Hi all,
My group and I are pondering about the option to run a Rogue Trader game as part of this pondering I've ran the Forsaken Bounty adventure and I am planning to finish of with Dark Frontier before we decide what to play.
Since I want to experience the whole of RT system I want to try out the space combat option (and luckily there is such an option in Dark Frontier). However, the stats for the Yu'vath void wasps is in the RT GM too, which is due to be release somewhere mid November if Amazon is right (btw let me just point out that it is very annoying to be referred to a book that has not been published yet ). So I was wondering if anyone have the stats for these craft or if the fine boys of FFG are willing to release these stats before my session this week.
I had some other questions about the adventure - as far as I could understand all vessels in the system are held in place (it is mentioned that Lynara's ship is in range of the Void wasps but that she is unable to move the ship), if this is the case how can you have a space battle, the PC will not be able to move their own ship closer and if the wasps are mobile (as implied) they would turn Lynara's ship into molten slag easily.
One more question is Lynara's crew, the story mentioned there are two factions one numbering a few thousands and the other a hundred souls, my question is what happened to Lynara's crew? if she possess a Merchant Trader with a crew of 18000.