Armada World Cup - Vassal Tournament:

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Armada

**** Clontroper....

Anyways, me and Miedomeda played our game. I took player 1 and chose his Precision Strike. Looked a little dicey as the Demolisher one shot popped the Ithor (my close range MC30) on turn 2, but then was forced out of the fighting for the next 4 turns, which let me focus down his ISD on turn 4, pop his Raider on turn 5, and run like the wind as Demolisher tried a desperation shot on the Mon Cala (Long range MC30) and Darklighter suffered through Fireball attacks, trading X-Wings for time.

Ended turn 6 with me on top, 357 - 195 for a MOV of 162 and an 8-2 victory.

Could have been a lot closer, or could have been MUCH worse for Miedomeda if things shook out a little differently on our final attacks.

Score confirmed, it was a good match. TBH I've been quite lucky on some rolls, especially the 1shot pop of the mc30 (4 blacks, 1 ordnance experts, 8 hits :v), but in the end Biggs manouvered better than me, played to the objective (my objective!) and deserved to win. Looking forward to a rematch!

**** Clontroper....

Anyways, me and Miedomeda played our game. I took player 1 and chose his Precision Strike. Looked a little dicey as the Demolisher one shot popped the Ithor (my close range MC30) on turn 2, but then was forced out of the fighting for the next 4 turns, which let me focus down his ISD on turn 4, pop his Raider on turn 5, and run like the wind as Demolisher tried a desperation shot on the Mon Cala (Long range MC30) and Darklighter suffered through Fireball attacks, trading X-Wings for time.

Ended turn 6 with me on top, 357 - 195 for a MOV of 162 and an 8-2 victory.

Could have been a lot closer, or could have been MUCH worse for Miedomeda if things shook out a little differently on our final attacks.

Score confirmed, it was a good match. TBH I've been quite lucky on some rolls, especially the 1shot pop of the mc30 (4 blacks, 1 ordnance experts, 8 hits :v), but in the end Biggs manouvered better than me, played to the objective (my objective!) and deserved to win. Looking forward to a rematch!

The real lucky bit with the Ithor is that even then i could have survived the hit with a lone hull up... If you didnt flip the crit that drops 2 shields with your APT.

I mean, i would have died immediety after so some combination of ISD / Raider, but still!

Audere and I are playing now (10:55 EST) for those who like to watch.

HERO has requested to drop from the tournament due to personal reasons.

Because we are still in the first week of POD play, we're calling up the replacements!

HeyChad has 24 hours from this post to confirm that he is being called up to replace HERO in POD1.

300th Imperial Division reporting for duty.

Pod 1 members feel free to PM me to schedule matches. I'm still looking for Vassal experience. Any other alternates free Tue-Fri for a match?

Madaghmire v Audere, 400-0. 10-0 MoV. Rare superior positions game where no one shoots the back of anything.

Much, much much closer than that looks. Audere's fighter pilots apparently have astigmatism. Couple rolls go a different way, especially against Dengar, and this game changes drastically. Soontir Fel claims Admonition and Jan Orrs, flowers to the families of all involved.

Miedomeda vs Doobleg due to start in less than half an hour, for those of you that like to watch.

****, 18 points. GK is winning the #bestpod

****, 18 points. GK is winning the #bestpod

Dunno about that. My track record vs. Gowtah is less than stellar :P

Edit: just be sure you beat him - I would be very grateful :D

Edited by Green Knight

Would people be willing to put links to their logfiles in a separate thread? I like watching these games, but the page count is expanding fast and it can be a bit of a pain trawling through looking for files.

Miedomeda vs Doobleg just over, with a 9 -1 mov to him.

It's been a really fun and bloody game, with a few epic moments I will surely remember for some time. I think he has the vlog file, for those of you who missed it.

Anyway, Doobleg chose first player and fleet ambush, but the tide immediately turned when I became the ambushed: on his first activation his ISD one shotted my poor raider, while his squadrons took out Boba before he had a chance to act. Tough start for me, and I struggled the whole game to get back into it.

There were really 2 epic moments: in the first his naked VSD with Screed on it, after a good beating from my Demolisher, was shot at by my ISD 1, leaving it at 1 hull, which Ozzel proceeded to strip with a desperate ram, taking the sixth damage on hull himself. In the second I only had my Demo left, against his Demo and ISD 2, who was out of range of everything. Turn ended with our Demos facing each other at red range, and on the next turn he chose to activate his ISD to make me come to him. I did, double ramming his Demo shouting LEEEEEEROOOOOOYYYY in chat, but ending up without a side arc to it, and on his next activation his Demo blew mine with no problem.

