Armada World Cup - Vassal Tournament:

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Armada

**Congratulations to Clontroper5 - winner of the Armada World Cup**

That's right folks, it's time for the first ever Armada World Cup, the 4th Vassal Tournament this forum has seen (and I think the 4th Vassal tournament Vassal has seen, for that matter). This is going to go a bit differently from before. Previously we've had typical 3 round tournaments (1st and Holiday) and a hybrid 3 round Pod with 1 round of standard swiss at the end.

This is not going to be like either of those.

This tournament will be set up like World Cup Soccer (or Football for those of you outside of the USA). We will have 3 rounds of play in pre-made pods. After the 3 rounds of pod play are completed, the top 2 players by tournament points from each pod will move on to single elimination games - tournament points no longer being counted - just win or go home. Eventually, only one will remain, as the Armada World Cup Champion.

When do we Start?

Signups will be set, and the pod round will begin on Monday January 4th, 12:00 noon (EDT) / 5:00pm (GMT).


Rules being used for construction of lists and questions throughout the game will be based on the most recent FAQ and Tournament Rules .

400 points total maximum for your list, with a maximum of 1/3 of the list being squadrons. Each player must have one of each type of objective (Offensive / Defensive / Navigation) which they may chose to keep secret until play begins. Once the pod pairings have been posted, no player may edit their list in any way - any player that attempts to do so will be disqualified.

Because of the pod style play, everyone is expected to be able to schedule time to play everyone else in their pod within 3 weeks (averaging 1 game / week). Any player pair that are unable to play during that time will receive a 0-0 loss. Players are encouraged to post their scheduled games to the thread once they are up. A no-show by either player for a scheduled game will result in a 0 point loss for that player, and an 8 point victory for their opponent, with 61 point MOV.


Your signup post should look something like this:

I'm signing up for the tournament!

My local time is GMT -5 (East Coast, USA)

I'm usually available to play on Monday daylight, all day Tuesday, Wednesday evenings, and all day Sunday (my local time)

Here is a list of players that have signed up that I play regularly, please do not put me in a pod with them: Dab Darklighter / Audere1882

**List Here**

Playoff Setup:
Each round of the playoffs will last for no more than one week (plus remaining time from a previous round that finished early). Players are required to post within 2 days of the round start when they will be able to play their opponent. If a player does not show up for the scheduled time, they automatically forfeit the match and are eliminated. If neither player are able to find a time they would be able to play within the time frame, the winner will be determined by coin flip. Please don't make me do this.
Each pod winner and runner-up will be matched up for the elimination round as follows:
Assuming a "normal" grouping of pods (2, 4, 8, 16 etc) - pod winners will be matched with runner ups from opposite pods. For example, if 8 pods exist, the winner of Pod #1 will be matched with the runner up to Pod #8, the winner of Pod #2 with the winner of Pod #7, etc.
From this point on, winners of each match will be matched up with the winner of the neighboring match until only one player remains.
If there is an "odd" grouping, the pod winners with the highest tournament points will each be given a bye such that the 2nd round of elimination will have a "normal" number of players. The highest scoring player remaining will be matched with the least scoring player remaining until all players are matched. If two players from the same pod would be playing themselves by this setup, the next available player will be assigned so that no repeat matches will take place in the first round of elimination.
From this point on, winners of the first round will be matched up with the winners of the other matches, with the top ranked 1st round bye playing the "lowest" match, the 2nd round bye playing the next "lowest" match, and so forth until all byes are accounted for. Then matchups will continue for that round and future rounds as the "normal" grouping.
Additional Thoughts:
There hasn't been any issues with games needing a TO to rule on things before, don't let this tournament be the one it starts. Figure out any issues that arise in the game among yourselves - ask any folks watching along for help if needed. I'll be watching the games that I can. Remember Rule #1 of Star Wars Miniatures Gaming - "Fly Casual".
If there's something that you see that needs addressed, please bring it to my attention. I can't fix issues that I don't know about.
Replacement Roster:
Because we have reached 32 players (the biggest number we've ever had for a tournament!) we are capping the tournament at this point. Anyone signing up now will be placed on the Replacement Roster, and brought in to replace players that are unable to participate or are disqualified due to failing to post their list on time in order of signups.
All replacement players should be sure to get their lists in on time - if they do not they will not be eligible to replace anyone.
Edited by BiggsIRL

Want some practice before the tournament? Got Facebook? Check out this thread!

POD Rounds are over: Final Standings are Here.

