Armada World Cup - Vassal Tournament:

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Armada

Yeah, I can play sunday, monday or tuesday night from 10pm.

I should be on tomorrow night.

Things I shouldn't post having woken up after an overnight shift.

Sorry Doobleg.

I'll take your apology in the form of EXPLODING FRIGATES!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! :P

You say that now, but then all of his Opponents Frigates Explode all the time, winning him crucial matches for the championship...

Ard vs JRockNZ done. He had to run immediately afterward, so he'll need to confirm the count, but my count is 339-173 in my favor, or 8-2.

A brutal, brutal fighter game. His swarm of TIEs of various stripes carved up my B-Wings out front, but Jan proved her worth, turning my vulnerable heavy fighter-bombers into monster tanks against the Howlrunner/Interceptor onslaught. Then Wedge struck back, mowing down a couple of lynchpins with his Flight Controller/Adar/Yavaris return fire, while Dutch stiff-armed Rhymer long enough to keep him out of the fight for the entire game. The turning point of the game was Yavaris unleashing hell into the nose of the ISD on turn 4, followed up by broadsides from the two nearly-naked AF2's. My flagship then dodged a potentially nasty medium-range shot out the front of the ISD that showed a whole handful of blank reds, even after a CF token. After that the game degenerated into a Wave 1 style VSD-vs-AF2 standoff, with me trying to get the B's into position to finish him and him trying to run down an AF2 to make some points back.

In less jovial news, I feel I need to publicly apologize for a lapse in sportsmanship on my part during the game: early on I missed resetting a crucial dial, and instead of just eating it I asked if I could fix it. I knew it was my error, but by asking I put JRock in the tough position between looking like a jerk and following the rules. I did end up eating it, but it was still sh*tty of me to even ask. So, sorry dude, and thanks for the game!

Double header coming up tomorrow, well...sort of.

Thursday January 7th:

JJs Juggernaut vs Deadshane to begin at 10:00 AM Central (GMT -6)


JJs Juggernaut vs AlexW to begin at 8:00 PM Central (GMT -6)

JJs vs Deadshane moved to Noon Central due to a slight conflict.

Just finished up against Leowulf.

Victory points to my count were 445 - 12 with a MOV of 433 to Reath28.

Game was closer then the points suggested. Leowulf deployed his ISD on one side with his Fireball, and his Demolisher on the other side. In response I placed both my ISD2, Vic1 and Rhymerball on the Demolisher side. There was some furious squadron engagements with my fighters just able to get out on top thanks to some lucky rolls at the right time. This turned the squadron game in my favour which helped me lock down his Fireball with the fighters whilst my bombers did damage to the Demolisher.

There was some furious fire exchange between the ISD's resulting in my Star Destroyer limping away to lick his wounds. I was able to down Demolisher at the beginning of Turn 4 with my ISD and Vic turning tail from his ISD. Unfortunately Leowulf had dinner at this point and needed to depart with him declaring the game in my favour.

Leowulf was quite unlucky during the game and in one instance just missed out on blue dice on my ISD. The game could have easily gone heavily to his favour on another day.

Vlog File:

Edited by Reath28

I should be on tomorrow night.

Want to try for 930 EST tonight?

Pod Scores thus far:

POD 1           	Points	MOV	Games
Darth of the Dead 	0       0       0		
Ardaedhel       	8	166	1
JRockNZ         	2	0	1
HERO          		0       0       0 

Shadoer                 0	0       0		
Truthiness         	0	0	1
clontroper5          	19	591	2
Captain ICT           	1	0	1	

No other games have been played as best as I can tell.