An absolutely hilarious game, we both had tons of fun. Too bad I lost awfully! Looking forward for a rematch, Doobleg is a really awesome opponent.

Miedomeda vs Doobleg due to start in less than half an hour, for those of you that like to watch.

Match is done!

Winner: Doobleg (1st player)

MoV: 400-126 (9-1)

Mission: Fleet Ambush

A truly awesome game, both challenging and fun. :)

As first player I chose Fleet Ambush, and took a gamble by placing my ISD-II right at the front of the ambush zone, giving him a double-arc at an unfortunate Raider. Unable to withstand the onslaught, the loss of the Raider put Mied on the back foot straight away. His ISD-I tried to catch my fleeing ISD, and his Firesprays nibbled away. Boba went down to the combined fire of Tie Interceptors, and the following round Vader went the same way (although this was a holding action on his part - mission accomplished, Darth).

Mied's Demolisher faired better, coming round the side and then rear of Screed's Vic-I, tearing away his shields and taking him to half health. The charging ISD-I finished the job, first with lasers, and then by ramming! My own Demolisher and combined fire from hsi compatriots had left the ISD-I on three hull points. It was up to Howlrunner, a tie interceptor, and the mighty Soontir Fell to deliver the 1-2-3 combo of hits to finish off the mothership... and deliver they did.

With the remaining squadrons flailing at each other and my ISD-II skirting the field of battle, it came down to a classic Duel Of Demolishers. I let Mied's go first, and he charged in, whipping his engine techs for the double-ram before the final shot.

But the shot never came, as Mied's final position left my Demolisher out of arc! But he was in mine, and one last broadside finished saw the battle come to a close.

As I said, a great match, and GAH! Ninja'd!!! :D

Vlog here:

Edited by doobleg

HERO has requested to drop from the tournament due to personal reasons.

Because we are still in the first week of POD play, we're calling up the replacements!

HeyChad has 24 hours from this post to confirm that he is being called up to replace HERO in POD1.

300th Imperial Division reporting for duty.

Pod 1 members feel free to PM me to schedule matches. I'm still looking for Vassal experience. Any other alternates free Tue-Fri for a match?

Just had to point out Chad posted EXACTLY 12 hours after Biggs! Nice!

****, 18 points. GK is winning the #bestpod

Dunno about that. My track record vs. Gowtah is less than stellar :P

Edit: just be sure you beat him - I would be very grateful :D

My record with him isn't that great either :/ I'll give it my best, but I don't have much experience playing against MC80 lists

Week one coming to a close soon. POD5? You guys out there?

Did I miss it, or has no one done a list analysis yet?

I feel like that something that if you were going to do it in depth, you would want to do it after the tournament. I do think Biggs put all the lists on his blog though, just no deep analysis.

Edited by Madaghmire

Week one coming to a close soon. POD5? You guys out there?

After multiple attempts to contact POD5 folks and failing to coordinate games.......I am starting to believe that my impressive fleet is scaring away the enemy. :)

Did I miss it, or has no one done a list analysis yet?

I wanted to do it, and I have the end analysis for the Holiday Tournament pretty well done too, I just keep being busy when I'm at the PC with the data on it.

Think I might just post the spreadsheet for the last one so the raw data is out there.

Week one coming to a close soon. POD5? You guys out there?

After multiple attempts to contact POD5 folks and failing to coordinate games.......I am starting to believe that my impressive fleet is scaring away the enemy. :)

Hehe, just a bad week is all, I almost had a chance to play Thanosazlin but he was already in a game

Did I miss it, or has no one done a list analysis yet?

I wanted to do it, and I have the end analysis for the Holiday Tournament pretty well done too, I just keep being busy when I'm at the PC with the data on it.

Think I might just post the spreadsheet for the last one so the raw data is out there.

I'll try do one after my exams this week, if no one else has. Always wanted to do one

Week one coming to a close soon. POD5? You guys out there?

... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Week one coming to a close soon. POD5? You guys out there?

... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Did you have a slight weapons malfunction?

Week one coming to a close soon. POD5? You guys out there?

... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Did you have a slight weapons malfunction?

Let's say that a wookie got loose over the Life day holiday and it took an extra week to put the house back in order. At least, that's my story.

Week one coming to a close soon. POD5? You guys out there?

... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Did you have a slight weapons malfunction?

Let's say that a wookie got loose over the Life day holiday and it took an extra week to put the house back in order. At least, that's my story.

You should have let the wookie win. It's much easier that way.

Any more games player?

Update on the scores?