Round 1 Elimination Matchups are Complete:
Ardaedhel vs Qark
Clontroper5 vs Miedomeda
JJs Juggernaut vs Nebulon B
Quadro28 vs Zanos
Cutter9999 vs Madaghmire
Green Knight vs Caribbean Ninja
Doobleg vs Truthiness
Reith28 vs JRockNZ

Quarter-Finals are Over!

Ardaedhel vs Clontroper5
JJs Juggernaut vs Quadro28
Madaghmire vs Caribbean Ninja
Truthiness vs Reith28

Semi-Finals are Over!

Clontroper5 vs JJs Juggernaut

Madaghmire vs Truthiness

We are now into the Finals! Tournament score, MOV, a Jedi craves not these things. Do, or do not. There is no try.

Will Clontroper5 and his Cadillac Demolisher / Raider Swarm come out on top, or will it be the "Corrupted Fireball" of Madaghmire? We'll be finding out real soon.

Final must be played by Tuesday, February 23rd, at 23:59 GMT . Remember, if you don't get your game in by then, I flip a coin. DO NOT MAKE ME DO THIS FOR THE FINAL.

Edited by BiggsIRL

I'm in

Time: USA Central Time (GMT -6)

I'm fairly flexible with playtimes throughout the week.

List: [ REBEL FLEET] (389 points)
1 • Assault Frigate Mark II B - General Dodonna - Raymus Antilles - Expanded Hangar Bay - Electronic Countermeasures - Gallant Haven (119)
2 • CR90 Corellian Corvette A - Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (51)
3 • CR90 Corellian Corvette A - Turbolaser Reroute Circuits - Jaina's Light (53)
4 • MC30c Scout Frigate - Lando Calrissian - Ordnance Experts - Assault Proton Torpedoes - Turbolaser Reroute Circuits - Admonition (97)
5 • Jan Ors Moldy Crow (19)
6 • X-wing Squadron (13)
7 • X-wing Squadron (13)
8 • X-wing Squadron (13)
9 • A-wing Squadron (11)

Edited by JJs Juggernaut

ZZ here, you know I'm always in for a good game!

Time: USA Eastern Time (GMT -5 I believe)


[ EMPIRE FLEET (398 points)
1 • Victory I-class Star Destroyer - Gunnery Team - Assault Proton Torpedoes - XI7 Turbolasers (91)
2 • Victory I-class Star Destroyer - Admiral Screed - Gunnery Team - Assault Proton Torpedoes - XI7 Turbolasers (117)
3 • Gladiator I-class Star Destroyer - Engine Techs - Assault Proton Torpedoes - Demolisher (79)
4 • Firespray-31 (18)
5 • Firespray-31 (18)
6 • Firespray-31 (18)
7 • Darth Vader TIE Advanced Squadron (21)
8 • Major Rhymer TIE Bomber Squadron (16)
9 • Dengar Punishing One (20)

Edited by Zanos


EST (gmt -5)

Night time after 9 is when I'm free generally.

Dab Darklighter and BiggsIRL are my nemesiseseses.

Those who know me will know this is out of character for me...Hello from the Light Side!


Flagship: Isabella's Bounty: 129 pts

AF mk II B

Mon Mothma





Admonition: 85pts

MC-30 Torpedo


Walex Blissex

Ordnance Experts


Foresight: 80 pts

MC-30 Torpedo


Ordnance Experts


Squadrons: 96 pts

Jan Ors

yt-2400 x4

X-wing x1

Edited by audere1882

I'd really like to play in this one, but I need someone to play a practice game with before it starts so I can get a feel for vassal. Any volunteers wanna send me a PM? I'm EST, generally prefer to play at night.

I'm signing up for the tournament!

My local time is GMT -5 (East Coast, USA)

I'm usually available to play on Monday daylight, all day Tuesday, Wednesday evenings, and all day Sunday (my local time)

Here is a list of players that have signed up that I play regularly, please do not put me in a pod with them: Dab Darklighter / Audere1882

Going against my usual strategy this time, with an actual bid:

Fleet Summary Page (390 of 400 pts)

Faction: Rebel Alliance

Flagship: (128 pts) Assault Frigate Mark II B (72 pts) - Darklighter

Admiral Ackbar (38 pts)

Lando Carissian (4 pts)

Gunnery Team (7 pts)

Electronic Counter Measures (7 pts)

Fleet Ship 1: (83 pts) MC30c Scout Frigate (69 pts) - Mon Cala

Gunnery Team (7 pts)

Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (7 pts)

Fleet Ship 2: (92 pts) MC30c Scout Frigate (69 pts) - Ithor

Admonition (8 pts)

Ordnance Experts (4 pts)

Assault Proton Torpedoes (5 pts)

XI7 Turbolasers (6 points)

Squadrons (87 of 134 pts):

1x Dutch Vander Y-Wing Squadron (16 pts)

1x Moldy Crow - Jan Ors (19 pts)

4x X-Wing Squadron (52 pts)

Please note that playoff structure has been updated in the OP.