Just for official record, the deadline for games are January 25th at 23:59 GMT. I'll actually be out at drill at the time and will put up the official matchups a few hours later, but to preview who will be playing who in the elimination rounds:

POD1 Winner vs POD8 Runner Up

POD2 Winner vs POD7 Runner Up

POD3 Winner vs POD6 Runner Up

POD4 Winner vs POD5 Runner Up

POD5 Winner vs POD4 Runner Up

POD6 Winner vs POD3 Runner Up

POD7 Winner vs POD2 Runner Up

POD8 Winner vs POD1 Runner Up

JJs Juggernaut (1st Player) vs Deadshane (2nd Player)

Objective: Fleet Ambush

9-1 MoV 338 (400-62)

A few intense match that ended near the end of round 4. Fleet ambush made for a bloody game. I was very worried about the Fireball eating my small ships, but I was able to weather some shots and focus down Deadshane's fleet. One of my CR90s got a lucky shot that killed a full health Motti Raider, as well as finished off Instigator from the side arc. Then the remainder of my fleet shanked the ISD. Lando once again proved his worth and saved my MC30 from certain doom, then Admonition sped off at speed 4 and Jaina's Light and Gallant Haven managed to finish off the ISD. It was interesting this game how both sides ignored each others squadrons and used them against ships. I knew this favored Deadshane, but after losing one round being tied down by Instigator, I didn't think I could reliably get through Vader and Dengar in the next two rounds, so I opted to go bombing...and the x-wings missed 7 out of 9 shots...Once again I hate x-wings for anti-ship. Jan and my A-wing did some damage however and the A-wing sacrificed itself to save Admonition from a bombing run that may have otherwise finished it. A good game to my opponent, in a match that was closer than the end game score showed.


One interesting note, if you lose a TRC90 you are unable to score a 10-0 without more points from objectives.

Score verified

Game left a bad taste in my mouth. JJ played unfairly.

....he used tactics.

Lol, j/k, good game, look forward to a rematch.

As an aside, after playing 3 5+hour games on vassal, JJ suggested teamspeak. Our game was finished in 2.5 hours. Very refreshing. Keep the teamspeak snowball rolling guys. Makes for a MUCH faster game!

As an aside, after playing 3 5+hour games on vassal, JJ suggested teamspeak. Our game was finished in 2.5 hours. Very refreshing. Keep the teamspeak snowball rolling guys. Makes for a MUCH faster game!

Aaaw, but I like typing sound effeeeeects. :(

No word from either of my remaining opponents :(

Just finished with Reath28. He won by many points (he has the exact numbers), however the game was very close. His last ship, the victory, ended the game with 1 hull remaining. Doing that one extra damage would have given me points for all the squadrons as well. Despite not getting many tournament points out of the game that was the closest game on vassal I have had.

Just finished with Reath28. He won by many points (he has the exact numbers), however the game was very close. His last ship, the victory, ended the game with 1 hull remaining. Doing that one extra damage would have given me points for all the squadrons as well. Despite not getting many tournament points out of the game that was the closest game on vassal I have had.

Game against Qark was a cracker. Everything that I like in a game. It quite literally came down to my Vic just dodging his Corvette's ram which would have ended both players ships.

By my count points as follows:

529 (Reath) -158 (Qark)

MOV 371pts in my favour for a 10-0.

This is no way reflected how close the game was. Qark was an excellent opponent and I would love to play him again sometime.


Quick note on my list before I go to bed (and maybe some other players), but the link I used in Armada Warlords did not copy and paste the titles and they don't appear when you go into the link (Insidious and Relentless), though when you add up the points (399) it does include them in the total. JJ pointed that out and we had to do some math and figuring before the game when he noted the titles in game and pointed out they weren't in my list.

It was an utter defeat for the Empire, 10-0 for JJ. I appreciate the game and the patience with the new player, he was a great sport. Beyond that, if I get a chance, I'll post some thoughts on the game tomorrow.

Edited by AlexW

JJs Juggernaut (1st Player) vs AlexW (2nd Player)

Objective: Dangerous Territory

10-0 Mov 357​ (430-73)

This match was a tough one, and the end score doesn't fully show the whole story. My opponent, though new, played very well. With even activations I knew I had to kill something quickly to fully start swinging the fight in my favor. After Admonition was forced into range of Insidious by activation order, he (my MC30s are male, alpha predators and all) took a huge hit that forced an early Lando and a token discard. Admonition responded the top of the next turn, but was unable to kill Insidious, leaving it at one health as Admonition moved away to join the main fight. Luckily, obstruction and a crit made Insidious's activation fairly weak and it was finished off by Gallant Haven who, with squadron help also took out a raider in the same activation. During this time the squadrons were engaged, but intel allowed me to make some bombing runs as well as hit the Tie/ln squadrons. After this Jaina's Light took the other raider from full health to dead and then moved away from the ISD, though she took heavy damage from the side arc. After this Jaina's ran away next turn and the rest of my fleet converged to finish vader. Admonition moved close and at the top of round 6 finished the game. The game ended with all my remaining squadrons on low health, as well as my small ships battered to the point of being finished off with a good hit. A good game to my opponent, who was a great sport and great to play with.


