[Translation/Question/German] How to translate "Ripsaw Scuttler"

By Gregorius21778, in Dark Heresy

Greetings, brethern.

This request goes to the german (or german speaking) users of the forum.

I am going to use the "Ripsaw Scuttler" from DotdG (the BeastHouse-Section) in a game of mine as an "wildlife encounter" on Dusk.

My problem: how do you translate this into german?

The sad thing is that all this descriptive names lose alot of impact if they are translated "one-on-one". My best try so far is "Zackenpanzerspinne" which has nothing in common with the orginal name "ripsaw scuttler".

Any suggestions? Thanks!

Gregorius21778 said:

Greetings, brethern.

This request goes to the german (or german speaking) users of the forum.

I am going to use the "Ripsaw Scuttler" from DotdG (the BeastHouse-Section) in a game of mine as an "wildlife encounter" on Dusk.

My problem: how do you translate this into german?

The sad thing is that all this descriptive names lose alot of impact if they are translated "one-on-one". My best try so far is "Zackenpanzerspinne" which has nothing in common with the orginal name "ripsaw scuttler".

Any suggestions? Thanks!

Same problem here!

In Russian that could sound " prodol'nopil'ny begunok" :)

Going by straight translation, it'd be Fuchsschwanzspinne (or something akin to Spinne). Reißsägenspinne would also workm though.

Thank you, Zaa!

The mentioning of "Säge" (saw) was quiet helpfull. I somehow completly forgot that I could just ignore the "ripsaw" and reduce it to something else. A huge problem of mine remain the "scuttler" ("Krabbler" or "Huscher")

Think about

Sägezahnspinne or Zackenfinnspinne at the moment.

Any other ideas out there?

Ripsaw is either "Reißsäge" or "Sägezahn". Scuttler could be "Spinne", but generally, a spider is very specific for a given type of insect. I would go with "Krabbler". So "Sägezahnkrabbler" would it be for me.

Use "Sägezahnspinne", this is probably the best option, you will find.

I have similar problems quite often, since I GM in swedish. Most names that sounds AWESOME and very GRIMDARK just turns out silly when translated. So we have developed a culture where we use several english phrases as a fluid part of our swedish gaming. So for example I sometimes pronounce "Inquisitor" in english, and sometimes "Inkvisitor" in swedish (a harder k-v sound, and emphasis on the second to last vocal). Sometimes I'm not sure if a military or technological word is english, and so could benefit from a translation, or if they are in "gothic" and so should not be translated. My handouts are written in swedish with english and semi-latin words squeezed in without much bother, the preprinted handouts are in english. It works out pretty well for us.