Looking for players, Netherlands

By Rensspi, in Organized Play

Hallo everyone,

I recently got the Core set and really like the game. I played it a few times with my brother but was wondering if there are more players in the Netherlands (I live in 's-Hertogenbosch) so i/we can play against different players.

Please let me know if you are from the region :)

There's a fair bit of dutch activity nearer to Arnhem. I'll point some of the local players to this thread so they can give you more details.


I'm an active AGOT player, living in Den Bosch.

There are a few active players also in Eindhoven, but most people play in Arnhem. We (as dutch agot players) have a very active whatsapp group, we can also be found on facebook and have a forum.

I would say, welcome. Lots to do for AGOT for who wants to!

If your fast you even can join the first tourney of 2016 (3 Jan I think in Arnhem).


Sorry for the late reaction, holidays and stuf.

But thanks for the reply's! Good to know there are some active players in the Netherlands and I hope te play some more in the future!