Edited by JJs Juggernaut

Just finished with Reath28. He won by many points (he has the exact numbers), however the game was very close. His last ship, the victory, ended the game with 1 hull remaining. Doing that one extra damage would have given me points for all the squadrons as well. Despite not getting many tournament points out of the game that was the closest game on vassal I have had.

Game against Qark was a cracker. Everything that I like in a game. It quite literally came down to my Vic just dodging his Corvette's ram which would have ended both players ships.

By my count points as follows:

529 (Reath) -158 (Qark)

MOV 371pts in my favour for a 10-0.

This is no way reflected how close the game was. Qark was an excellent opponent and I would love to play him again sometime.


Congrats on the wins, Reath. :)

What missions did you play in your games? And who was first player?

Just finished with Reath28. He won by many points (he has the exact numbers), however the game was very close. His last ship, the victory, ended the game with 1 hull remaining. Doing that one extra damage would have given me points for all the squadrons as well. Despite not getting many tournament points out of the game that was the closest game on vassal I have had.

Game against Qark was a cracker. Everything that I like in a game. It quite literally came down to my Vic just dodging his Corvette's ram which would have ended both players ships.

By my count points as follows:

529 (Reath) -158 (Qark)

MOV 371pts in my favour for a 10-0.

This is no way reflected how close the game was. Qark was an excellent opponent and I would love to play him again sometime.


Congrats on the wins, Reath. :)

What missions did you play in your games? And who was first player?

Thanks mate. I was second player in both games. The game against Leowulf was Precision Strike and the game against Qark was Contested Outpost.

If I go second again next I am hoping someone picks Minefields so I can play out the lot of my Objectives :D .

Just finished with Reath28. He won by many points (he has the exact numbers), however the game was very close. His last ship, the victory, ended the game with 1 hull remaining. Doing that one extra damage would have given me points for all the squadrons as well. Despite not getting many tournament points out of the game that was the closest game on vassal I have had.

Game against Qark was a cracker. Everything that I like in a game. It quite literally came down to my Vic just dodging his Corvette's ram which would have ended both players ships.

By my count points as follows:

529 (Reath) -158 (Qark)

MOV 371pts in my favour for a 10-0.

This is no way reflected how close the game was. Qark was an excellent opponent and I would love to play him again sometime.


Congrats on the wins, Reath. :)

What missions did you play in your games? And who was first player?

Thanks mate. I was second player in both games. The game against Leowulf was Precision Strike and the game against Qark was Contested Outpost.

If I go second again next I am hoping someone picks Minefields so I can play out the lot of my Objectives :D .

How did you manage 529pts on Contested Outpost? Figured one could only score 520pts tops. :)

Just finished with Reath28. He won by many points (he has the exact numbers), however the game was very close. His last ship, the victory, ended the game with 1 hull remaining. Doing that one extra damage would have given me points for all the squadrons as well. Despite not getting many tournament points out of the game that was the closest game on vassal I have had.

Game against Qark was a cracker. Everything that I like in a game. It quite literally came down to my Vic just dodging his Corvette's ram which would have ended both players ships.

By my count points as follows:

529 (Reath) -158 (Qark)

MOV 371pts in my favour for a 10-0.

This is no way reflected how close the game was. Qark was an excellent opponent and I would love to play him again sometime.


Congrats on the wins, Reath. :)

What missions did you play in your games? And who was first player?

Thanks mate. I was second player in both games. The game against Leowulf was Precision Strike and the game against Qark was Contested Outpost.

If I go second again next I am hoping someone picks Minefields so I can play out the lot of my Objectives :D .

