Armada World Cup - Vassal Tournament:

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Armada

I might be able to get in my first game tonight vs. JRock at 9pm PST, stay tuned.

Reminder that my game against Miedomeda is in just over 1 hour at 8pm EDT.


Edited by BiggsIRL

JJs Juggernaut vs CarribeanNinja scheduled for 10:00 AM Central (GMT -6) Saturday the 9th.

Magdemire and Icanpelegood- are you guys available at all? I haven't heard from either of you.

clontroper5 (1st) vs Shadoer: objective precision strike

460 to 38 for an Mov of 422 and another 10-0 for me

My list functioned at peek level with Demolisher jumping Relentless Turn 1 dealing 9 damage and then finishing her at the start of turn 2. this left shadoer at a severe activation disadvantage forcing him to move into range of my raiders guns. this resulted in (his) Demolisher being killed by one of my Expanded launcher raiders, after coming close to one-shoting said corvette. immediately following that (his) instigator was forced to move into range of 2 of my corvettes abut stayed out of the front arcs, even so they left him 1 hull remaining which was no issue to finish off at the start of turn 3 with an APT shot from my instigator.

thanks to my opponent, this was his first vassal game and he was an excellent sport (after all I did kill his "must not die ship" on turn 2 before it had done anything) Good luck in your future games :)

Magdemire and Icanpelegood- are you guys available at all? I haven't heard from either of you.

Sorry havent pm'd anyone. I did post my schedule in here a few times.

**** Clontroper....

Anyways, me and Miedomeda played our game. I took player 1 and chose his Precision Strike. Looked a little dicey as the Demolisher one shot popped the Ithor (my close range MC30) on turn 2, but then was forced out of the fighting for the next 4 turns, which let me focus down his ISD on turn 4, pop his Raider on turn 5, and run like the wind as Demolisher tried a desperation shot on the Mon Cala (Long range MC30) and Darklighter suffered through Fireball attacks, trading X-Wings for time.

Ended turn 6 with me on top, 357 - 195 for a MOV of 162 and an 8-2 victory.

Could have been a lot closer, or could have been MUCH worse for Miedomeda if things shook out a little differently on our final attacks.

Truthiness defeats Captain ICT 535-281 for a 9-1 victory and a 254 MoV. Cap was first player, choosing Precision Strike as the objective. The dice hated him and I continue to be clueless with Imperials. I should have killed Independence on turn 3, but got stupid with the Demolisher. It cost me a VSD and damned near the game.

Me and JRock just played a hilarious game that went to 5-5 with I think a 22 Mov? Our Vassal crapped itself near the bottom of 4, but the highlights of the game is me flying around with Home One after both TRC90s died, and his VSD limping away with 1 HP, then Tarkin saved him with his Engineering token, but only after he held his breath when he flipped a crit (a Structural Damage would have killed him). Fun times.

Me and JRock just played a hilarious game that went to 5-5 with I think a 22 Mov? Our Vassal crapped itself near the bottom of 4, but the highlights of the game is me flying around with Home One after both TRC90s died, and his VSD limping away with 1 HP, then Tarkin saved him with his Engineering token, but only after he held his breath when he flipped a crit (a Structural Damage would have killed him). Fun times.

Who got the 22 MOV?

POD 1   	Points	MOV	Games
Ardaedhel 	8	166	1
JRockNZ  	7	0	2
HERO    	5		1
Shadoer 	0	0	1
Truthiness	9	254	2
clontroper5 - X	29	1013	3
Captain ICT	2	0	2
Caribbean Ninja			
AlexW    	0	0	1
Deadshane	1	0	1
JJs Juggernaut	19	695	2

Onca    	2	0	1
Green Knight	8	145	1
Meidomeda	2	0	1
BiggsIRL	8	162	1
Qark    	1	0	1
Reath28 	9	271	1

X = POD Winner

Clontroper5 will receive a medal for his work for the empire in round one.

Only true Rebel scum and commanders not fit for the empire would call those fine Raider ships "popcorn".