Edited by BiggsIRL


CET (GMT +1)

Weekdays evening from 8/9 pm orher than Tuesdays and Wednesdays. With more Vassal experience should be able to quicken games. A bit. ;)

I'm so in again. GMT-7, available 1830-2200 local on weekdays and open availability on the weekends.


I'm defecting and using "sub-optimal" VSD carriers. Here we go:

++ Imperial Navy (Standard) (400pts) ++

Gladiator I-Class Star Destroyer (79pts) [Assault Proton Torpedoes (5pts), Engine Techs (8pts), •Demolisher (10pts)]

Victory I-Class Star Destroyer (109pts) [Assault Proton Torpedoes (5pts), Expanded Hangar Bay (5pts), •Admiral Screed (26pts)]

Victory I-Class Star Destroyer (83pts) [Assault Proton Torpedoes (5pts), Expanded Hangar Bay (5pts)]

+ Squadrons (129pts) +

TIE Bomber Squadron (9pts)

TIE Bomber Squadron (9pts)

TIE Bomber Squadron (9pts)

TIE Bomber Squadron (9pts)

TIE Bomber Squadron (9pts)

TIE Bomber Squadron (9pts)

Darth Vader (21pts)

Dengar (20pts)

Major Rhymer (16pts)

Soontir Fel (18pts)

Edited by Truthiness

I'm in!

Central time (GMT -6)
I'm usually available after 4 PM weekdays and mornings on the weekend.




ISD 2 ( Reverence ) 120 points

-Motti (24)

-Gunnery Team (7)

-ECM (7)

-XI7 (6)

ISD 2 ( Regulation ) 120 points

-Gunnery Team (7)

-Expanded Hanger Bay (5)

-ECM (7)

-XI7 (6)

Squadrons (90)

-Howlrunner (16)

-Darth Vader (21)

-Dengar (20)

-"Mauler" Mithel (15)

-Soontir Fel (18)

Edited by CaribbeanNinja

I have received a mission from my Superiors to join this "tournament" and demenstrate the power of the Imperial Navy.

Pst (gmt -8)

Pretty flexible but cannot play past 11:00 pm usually(my time)


+++ My Much Less Conservative List+++

+ Gladiator Star Destroyer (98pts) +

Gladiator I-Class Star Destroyer (98pts) [Engine Techs (8pts), Expanded Launchers (13pts), Intel Officer (7pts), Ordnance Experts (4pts), •Demolisher (10pts)]

+ Raider Corvette (273pts) +

Raider I-Class Corvette (68pts) [Expanded Launchers (13pts), Intel Officer (7pts), Ordnance Experts (4pts)]

Raider I-Class Corvette (68pts) [Expanded Launchers (13pts), Intel Officer (7pts), Ordnance Experts (4pts)]

Raider I-Class Corvette (80pts) [Assault Proton Torpedoes (5pts), •Admiral Montferrat (5pts), •Admiral Screed (26pts)]

Raider I-Class Corvette (57pts) [Assault Proton Torpedoes (5pts), Ordnance Experts (4pts), •Instigator (4pts)]

+ Squadrons (16pts) +

TIE Fighter Squadron (8pts)

TIE Fighter Squadron (8pts)

Created with BattleScribe ( )

Edited by clontroper5

I'll be in again, US Central time (GMT-6 currently)

Availability is most weekdays, but potentially volatile. (Haven't had any problems with getting games played in prior tournament.)

List to follow, Likely similar to Truthiness' (I used the generics last time. Snitch! Hopefully see you in the championship to nuke the last remnants of the idea that squads and Neb-Bs are bad. ;) )

Initial list, I might run an Imperial list that's similarly fighter heavy, or modify this one.

(Leaving it here for reference)

(Actual fleet, going on the idea that B-wings aren't much worse at AS than X-wings, and much better at AS, albeit far slower. also: Bring on the Black die ships.)

