AT ME BRO. I have no idea how I'm going to face that ****...

Edited by Ardaedhel