Me and JRock just played a hilarious game that went to 5-5 with I think a 22 Mov? Our Vassal crapped itself near the bottom of 4, but the highlights of the game is me flying around with Home One after both TRC90s died, and his VSD limping away with 1 HP, then Tarkin saved him with his Engineering token, but only after he held his breath when he flipped a crit (a Structural Damage would have killed him). Fun times.

Who got the 22 MOV?


HERO has requested to drop from the tournament due to personal reasons.

Because we are still in the first week of POD play, we're calling up the replacements!

HeyChad has 24 hours from this post to confirm that he is being called up to replace HERO in POD1.

HERO has requested to drop from the tournament due to personal reasons.

Because we are still in the first week of POD play, we're calling up the replacements!

HeyChad has 24 hours from this post to confirm that he is being called up to replace HERO in POD1.

HERO has requested to drop from the tournament due to personal reasons.

Because we are still in the first week of POD play, we're calling up the replacements!

HeyChad has 24 hours from this post to confirm that he is being called up to replace HERO in POD1.

Awww hero will be missed :'(

Yeah sorry folks, I came back from vacation and looked at the upcoming tournament season here in SoCal for X-Wing and Armada and it's a busy one.

I will have to balance my Vassal play with IRL play, so I won't have time for both.


HERO has requested to drop from the tournament due to personal reasons.

Because we are still in the first week of POD play, we're calling up the replacements!

HeyChad has 24 hours from this post to confirm that he is being called up to replace HERO in POD1.

Awww hero will be missed :'(

Yeah sorry folks, I came back from vacation and looked at the upcoming tournament season here in SoCal for X-Wing and Armada and it's a busy one.

I will have to balance my Vassal play with IRL play, so I won't have time for both.



HERO has requested to drop from the tournament due to personal reasons.

Because we are still in the first week of POD play, we're calling up the replacements!

HeyChad has 24 hours from this post to confirm that he is being called up to replace HERO in POD1.

We are having trouble getting hold of our other pod member, Darth0fthedead, too. May need a second replacement if he doesn't respond this week.

HERO has requested to drop from the tournament due to personal reasons.

Because we are still in the first week of POD play, we're calling up the replacements!

HeyChad has 24 hours from this post to confirm that he is being called up to replace HERO in POD1.

We are having trouble getting hold of our other pod member, Darth0fthedead, too. May need a second replacement if he doesn't respond this week.

Keep me posted on this.

JJs Juggernaut (1st Player) vs CaribbeanNinja (2nd Player)

Objective: Minefields

9-1 MoV 310 (400-90)

This game nearly took a nasty turn for me as both MISDs (Motti ISDs ;) ) came charging towards me. With the Minefields deployment shutting off half the board, Gallant Haven was bracketed by ISDs with the rest of my forces positioned to flank. However it is much harder to flank speed 3 ISDs with only half a board. Gallant Haven pulled hard to the outside, but was pursued hotly and also headed off. This allowed Jaina's Light to slot behind one ISD, while Admonition and my other TRC90 prepared to hit the Motti's Flagship as it moved into range next round. Gallant Haven went first at the top of the next round and send out the squadrons, who were able to alpha Dengar and lock down the Imperial aces. Haven then moved out of medium range of the following ISD. Gallant Haven was taking heavy long range fire though, and lost shields as well as burnt the evade. However, this left Motti's flagship being focused by three of my ships, and it has been forced to move into a double arc from Admonition at close range! Admonition whiffed hard, but with TRC and EO manage to still deal some damage, but no APTs. Next round Admonition started and brought Motti to two hull remaining. Motti did heavy damage to a CR90 and then went down to Gallant Haven who begin to repair and run at full speed, which kept it out of the ISD's medium range for the remainder of the game. My ships then shifted focus and over the next two rounds finished off the other ISD, who did manage in the meantime to finish off the damaged CR90. My squadrons had a hard time with the aces, but they were just stalling for time.

A great game, and thanks to my opponent. He was very sporting, and played very well. The game hung in the balance for several turns, and I just managed to come out on top; TRCs help so much with my many many red blanks!


