Armada World Cup - Vassal Tournament:

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Armada

Could we please not start with elimination before pods are done!?

I'd be happy to wait, but it's a matter of convenience for two players who are 15 hours apart. Our schedules line up this weekend, but there's no guarantee that we'll get such an opportunity in the following week (given what I've got on next week, it's highly unlikely).


Could we please not start with elimination before pods are done!?

I'd be happy to wait, but it's a matter of convenience for two players who are 15 hours apart. Our schedules line up this weekend, but there's no guarantee that we'll get such an opportunity in the following week (given what I've got on next week, it's highly unlikely).

just play and don't tell anyone about it until later :P

Haha sold!

Gowtah and NebulonB did their last match. Don't know what the score ended up as.

That concludes our Pod .

just play and don't tell anyone about it until later :P


Biggs, are you going to be asking the standby players to replace withdrawn players?

Sorry, it's too late in the process to bring in replacements at this point.

Have to say, I'm a bit disappointed by this - what was the point in having a standby list exactly?

Anyway, good luck to the qualifiers - Clonetroper5 to go all the way for me ;)

We did have one person who had to drop for personal reasons and actually said he was dropping (HERO), so he was replaced by a standbyer (stander-by?), which I think was the intent.

That said, I do think that if we use this model again in future tournaments, if we have to turn people away, it might be wise to have a cutoff date for no-show/no-contacts after which they'll be replaced by a standby.

Last game from pod 6 ended with a win for Neb vs Gowtah. I took first player and chose Gowtahs hyperspace assault.

Score was 241-109 = 132, with the new table clinching an 8-2, but only just. According to the new table at least. Pls correct my math when counting pts, in case.

Two things to mention right away: The game was very close and could have gone either way several times, and Gowtah showed supreme sportsmanship when I rolled one more die than allowed (was blocked), had a rather bad roll and offered to keep it that way, as it was my mistake. Gowtah had me reroll it after all, and he suffered for it as the second roll was much better and resulted in loss of a ship (I think it was this shot, or one later, but this one was decisive).

And then I might have clicked one yaw too much when not remembering a crit, and it might have made a difference in the final shot from Gowtahs Home One. I would have had all tokens to defend, but who knows. If it was a mistake, it was an honest one, and Gowtah also seemed to forget to check.

As for the game, Gowtahs AF hypered in in rd 2 already, in a hurtful position, and we had a blocking festival there from then one, with his and mine MC30, his and one of mine AFs involved and also Jainas Light. In turn 4 I think I managed to kill Gowtahs MC30 and Jainas Light, that was badly needed to reduce his activation advantage since he destroyed my MC30 first. I managed to stay out of Home Ones broadside mostly, and Gowtah expertly bluffed me when he drew a bad crit for her. He repaired next turn and could shoot after all. Final shot in rd 6 was good, but not good enough for Home One, see above's caveat, though.

I lost resoundingly against Gowtahs same list last tourney, so was happy to be more competitive this time, irrespective of how it would have ended.

Thx Gowtah, I always learn a lot, gg.

Edited by NebulonB

just play and don't tell anyone about it until later :P


Roger. We'll post the results on 26 January at 0000 GMT :)

Wait until I officially announce the matchups.

I need an opponent!

Pod 3: finish your games :D

Doobleg vs Truthinessnessnessness is set for Sunday 2am GMT.

Victory versus Victory, Demolisher versus Demolisher, Soontir versus Soontir - get ready for the REAL attack of the clones!

Join us, won't you? :D

Edit: Forgot to mention, this is the first elimination round a friendly game, the result of which has no consequences for either player whatsoever.

Fixed. :)

I need an opponent!

Pod 3: finish your games :D

Might not be until Monday night.

Zanos vs Thanosazlin, I took first player and chose hyperspace assault. 10-0 for me, 400-36, mov of 364. Definitely rough list matching here, and an unlucky roll by Thanos' assault frigate at the end failing to take down a 3 hull vic in close range sealed the 10-0 in. Well played though, and a fun game, even if protons can be frustrating sometimes.

Qark and I have still not heard from Leowulf, despite pm messages on here. I guess he's dropped.


Any games this weekend? Still a few left to go.

Games that still need to be played:


Ardaedhel vs HeyChad




AlexW vs Deadshane








Miedo vs Chill



What's up with pod 4?

What's up with pod 4?

They've played exactly one game I believe.

What's up with pod 4?

They've played exactly one game I believe.

Yeah, I noticed. Kind of underwhelMing.

Games that still need to be played:


Ardaedhel vs HeyChad




AlexW vs Deadshane








Miedo vs Chill



Edited by Ardaedhel

Madaghmire vs Quadro28 will be Sunday at 10pm.

I have made attempts to schedule games with everyone in pod 4, and actually started one with icanspelegood.

As of right now it's not looking like many games will be played by our pod.

Truthiness vs. Doobleg resulted in a **REDACTED** win. The final score was **REDACTED** to **REDACTED**. **REDACTED** was first player and chose **REDACTED** as the mission. It was a well played game on both sides, with the ultimate decider ending up being **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED**. Great game Doobleg!

Truthiness vs. Doobleg resulted in a **REDACTED** win. The final score was **REDACTED** to **REDACTED**. **REDACTED** was first player and chose **REDACTED** as the mission. It was a well played game on both sides, with the ultimate decider ending up being **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED**. Great game Doobleg!

This is not the result you're looking for.

... move along.

Truthiness vs. Doobleg resulted in a **REDACTED** win. The final score was **REDACTED** to **REDACTED**. **REDACTED** was first player and chose **REDACTED** as the mission. It was a well played game on both sides, with the ultimate decider ending up being **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED** **REDACTED**. Great game Doobleg!

13 words and no prepositions? You monster!

It turns out I won't be able to get in the game with Deadshane by the deadline, so I'll officially concede. That should allow Carribbean Ninja to advance. Apologies and thanks for the tournament. I hope to take part in the next one.