The Cataclysm new expansion is announced

By The Thing In The Attic, in Talisman

They don't have to keep the names. They could just put references into the rules for the starting spaces and such.

I suppose that's true, but also somewhat messy if many names change.


I wonder how the Haven cards work if there are "bad" followers in the discard pile?

What do you mean? They are placed there like any other followers, except that you of course have to take them should you visit Havenville.


Looks good, but after all this time of silence, all we get are a few more adventure/terrain cards and 1 + 2 1/3 board spaces?! :huh:

That's hardly enough to quench my thirst for knowledge.

But I have to say, I like the change from the Sentinel to the Demon. (Probably means you can use either Strength and Craft to beat it

and get to the middle region.)

I wonder if the Oasis heals you for free just by landing on the space??

Sidenote: Imagine the Blightwood Rabble in a 6-Player Game that's been going for a while. :wacko:

Actually it says you may take a follower, in this instance you would not have to take cursed type followers.

Okay, as I see it, there will be new adventure cards that will fill up the classic adventure deck and you got two new sets of cards. Those are denizens and the remnants. It seems that the old spaces like the village and the tavern will be different from game to game depending on what denizens you fill them with. So the whole board will be ever changing because there will be lots of cards making use of the new terrain cards. That is, if you use only the adventure card from this expansion plus the base game or else the whole game will be the old talisman without any usable spaces.

Can't wait though. Hoping for some quick update because it's been a long wait and all we got was a bunch of new adventure cards which is sad for the most expensive big expansion so far..

That is, if you use only the adventure card from this expansion plus the base game or else the whole game will be the old talisman without any usable spaces.

Not necessarily. The spaces themselves might have rules for adding denizens to them.

Actually it says you may take a follower, in this instance you would not have to take cursed type followers.

Would you mind explaining why you come to that conclusion? Isn't this just the old case of "have to" beats "may"?

That is, if you use only the adventure card from this expansion plus the base game or else the whole game will be the old talisman without any usable spaces.

Not necessarily. The spaces themselves might have rules for adding denizens to them.

Agreed. Already called that when the first spoiler hit us. (My guess was that the little arrows on the board spaces may have something to do we it.)

Edited by Lorinor

The followers are a subset at the place, they are not encountered unless you choose to encounter one by claiming it, the card very specifically states you may take a follower, it does not say you must take a follower. You cannot be forced to take a follower you never encountered. You could even choose to take a good follower over a cursed follower if you like.

It is worded exactly like fountain of wisdom, reliquary etc. You choose to do it or not. To count the followers on the space as normal encounter cards would mean you would be entitled to take all of them, not just one. If that were the case, then you would have to take all the cursed followers, but it's not the case.

I think placing a follower and ditching a follower might be the same effects thus cursed followers cant be placed on a space from though effects it will be interesting. I want a know if the Tavern space is a roll a dice space still or you have to just wait until you get a denizen. Plus are denizens placed on the space or do they effect all the spaces they say on their card. Its interesting indeed I want the release of the rules..

Didn't even think of that. I'm sure they won't address it and leave us to our own devices, lol.

I think what Jake wanted to ask was if the Adventure Deck that comes with the Expansion (Mainboard part) is to be used just by itself or if it could be mixed with the "old" Adventure Deck. We still haven't gotten anything official at this point, but since this is supposed to be an expansion,

my guess would be a) mix in with everything or b) use just the new stuff.

Yes that was my sentiment. You just articulated it better than my hasty response!

If we have to use a new Adventure deck (let's call it the Cataclysm Adventure deck) then all those other expansions for Talisman lose a lot of cards. However, if we use the same Adventure cards, then you can add in the expansions you want to the mix.

Likewise if the principal board spaces still exist then you can use the Highlands / Dungeon / Forest and City boards, whereas if they no longer exist you'll need to use new boards (if FFG continue to make them) or else house rule a board up that links from the original board to the Cataclysm board.

Of course you could just play the Cataclysm on its own, but Talisman is one of the few games where the cult of MOAR is a good thing that rarely acts to the detriment of the game.

I think another preview will hit within or about a week from this one. There might be another relatively close after that. One will explain the new characters and one will possibly cover the Terrain cards.

Until they say otherwise, Talisman is "meant or intended" to utilize all Expansions, including the Dragon, though some favor playing that without most other expansions, or a vice a versa, not at all or rarely.

So, possibly, unless they say otherwise, even Harbinger would be able to be used with this set, which seems kinda odd, but most will figure out how to flavor text it or whatever.

I think the new Terrain cards will impact a lot, especially because of all the previous sets with Terrain cards *and* there are various triggers in the Adventure deck and possibly elsewhere, that require the pulling of a random Terrain card. Thus, previous cards with considerable impact, like Firelands, will be felt in this Cataclysm. (unless you remove those expansions' cards).

I hope for more info too. I'm very curious over this idea of whether it can be totally integrated/at house rules' discretion or needs to be a separate journey.

So, possibly, unless they say otherwise, even Harbinger would be able to be used with this set, which seems kinda odd, but most will figure out how to flavor text it or whatever.

Hey, just because there was an apocalypse, that doesn't mean a next one can't be looming behind the corner :D

[[ Hey, just because there was an apocalypse, that doesn't mean a next one can't be looming behind the corner :D ]]

That sounds like every other season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, LOL.

What I see is a game which could play out much longer in that, "post Harbinger", this is the way the regions might end up looking. So this could be considered a natural progression. But should you play the normal game until the apocalypse and then start using this board?

And could that mean new versions of corner expansions?

As to card decks... as Jake suggested, that's a lot of cards (we've all invested in) to suddenly toss and essentially no longer use. Can't see them risking pissing off that big a fanbase.

Edited by gatorcoffee

...or maybe this will come with additional cards for the corner expansions. But that price mark seems a little low for that

I'm positive there will be a big expansion with extra stuff for all older big expansions, but cataclysm isn't it.

I'm not sure if this was posted anywhere at this forum but the publisher of polish version released content count of the game:

● 1 board

● 1 rulebook

● 5 characters

47 Adventure cards

● 10 Spells

● 24 Equipment cards

● 4 Alternative Endings

● 6 Talisman cards (what?)

● 25 Remnants Cards

40 Denizen cards (that's a lot!)

● 6 Warlock's Quest cards

● 10 Terrain cards

● 5 plastic figurines

Edited by Bludgeon

Tha card count could be right as the small cards add up to 168 the same as the other big Talisman expansions

Interesting there is no new adventure deck. I guess they are letting the new board do most the work. Looks like very good integration.

I bet the talisman cards are actually quest reward cards.

Ah so 47 more adventure cards **** need to make a bigger deck holder!

Lay some heavy books on them for a few days and they will squeeze right in.

If this is true, that rules out using the expansion material on its own. (No complaints from me there. ;) )

Bludgeon , do you have the link to that site?

New Warlock Quests? - Yummy. - Whatever could they be?? :huh:

I bet the talisman cards are actually quest reward cards.

Or they are special Talismans, like the ones we have been getting with the last expansions. They could also be tied to an Alternative Ending, since we know at least one of them has something special for Talismans.

When chrome translates it for me it translates it to 6 charm cards, on the original game it translates them to talisman cards. Dunno if it's translation difficulty though lol.