I'm wondering if I'm missing something about the Spawn trait for Hordes in Mark of the Xenos. According to the trait you can increase your magnitude when you take damage. You need to make a test, but if you pass you basically have the ability to negate the damage done. Take 1 point of magnitude damage? Spawn 1 new point. Take over 5? Spawn 1d5. Take over 10? Spawn 1d10. So far it makes sense.
But at the end of the paragraph it says it's possible to have a Horde increase beyond its starting Magnitude with this trait. But mechanically is that even possible? The amount you spawn is always equal to or less than the damage you have to take to trigger the trait. Am I missing something?
I think the idea of a horde actually growing in size while a Kill Team fights it is cool, but I don't see how it's mathematically possible with this Trait.