Armada World Cup - Vassal Tournament:

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Armada

Hey guys ! Out of curiosity, are there any Vassal pick up games going on ? I'd love to clock in some games before tournaments but RL are sometimes harder to organize...

Cheers !

Week 1 is in the books: Current Standings are as follows.

POD 1	Points	MOV	Games
Dartho'the Dead	0	0	0
Ardaedhel	8	166	1
JRockNZ 	7*	22	2
HeyChad 	5*	0	1
Shadoer  	0	0	1
Truthiness	9	254	2
clontroper5 - X	29	1013	3
Captain ICT	2	0	2
Caribbean Ninja	1	0	1
AlexW   	0	0	1
Deadshane	1	0	1
JJs Juggern-X   28	1005	3
Audere1882	0	0	1
Icanspelgood	0	0	0
Madaghmire	10	400	1
Quadro28	0	0	0

Cutter9999	0	0	0
DabDarklighter	0	0	0
Thanosazlin	0	0	0
Zanos   	0	0	0
Onca    	2	0	1
Gowtah  	0	0	0
Green Knight	18	534	2
NebulonB	0	0	1
Meidomeda	3	0	2
Chilligan	0	0	0
BiggsIRL	8	162	1
Doobleg 	9	274	1
Qark    	1	0	1
godofcheese	0	0	0
Reath28  	19	704	2
Leowulf 	0	0	1

POD 2 is way ahead of the game, averaging 2 games, while POD 5... you guys will really need to pick up the pace.

Edited by BiggsIRL

Pod 4 players, I should have plenty of time to play Thursday night to Monday night (sorry had two store championships last weekend). Just PM me to set up a good time.

AlexW and I just finished a great match.

AlexW vs. CaribbeanNinja

1st Player: AlexW (He won the toss)

Objective: Contested Output

Score: 5-5

MOV: 204-185 (in favor of CaribbeanNinja. AlexW check the math. I think this is correct.)

My pair of ISDs awaited the enemy fleet at the outpost. AlexW flanked Motti with an amazing barrage from Insidious that forced me to get out of there with the flagship. My other ISD did most of the work downing all enemy squadrons and two raiders and collecting half of the Objective. By the time AlexW's Relentless came around it was just too much, a single die on the last roll of the sixth round put my ISD down. Ouch.

A fantastic and fun game. Only two games left in POD3.

BiggsIRL vs doobleg is set for this Saturday at 1am GMT!

Gonna be a good one. :D

BiggsIRL vs doobleg is set for this Saturday at 1am GMT!

Gonna be a good one. :D

It always is.

Dab Darklighter vs thanosazlin scheduled for tonight @ 8:30 EST.

AlexW and I just finished a great match.

AlexW vs. CaribbeanNinja

1st Player: AlexW (He won the toss)

Objective: Contested Output

Score: 5-5

MOV: 204-185 (in favor of CaribbeanNinja. AlexW check the math. I think this is correct.)

My pair of ISDs awaited the enemy fleet at the outpost. AlexW flanked Motti with an amazing barrage from Insidious that forced me to get out of there with the flagship. My other ISD did most of the work downing all enemy squadrons and two raiders and collecting half of the Objective. By the time AlexW's Relentless came around it was just too much, a single die on the last roll of the sixth round put my ISD down. Ouch.

A fantastic and fun game. Only two games left in POD3.

Awesome game and a very fortunate shot for me there at the end to pull even. Your math looks good and I blame my error last night on the late hour ;) 48 points of TIEs+96 points of two raiderIIs+60VP=204. 185 for me was from your 145 ISD+40VD.

Caribbean Ninja did a great job describing the keys to the game so I won't go into much detail. A couple takeaways for me:

1) Initiative ended up playing a big role in the game, especially at the end, so my two ships felt like three extra ships in terms of activations.

2) That squadron of Imperial Super Friends fighters is for real. My six squadrons delayed JJs X-Wings with Jan for several rounds, but Ninja's vaporized them in one round. They also did some significant ship damage after that thanks to being unfettered.

3) I love the idea of the raider, but they're just too paper thin. My first one was very fortunate to survive and then take one more shot to kill while my second didn't take a shot. They're nice for the activations but dropping them out of lists after this tourney gives me the points I need to pick up Demolisher and beef up the fighter squadron and probably get a decent initiative bid.

Anyway, thanks again for the game and I did forget to "end" the logfile so apologies there. Not sure if Caribbean Ninja got his or not.

Side question: I've had two games so far (not counting Biggs' instructional on Vassal) and both used Teamspeak and ran about 3 hours of actual playtime with going to six rounds (This one may have been more like 2:45). Is that a pretty typical game length? I've been happy with it so far being both new to Vassal and the game, so I'm hoping to be able to cut a little more time off as I get more used to things.


yes that is typical but will speed up as you become more fluent with the hotkeys.

2 quick players can do a full 6 turn game in about 1.5 hours

Edited by clontroper5

Reath28 vs GodofCheese tonight at 0830Z (1930 AEDST +11).

Week one coming to a close soon. POD5? You guys out there?

After multiple attempts to contact POD5 folks and failing to coordinate games.......I am starting to believe that my impressive fleet is scaring away the enemy. :)

Do we smell the scent of a drop? The vultures are circling!

Well one vulture.

And it's me.

Week one coming to a close soon. POD5? You guys out there?

After multiple attempts to contact POD5 folks and failing to coordinate games.......I am starting to believe that my impressive fleet is scaring away the enemy. :)

Do we smell the scent of a drop? The vultures are circling!

Well one vulture.

And it's me.

I think that the TO should make some announcements soon - if people won't play, others should get the chance before it's too late.

Unfortunately I can't force anyone to drop the tournament - though if they aren't responding to scheduling requests they do vacate those games.

Perhaps a rule, maybe for next tourney, if they go AWOL for a certain amount of time, they're dropped.

Anyway, Ill be doing mine on sat

Game against GodofCheese will be held at a later point. We managed to get turn 1 in but then a storm swept through our East coast and knocked out God's connection.

Quadro28 vs icanspelegood will be tonight at 7:30 EST.

Cutter9999 vs DabDarklighter scheduled for 8PM EST tonight.

I'm in.....ready to go.....

Cutter9999 vs DabDarklighter scheduled for 8PM EST tonight.

Cutter9999 vs DabDarklighter scheduled for 8PM EST tonight.

Quadro28 vs Icanspelegood's game was rescheduled to Saturday 7:30pm EST.

Shadoer, please check your private messages.

Cutter9999 vs DabDarklighter scheduled for 8PM EST tonight.

Cutter9999 defeats DabDarklighter 400-155. I was first player and the objective was Fleet Ambush.

The Beast is back!

Just twelve hours until the grudge match of the decade kicks off. Last time Biggs and I managed a 5-5 draw - this time...

... we're playin' for keeps!

Saturday, 1am GMT. Join us, won't you? :D :D :D

Beast Leader and the rest of Beast Group are standing by... are you?

Beast Leader and the rest of Beast Group are standing by... are you?

Will they stand by and watch as I blow their ride home to hell? ;)