The Cataclysm new expansion is announced

By The Thing In The Attic, in Talisman

I'm not so sure if all of the Remnant cards are nice, either. That would be TOO easy. I'm thinking there might be an enemy or bad remnant here or there..,

...or som kind of test/protection.

Is it just me or did FFG say they uploaded the rules for cataclysm er.... Where are they?

Is it just me or did FFG say they uploaded the rules for cataclysm er.... Where are they?

Yes. Want. I have heard nothing to indicate that this expansion is useable with ALL other expansions. My guess is - - yes, (technically, ALL, do) though it would seem that The Harbinger would not fit so well. Who knows?

Is it just me or did FFG say they uploaded the rules for cataclysm er.... Where are they?

Yes. Want. I have heard nothing to indicate that this expansion is useable with ALL other expansions. My guess is - - yes, (technically, ALL, do) though it would seem that The Harbinger would not fit so well. Who knows?

When there is a will...there is a WAY! I think I have read posts where people are already thinking up plans to use BOTH main boards! Never underestimate the power of the OCD nerd!

Is it just me or did FFG say they uploaded the rules for cataclysm er.... Where are they?

They are there. Last one under the rules section.... ;-)

So, the numbers were true. Sadly, that makes one gripe I have with this expansion - it is about 40 adventure cards too short. :mellow:

Yes. Want. I have heard nothing to indicate that this expansion is useable with ALL other expansions. My guess is - - yes, (technically, ALL, do) though it would seem that The Harbinger would not fit so well. Who knows?

Page 2: "...completely compatible with all previous expansion content..."


Character #5 was predicted correctly, it is the Barbarian. ^_^

I like the idear of having those cards out at the beginning.

Special Talismans for the base deck are also pretty neat.

But we still don't know much about the board spaces... <_<

There's nothing there


It's definitely not showing for me. Thanks!

In a roundabout way the new rules clarified some issues we have been asking about here.

1) if you start a new character and the starting space has a terrain card, ignore the terrain card.

2) events do not stay on the board once encountered

3) no terrain cards in the inner region, jail, or town square

In a roundabout way the new rules clarified some issues we have been asking about here.

1) if you start a new character and the starting space has a terrain card, ignore the terrain card.

2) events do not stay on the board once encountered

3) no terrain cards in the inner region, jail, or town square

1) That's good to know.

2) once resolved, not encountered (there's a difference)

3) that was already covered in previous rulebook

In a roundabout way the new rules clarified some issues we have been asking about here.

1) if you start a new character and the starting space has a terrain card, ignore the terrain card.

2) events do not stay on the board once encountered

3) no terrain cards in the inner region, jail, or town square

1) That's good to know.

2) once resolved, not encountered (there's a difference)

3) that was already covered in previous rulebook

Well number 1) was already covered as well. The rules were not there last time I looked now they are better get reading... Its so exciting look goosebumps..

Read it.. The only thing I'm not liking at mo is Remnant card discarding-

"When a Remnant card is discarded, it is placed in the Adventure deck discard pile. If the Adventure deck discard pile is shuffled back into the Adventure deck, any Remnant cards in the discard pile are also shuffled into the deck. After the game ends, return these cards to the Remnant deck".

Geeez the Adventure deck is huge enough as is now we have to search it after every game and take out the Remnant cards even if they have a different back? Now I know this is needed for the Scavenger character "I was hoping that the Remnant cards where just different adventure cards but stayed in the adventure deck" but instead they are a separate deck and we have to do some long sorting between games.

It's not that bad, while I agree it is a bit fiddly and probably wouldn't have much bearing on the outcome of a game, it only takes an extra few dozen seconds to scan the backs of the discard pile when cleaning up. It already takes an eon anyway lol

It's not that bad, while I agree it is a bit fiddly and probably wouldn't have much bearing on the outcome of a game, it only takes an extra few dozen seconds to scan the backs of the discard pile when cleaning up. It already takes an eon anyway lol

Yeah, after thinking about it you normally do not ever shuffle the adventure deck with its discard pile anyways so most of the time its just going through the discard pile itself, which you prob do anyways just if spells and other "stuff" ends up in their as well :) .