How did you manage 529pts on Contested Outpost? Figured one could only score 520pts tops. :)

You are actually spot on. Thanks for picking this up. Points are as follows:

429 (80 for Objectives and -51pts for his Corvette being left alive).

Qark scored 158 for my ISD 2 and one Tie Advanced.

MOV is 271 so a 9-1 win in my favour.

Vlog file can be found at the following link:

Edited by Reath28

JJs Juggernaut (1st Player) vs AlexW (2nd Player)

Objective: Dangerous Territory

10-0 Mov 357​ (430-73)

This match was a tough one, and the end score doesn't fully show the whole story. My opponent, though new, played very well. With even activations I knew I had to kill something quickly to fully start swinging the fight in my favor. After Admonition was forced into range of Insidious by activation order, he (my MC30s are male, alpha predators and all) took a huge hit that forced an early Lando and a token discard. Admonition responded the top of the next turn, but was unable to kill Insidious, leaving it at one health as Admonition moved away to join the main fight. Luckily, obstruction and a crit made Insidious's activation fairly weak and it was finished off by Gallant Haven who, with squadron help also took out a raider in the same activation. During this time the squadrons were engaged, but intel allowed me to make some bombing runs as well as hit the Tie/ln squadrons. After this Jaina's Light took the other raider from full health to dead and then moved away from the ISD, though she took heavy damage from the side arc. After this Jaina's ran away next turn and the rest of my fleet converged to finish vader. Admonition moved close and at the top of round 6 finished the game. The game ended with all my remaining squadrons on low health, as well as my small ships battered to the point of being finished off with a good hit. A good game to my opponent, who was a great sport and great to play with.


My goal going in was to try an and eliminate the smaller ships first, knowing the fighters would likely stay close to the Gallant Haven and that it would not want to wade in close a fight with the ISD. I tried to set up the objects in a way that would allow me to take that approach, and my one accomplishment in this game was that I grabbed 4 of the 6. I'll add that Dangerous territory doesn't work out like Player 2 hopes when Jaina's Light is on the table!

My plan looked good to start, but not having enough experience with the spacial aspect of the game allowed Jaina's light to escape the net (I was ignoring the wide flanking CR90) and Admonition was able, as described above, to take on the the Demolisher single-handedly without significant damage in return. In the end I was able to hit a couple of ships hard on individual turns but not able to follow up with another shot or finish them off.

Finally, I love the idea of the Raider, and I'm sure my inexperience is part of it, but they folded pretty quickly and were dead weight in the fight even though they were useful to grab objectives.

EDIT: I think that I did OK with my 6 TIES against a superior fighter force and kept them off of my ships for most of the game (though they did rip through a raider pretty quickly), but I think this was partially due to some relatively weak dice on the early exchanges from JJs rebels.

Still had a good time and looking forward to my next one!

Edited by AlexW

One more from me:

Teamspeak was fantastic, and I'd highly recommend it. Besides chatting just being faster It made it so much easier to communicate intent and helped shortcut some things that you'd normally have to be very deliberate about.

Green Knight vs Onca

1st player: Onca

Objective: Fleet Ambush

Score: 8-2

MOV: 244-99 = 145

After setting up I thought I had things well in hand - Onca's flagship would glide into range of 2-3 AFs and 10 Awings. Should last no more than 2-3 rounds. But the he went ahead an dropped to SPEED 0, which upset my movement and fire plan completely. It took me until turn 5 or so before I finally took his flagship down (the only ship destroyed). It also cost me 9 out of 10 Awings, in no small part due to AS from the lead SD - since our ships were out of range for several turns, he only had my fighters to shoot at... and boy did he roll good blue dice!

The flip side: had he increased speed I might have cut him completely apart... but then again he might have gotten both his big ships to fire on me. As it were none of my AFs were in real danger of being destroyed. Before we started paying I was very worried that a rush by 2 high-speed ISD would simply overwhelm me.

Note to self: this was the least bloody Fleet Ambush I have ever played :)

Shadoer vs clontroper5 starting in the next few minutes

(this may be a practice game to help shadoer get use to vassal)