Green Knight vs NebulonB

1st player: Green Knight

Objective: Fleet Ambush

Score: 10-0

MOV: 400-11 = 389

My second of Fleet Ambush in a row, this time as first player.

Comparing our lists beforehand I was very afraid of Neb's 2 Ackbar AFs with XI7, Intel officers and ECMs, backed up by TRC/APT Foresight and a decent enough fighter force to keep my Awing cloud tied up for long enough to make it irrelevant. I knew I could not duel from afar, nor allow the MC30 to get too close. I would have to rely on setup and maneuvers to win the day,

Neb's relative inexperience with the objective played into my hand. I set up aggressively with 2 AFs and 10Awing already in shooting range as we deployed, with my third one screaming up behind my main gun cap his T. Neb deployed a little too closely spaced, which hurt his ability to move. I compounded the problem by quickly parking my flagship in the front arc of his lead ship.

Nebulon conceded near the end of round 2 after I blew up one AF and left Foresight with only 1 hull and 0 shields. He had one ship left to activate, but was in no position to do me serious harm in return. I do not normally like concessions, but when Neb suggested it I quickly agreed - there was no way for him to harm my ships, nor escape destruction.

Great sportsmanship from Neb throughout the whole ordeal, despite being in a bad position from the start.

HERO has requested to drop from the tournament due to personal reasons.

Because we are still in the first week of POD play, we're calling up the replacements!

HeyChad has 24 hours from this post to confirm that he is being called up to replace HERO in POD1.

How does this work when a game has already been played? Is it stricken? Is it retained? Does the replacement take over the points/MOV?

Didn't really think anyone would drop out after getting a game in so I don't have any written rules on the subject yet. So here's the official ruling:

It is up to JRock, who played that game with the previous guy. If he wants to play it again against the new guy he can, if not, it stands as a 5-5.

JJs Juggernaut (1st Player) vs CaribbeanNinja (2nd Player)

Objective: Minefields

9-1 MoV 310 (400-90)

This game nearly took a nasty turn for me as both MISDs (Motti ISDs ;) ) came charging towards me. With the Minefields deployment shutting off half the board, Gallant Haven was bracketed by ISDs with the rest of my forces positioned to flank. However it is much harder to flank speed 3 ISDs with only half a board. Gallant Haven pulled hard to the outside, but was pursued hotly and also headed off. This allowed Jaina's Light to slot behind one ISD, while Admonition and my other TRC90 prepared to hit the Motti's Flagship as it moved into range next round. Gallant Haven went first at the top of the next round and send out the squadrons, who were able to alpha Dengar and lock down the Imperial aces. Haven then moved out of medium range of the following ISD. Gallant Haven was taking heavy long range fire though, and lost shields as well as burnt the evade. However, this left Motti's flagship being focused by three of my ships, and it has been forced to move into a double arc from Admonition at close range! Admonition whiffed hard, but with TRC and EO manage to still deal some damage, but no APTs. Next round Admonition started and brought Motti to two hull remaining. Motti did heavy damage to a CR90 and then went down to Gallant Haven who begin to repair and run at full speed, which kept it out of the ISD's medium range for the remainder of the game. My ships then shifted focus and over the next two rounds finished off the other ISD, who did manage in the meantime to finish off the damaged CR90. My squadrons had a hard time with the aces, but they were just stalling for time.

A great game, and thanks to my opponent. He was very sporting, and played very well. The game hung in the balance for several turns, and I just managed to come out on top; TRCs help so much with my many many red blanks!


It is such a pleasure playing JJ (even though I was thrashed - Motti exclaims, "TRC-90s...NOoooo!") It reminds me of why I love this game so much.

Now that he has locked up first in POD 3, I can personally guarantee an Imperial fleet will take second!

Didn't really think anyone would drop out after getting a game in so I don't have any written rules on the subject yet. So here's the official ruling:

It is up to JRock, who played that game with the previous guy. If he wants to play it again against the new guy he can, if not, it stands as a 5-5.

I agree and think player's choice (the player that played the player dropping out) is the way to rule.