I'm more concerned with the fact that we don't get a new base deck with adventure cards. As we usually play base deck + 1 or 2 decks from small boxes. Now with a new new board I was hoping for a new deck as well to replace the old one. Now we'll have to try adding the new cards to the old base deck and see how they fit or if we have to make another arrangement.

I'm more concerned with the fact that we don't get a new base deck with adventure cards. As we usually play base deck + 1 or 2 decks from small boxes. Now with a new new board I was hoping for a new deck as well to replace the old one. Now we'll have to try adding the new cards to the old base deck and see how they fit or if we have to make another arrangement.

Well its still a expansion. So you still need the base game at very least.

I'm more concerned with the fact that we don't get a new base deck with adventure cards. As we usually play base deck + 1 or 2 decks from small boxes. Now with a new new board I was hoping for a new deck as well to replace the old one. Now we'll have to try adding the new cards to the old base deck and see how they fit or if we have to make another arrangement.

Well its still a expansion. So you still need the base game at very least.

Trust me, I'm aware of that but one can hope. :)

I'm more concerned with the fact that we don't get a new base deck with adventure cards. As we usually play base deck + 1 or 2 decks from small boxes. Now with a new new board I was hoping for a new deck as well to replace the old one. Now we'll have to try adding the new cards to the old base deck and see how they fit or if we have to make another arrangement.

Well its still a expansion. So you still need the base game at very least.

Trust me, I'm aware of that but one can hope. :)

Should play with my Forever Talisman rules then you play with everything but then the players themselves add or take sets.

On page 7 of the currently designed rule-book, it states:

If a Terrain Card is placed on the last space of an expansion board, such as the “Treasure Chamber” from The Dungeon expansion, a character must end his movement when entering that space, then encounter the Terrain card on that space.

So my question is, what exactly happens when you encounter that end space? So you can no longer fight the Eagle King and teleport on the board, but instead have to trek back the way you came?

Just commenting that terrain altering cards can become game ending for some players; one player in our group drew a card that required him to visit the alchemist to remove something (don't recall the details) but the city square had becomes fields and his game was essentially over because of this, even though the game was only half-way through. In another game, I got a spell that allowed me to alter any terrain not in the inner-region and I used it to remove the Warlocks cave while I was the only player with a Talisman, which basically gave me the game and totally screwed the other players. I was hoping new rules would limit or better balance terrain cards by limiting their effect to a certain amount of rounds or allowing the terrain beneath them to also be accessed, but I wasn't expecting new rules to make them worse, lol!

Edited by taemx

Terraining of a required space does not mean that it is game over.

There are plenty of ways of removing Terrain cards from the board.

On page 7 of the currently designed rule-book, it states:

So my question is, what exactly happens when you encounter that end space? So you can no longer fight the Eagle King and teleport on the board, but instead have to trek back the way you came?

Yes, pretty much that.

Just commenting that terrain altering cards can become game ending for some players; one player in our group drew a card that required him to visit the alchemist to remove something (don't recall the details) but the city square had becomes fields and his game was essentially over because of this, even though the game was only half-way through. In another game, I got a spell that allowed me to alter any terrain not in the inner-region and I used it to remove the Warlocks cave while I was the only player with a Talisman, which basically gave me the game and totally screwed the other players. I was hoping new rules would limit or better balance terrain cards by limiting their effect to a certain amount of rounds or allowing the terrain beneath them to also be accessed, but I wasn't expecting new rules to make them worse, lol!

Well, as far as Warlock Quests go, even without playing with the rules for replacing quests you could just do that if none of the anti-terrain cards pop up.

Not being able to get rid of a negative follower sucks, but it happens. We once had one player stuck with a pretty nasty one for like 50 turns.

I don't know which expansions you play with, but just because you have a Talisman and nobody can gain one via quest doesn't mean you win.

1) They smack you in the face (/head) and by by Talisman...

2) There are plenty of cards that give Talismans in the base adventure deck as well as in every corner expansion.

3) Beating the LoD at the end of the Dungeon with a high enough score gets you to the crown without ever needing a Talisman.

I could go on, since there are so many possibilities. ;)

Edited by Lorinor