Armada World Cup - Vassal Tournament:

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Armada

Current Elimination Brackets
POD1 Winner vs Quark
Clontroper5 vs POD7 Runner Up
JJs Juggernaut vs Nebulon B
POD4 Winner vs Zanos
Cutter9999 vs POD4 Runner Up
Green Knight vs Caribbean Ninja
Doobleg vs Truthiness
Reith 28 vs POD1 Runner Up

Waiting on POD1, POD4, POD7.

Less than 24 hours to finalize any games.

Waiting on POD1, POD4, POD7.

Less than 24 hours to finalize any games.

Looks like Heychad and I unfortunately aren't going to be able to get our game in before tomorrow, so go ahead and chalk it up as a victory for him, as it was my awful work schedule that prevented us from playing.

Basically I have all games besides Quadro / Madag (going on now, I believe) for POD4 as "unable to schedule" 0-0 affairs.

Heychad / Ardaedhel is another "unable to schedule" 0-0 per the rules (though thank you for volunteering to forfeit, Ardaedhel) because it was never scheduled.

Miedo and Chill should be taking place sometime tomorrow evening, GMT I believe, and will conclude the games for POD rounds.

Yeah I'm sorry about not finishing the game with quadro and at this point I don't think I'll be able to finish my games, apologies to those involved.

Current Elimination Brackets

Ardaedhel vs Quark

Clontroper5 vs POD7 Runner Up

JJs Juggernaut vs Nebulon B

POD4 Winner vs Zanos

Cutter9999 vs POD4 Runner Up

Green Knight vs Caribbean Ninja

Doobleg vs Truthiness

Reith 28 vs JRockNZ

The Suspense is killing me!! WHO WILL BE MY OPPONENT?!

Well. Looks like I get to put my money where my mouth is on the B-wings vs CR90As issue. :)


Madaghmire vs Quadro28

Quadro28 chose first player and played Superior Positions.

Very tense game throughout. Ships weren't destroyed until turn 6, but squadrons were murdering each other throughout.

The final score was 274 to 164 in favor of Quadro28. 110 point MOV(7-3).

Current Elimination Brackets
Ardaedhel vs Quark
Clontroper5 vs POD7 Runner Up
JJs Juggernaut vs Nebulon B
Quadro28 vs Zanos
Cutter9999 vs Madaghmire
Green Knight vs Caribbean Ninja
Doobleg vs Truthiness
Reith 28 vs JRockNZ

Madaghmire vs Quadro28

Quadro28 chose first player and played Superior Positions.

Very tense game throughout. Ships weren't destroyed until turn 6, but squadrons were murdering each other throughout.

The final score was 274 to 164 in favor of Quadro28. 110 point MOV(7-3).

Quadro played a great game. We also had a surprising number of people to watch me lose.

Current Elimination Brackets

Ardaedhel vs Quark

Clontroper5 vs POD7 Runner Up

JJs Juggernaut vs Nebulon B

Quadro28 vs Zanos

Cutter9999 vs Madaghmire

Green Knight vs Caribbean Ninja

Doobleg vs Truthiness

Reith 28 vs JRockNZ

I was literally the FIRST one finished, and the LAST to receive his pairings :P

Why I'm I tortured so..

I was literally the FIRST one finished, and the LAST to receive his pairings :P

Pfft ... The way you went through opponents, you should be taught to be more patient. :D Its like giving a kid a Chocolate bar... If they shove the whole thing in their mouth at once, well, next time , you only give them one piece at a time! :D

Madaghmire vs Quadro28

Quadro28 chose first player and played Superior Positions.

Very tense game throughout. Ships weren't destroyed until turn 6, but squadrons were murdering each other throughout.

The final score was 274 to 164 in favor of Quadro28. 110 point MOV(7-3).

Quadro played a great game. We also had a surprising number of people to watch me lose.

I think people were more surprised that pod 4 actually had a game going!

Why I'm I tortured so..

I was literally the FIRST one finished, and the LAST to receive his pairings :P

Pfft ... The way you went through opponents, you should be taught to be more patient. :D Its like giving a kid a Chocolate bar... If they shove the whole thing in their mouth at once, well, next time , you only give them one piece at a time! :D


I'm not "impatient" just a firm believer in Blitzkrieg! Hit them Hard, Hit them Fast and don't Let them Recover! :)

And now, like a good responsible VassalDaddy, BiggsIRL is going to make sure you have chewed and swallowed your last piece completely before giving you the next done :D

last pod 7 match, Miedo vs Chilligan, starting now. Join us, won't you?

Chill doesn't have to wait anymore. Miedo takes the final game in a 270 MOV, getting the 9-1 win he needed.

Here's the spreadsheet I was using for the tournament so far .

Elimination games start now!

Ardaedhel vs Quark
Clontroper5 vs Miedomeda
JJs Juggernaut vs Nebulon B
Quadro28 vs Zanos
Cutter9999 vs Madaghmire
Green Knight vs Caribbean Ninja
Doobleg vs Truthiness
Reith 28 vs JRockNZ

The CIA has seen fit to release the full results of my game against Doobleg:

Truthiness vs. Doobleg resulted in a Truthiness win. The final score was 359 to 210. Doobleg was first player and chose Precision Strike as the mission. It was a well played game on both sides, with the ultimate decider ending up being Doobleg's Demolisher jumping out a little too far ahead and getting killed early on. Great game Doobleg!

Round 1 Will End at Monday, February 1st, at 23:59 GMT . Remember, if you don't get your game in by then, I flip a coin. DO NOT MAKE ME DO THIS.

Ard vs Qark scheduled for 2130GMT on Wednesday. That's 1330 PST and 0830 in Oz.

It hit me like a bus.... 11 damage 1 accuracy... It seems I have a thing for losing guppies instantly.

gg to meidomeda and good luck beating clontrooper.

Edited by chilligan

gg to meidomeda and good luck beating clontrooper.



Edited by chilligan

Btw, I was so off-balance that it didn't occur to me that I only had to kill the Raider to lose 8-2, which would have allowed me to carry on. I was looking at the old points table the whole time... And I had a double arc shot on the raider with the MC30... so it's my fault plenty.

gg to meidomeda and good luck beating clontrooper.


come clean, how many goats did you sacrifice?

Btw, I was so off-balance that it didn't occur to me that I only had to kill the Raider to lose 8-2, which would have allowed me to carry on. I was looking at the old points table the whole time... And I had a double arc shot on the raider with the MC30... so it's my fault plenty.

gg to meidomeda and good luck beating clontrooper.


come clean, how many goats did you sacrifice?

But I sacrificed 8 guppies to dark side...