[ REBEL FLEET (399 points)
1 • Nebulon-B Escort Frigate - Raymus Antilles - Yavaris (69)
2 • Nebulon-B Support Refit - Salvation (58)
3 • MC80 Command Cruiser - General Dodonna - Expanded Hangar Bay - Independence (139)
4 • B-wing Squadron (14)
5 • B-wing Squadron (14)
6 • B-wing Squadron (14)
7 • B-wing Squadron (14)
8 • B-wing Squadron (14)
9 • B-wing Squadron (14)
10 • B-wing Squadron (14)
11 • Jan Ors Moldy Crow (19)
12 • ''Dutch'' Vander Y-wing Squadron (16) ]

Edited by Captain ICT

I'm tentatively in... Will have to verify as time gets closer. Edit: confirmed, I'm in.

I'll be in Pacific Time (GMT -8) for most of the tournament, but working nights, so available early morning or early afternoon during the week, flexible on the weekends.

Much as it pains me to fly without my beloved A-wings...

Final list:

Man Your Own Jackhammers (388/400)


Assault Frigate Mark II: Assault Frigate Mk.II B (72 + 35)

+ Garm Bel Iblis (25)

+ Flight Controllers (6)

+ Boosted Comms (4)

Assault Frigate Mark II: Assault Frigate Mk.II B (72 + 20)

+ Adar Tallon (10)

+ Flight Controllers (6)

+ Boosted Comms (4)

Nebulon-B Frigate: Nebulon-B Escort Frigate (57 + 8)

+ Veteran Captain (3)

+ Yavaris (5)

Squadrons: B-wing Squadron (14)

Squadrons: B-wing Squadron (14)

Squadrons: B-wing Squadron (14)

Squadrons: B-wing Squadron (14)

Squadrons: B-wing Squadron (14)

Squadrons: Jan Ors (19)

Squadrons: Wedge Antilles (19)

Squadrons: "Dutch" Vander (16)

Edited by Ardaedhel

I'd like to join but time zone is an issue, my playing times are usually peoples 12am - 8am's and visa versa, makes weekdays nearly impossible.

If there's enough for a pod of Aussies or GMT+10 people I'll join! List to follow.

Im in!

GMT 0:00

Available most days all day. But as I have exams in the early days of Jan, I will require a few days notice before setting a game.

13 entries so far:

JJs Juggernaut

I am in. Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time (+11)

My availability is fluid and changes depending on work.

List to follow.

Sign me up!


Availability depends, I'm pretty flexible. I have a surprise deadline this 14th January. Might be harder to schedule the game in the first round, hopefully I'll find a good slot for it and it won't take too long.

List to follow.

SHIP: MC30c Scout Frigate 69
Gunnery Team 7
Assault Concussion Missiles 7
Turbolaser Reroute Circuits 7
Foresight 8
SHIP: Assault Frigate Mark II B 72
Wing Commander 6
Gunnery Team 7
Boosted Comms 4
Enhanced Armament 10
SHIP: Assault Frigate Mark II A 81
Admiral Ackbar 38
Gunnery Team 7
Electronic Countermeasures 7
Dash Rendar 24
Luke Skywalker 20
X-wing Squadron 13
X-wing Squadron 13
Totals at 400. No point left behind!
Edited by chilligan

Can we not do public lists?

Why? Tournament lists are public. There were shenanigans last vassal tournament with lists, so i dont see a problem making them public.

I do not have the time or energy to verify each and every game is being played with the correct lists if I am the only one with access to the lists.

I think HERO is meaning public lists before the deadline. He suggested to me a while back that we message our lists to the TO and then they are all posted as soon as the deadline hits. I know it would mean more work for you Biggs, so its up to you if its something you want to try.

You put the nail on the head for that: Too much work, and honestly I don't see the point. If you are waiting for the last minute to game the system, you are already missing out on the spirit of the game, not to mention we haven't seen this play out in the winners circle yet. Seems like solution in search of a problem to me.

Agree with Biggs. This doesn't seem to be an issue.

Ok. Feels like bidding wars to me. Think about how many times a tournament is ran where you are still allowed to adjust your list after knowing what others have posted their lists. I've never seen a tournament where that was allowed. Just have people post their list in a separate post where edited lists are dqd. That doesn't stop someone from posting last minute after seeing what others are fielding. In xwing, tournaments are done through the TO. Just saying.

It wouldn't even be a difficult thing. Just have all participants pm you their list and post it so everyone can see.

If you don't want to, I volunteer. It's really not hard and makes for a better playing environment.

Edited by HERO