Armada World Cup - Vassal Tournament:

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Armada

Match's just over and I'm already late.

Miedomeda vs Chilligan is a 9-1 for me, with 270 points MOV, Chill was first player and picked my superior positions.

It was really much closer game than the score would suggest: Chill deployed his fleet to the far bottom right of the map, and I deployed opposite of him. Fleets moved forward, with Chill trying to form a conga formation and me trying to cap his T, which I eventually achieved with my ISD 1 crashing in the middle of his line and 1 shotting his MKIIb with a bit of luck on the next activation. With my ISD 1 dead from concentrated firepower from MC 30 and Ackbar frigate, the game ended with a furious brawl in the top right corner of the map involving my Raider and Demolisher against Chill's MC 30 and MKIIa frigate, with a bunch of squadrons in the mix. Meanwhile the squadron game was going poorly for Chill with Dash dead on the third turn and rest of fighters following shortly with no losses for my BOBAball, who managed to land the last few blows to his MKIIa. On the sixth turn, with only his MC 30 alive, Chill tried a shot at the Demolisher back that could have easily killed it, but rolled no crits to trigger ACM with and the Demolisher survived to land the killing blow on his last ship.

Very fun game!

So anyway, I somehow got the 9-1 result I needed and passed the turn, only to face Clontrooper and his raider swarm. May the force be with me, I guess?

So anyway, I somehow got the 9-1 result I needed and passed the turn, only to face Clontrooper and his raider swarm. May the force be with me, I guess?

Clon doesn't have to wait anymore. Miedo takes the final game in a 270 MOV, getting the 9-1 win he needed.

Here's the spreadsheet I was using for the tournament so far .

Elimination games start now!

Ardaedhel vs Quark
Clontroper5 vs Miedomeda
JJs Juggernaut vs Nebulon B
Quadro28 vs Zanos
Cutter9999 vs Madaghmire
Green Knight vs Caribbean Ninja
Doobleg vs Truthiness
Reith 28 vs JRockNZ

So nice I'll post it twice! (New Page)

Edited by BiggsIRL

if this is elimination, does mov matter anymore? or am i equally served winning by 20 points as I am by 200?

if this is elimination, does mov matter anymore? or am i equally served winning by 20 points as I am by 200?

Correct! Much like Who's Line is it Anyway, the points don't matter!

Edited by BiggsIRL

Some reminders of the elimination rules:

Each round of the playoffs will last for no more than one week (plus remaining time from a previous round that finished early). Players are required to post within 2 days of the round start when they will be able to play their opponent. If a player does not show up for the scheduled time, they automatically forfeit the match and are eliminated. If neither player are able to find a time they would be able to play within the time frame, the winner will be determined by coin flip. Please don't make me do this.

Green Knight vs CaribbeanNinja tentatively scheduled for Friday 1/29 at 4 PM Central (10 GMT?).

The CIA has seen fit to release the full results of my game against Doobleg:

Truthiness vs. Doobleg resulted in a Truthiness win. The final score was 359 to 210. Doobleg was first player and chose Precision Strike as the mission. It was a well played game on both sides, with the ultimate decider ending up being Doobleg's Demolisher jumping out a little too far ahead and getting killed early on. Great game Doobleg!

Indeed, activating my Demolisher first meant I was losing for the last 90 minutes of the game... but what a game! Heaps of fun, and a great learning experience too (I can say this honestly as that one mistake still haunts me days later - not gonna forget it in a hurry :P ).

A well-earned victory to Truthiness, who was as gracious and friendly as one can ever hope their opponent will be. Best of luck to him, and to everyone else in their battle to become Armada World Cup Champion! :D

AND! HUGE thanks to BiggsIRL for setting this all up. You're making a lot of gamers very happy, man, and we appreciate it. :D

Edited by doobleg

JJs Juggernaut vs NebulonB planned for Saturday the 30th 9 AM CST (GMT -6).

Madaghmire vs Cutter9999 tomorrow night at 10 pm EST. Come by and watch!

Edited by Cutter9999

Quadro28 vs Zanos

Sunday, Jan 31st at 9 pm EST(Time is tentative for now)

BiggsIRL, great stuff how you run this tourney, your previews included. Makes it even more enjoyable and, well, bigg.

For the record, though, JJs tourney record suggests to me that this "upset" is very unlikely to happen :)

PS: Did anyone do those fantastic analysis jobs that we had in the holiday tourney, did I overlook them somewhere?

Clontroper5 vs miedomeda

'rescheduled for 8:30pm gmt, Wednesday

Edit:changed time

Edited by clontroper5

Green Knight vs CaribbeanNinja tentatively scheduled for Friday 1/29 at 4 PM Central (10 GMT?).

Actually it's GMT 11 PM.

Central US is GMT - 5 though for Daylight Savings?

Central US is GMT - 5 though for Daylight Savings?

No daylight savings right now, so GMT-6 for central time.

PS: Did anyone do those fantastic analysis jobs that we had in the holiday tourney, did I overlook them somewhere?

No, it's been a pretty busy month for me, holidays rolled right into a month-long pounding at work. :( I'll do an analysis at the end, but I don't see having time before then, sadly.

Exciting previews of the matchups are now up!

Except for Doobleg and Truthiness's game. Jerks.

This is awesome, thanks for all the work you put into running these things. Love that write-up. You're pretty much spot on with my assessment of my matchup vs Qark... :)

PS: Did anyone do those fantastic analysis jobs that we had in the holiday tourney, did I overlook them somewhere?

No, it's been a pretty busy month for me, holidays rolled right into a month-long pounding at work. :( I'll do an analysis at the end, but I don't see having time before then, sadly.

Happy whenever I read it. Thx for taking the time do it at all.

Some small numbers. Of the lists that advanced to the elimination round, they have the following breakdowns by Faction and Theme:

Rebels: 6

Imperials: 10

Rebel Bombers: 2

Rebel Ackbar Broadsides: 3

TRC's Mini-swarm: 1

Imperial Brawlers: 3

Imperial Swarm: 1

Imperial Rhymerball - Cinnamon: 5

Imperial Rhymerball - Vanilla: 2

Edited by BiggsIRL

Man, now I'm wishing I had brought my tried and true Rebel list. Too many Rhymerballs and Ackbars.

Don't worry, I'm still carrying the glorious torch of the B-wing. :)

Don't worry, I'm still carrying the glorious torch of the B-wing. :)

Not gonna lie, I'm half tempted to throw any game against you. Such is my love for the mighty B-Wing.

Cutter9999 vs Madaghmire starting soon! (10 PM EST)