The Cataclysm new expansion is announced

By The Thing In The Attic, in Talisman

Wow. This looks great. It looks like a stand alone game. A starting point for new players. However it is labeled an expansion so I'm really interested in this. I wonder if you overlay the entire board mid game or is it used from the start based on an alternate ending.

Really excited for this game and this expansion

The art on the new board does look incredible though it isn't for me. I haven't liked the new dark, dingy, gritty serious direction the last couple of expansions have taken the game and this looks like its carrying on down that route to attract a new generation into the game. I was hoping for more expansions (even just card decks or characters = ninja/pirate?) in the vain of the earlier stuff and editions; something more colourful, fun (silly?), fantasy archetypes and everyday folk out on an adventure. This new board might spell the end to 'old' talisman as would FFG likely support two different versions of the same game? :(

Link or didn't happen.

I think it will include only the new board, the specific Adventure Deck and the Denizens Deck (plus characters), so you need all the other decks and tokens from the base box to play. The interactions with base Talisman and previous expansions are what animate my curiosity and I want to know more about.

Just read the preview wow this is crazy. Cataclysm, if done well, is shaping up to be the best expansion yet.

Exciting! I guess it will be more expensive then a normal expansion?

Edited by mightywolve

Any ideas what are those small golden arrows next to some of the spaces?

I am excited but wonder how it fits in with the other expansions.

I reckon it might be like Ticket to Ride's expansions where you need the tokens from the base game.

One idea I have for an all expansions sesh is that the Cataclysm board overlays the main board when the final omen from the Harbinger is discarded, but will have to wait and see until the rulebook is published.

I am excited but wonder how it fits in with the other expansions.

I reckon it might be like Ticket to Ride's expansions where you need the tokens from the base game.

One idea I have for an all expansions sesh is that the Cataclysm board overlays the main board when the final omen from the Harbinger is discarded, but will have to wait and see until the rulebook is published.

I'm already thinking about homebrew expansion where you play with both boards next to eachother and old one represents the past and the new one the future, and you can timetravel between them :)

I am excited but wonder how it fits in with the other expansions.

I reckon it might be like Ticket to Ride's expansions where you need the tokens from the base game.

One idea I have for an all expansions sesh is that the Cataclysm board overlays the main board when the final omen from the Harbinger is discarded, but will have to wait and see until the rulebook is published.

I'm already thinking about homebrew expansion where you play with both boards next to eachother and old one represents the past and the new one the future, and you can timetravel between them :)

With the Relic board for the far future... ;)

Edited by talismanisland

I don't think we'll ever see the end of expansions to this game. It will be about two months before we get more info on the game, so let the speculation commence!

BTW, I get the feeling that the guy with long sword is the Barbarian. Every post-apocalypse HAS to have a Barbarian, you know!

Wow just plane WOW!

Always pumped for a new expansion!

This one definitely seems different from anything we've gotten before. Almost like a reboot. I'm very interested so see the logistics for this expansion. It doesn't seem like anything from the base game or expansions would fit in with the theme so I'm interested to see if we can (or should) play this with other expansions.

The site has it listed at $49.95 which is $10 more than the other big box expansions and $10 less than the base game. Interesting...

The site has it listed at $49.95 which is $10 more than the other big box expansions and $10 less than the base game. Interesting...

Hopefully that means there will be lots of components.

Anyone notice the giant iron boot on the box cover...?

Hmmmm interested in how this works with the 4 corner boards and other expansions.

Extremely interested in this as this finally replaces one of the most dated components - the main board. Hopefully this can speed up games so that it no longer takes half a day a game.

Looks like a pass for me. Like Gates of Arkham for Elder Sign, Cataclysm looks to push much/some of the stuff I already have off to the side if I'm playing with Cataclysm. If that is the case, like with GoA, not getting this one, if I have something, I want to be able to use it all in one game (with GoA, you use one or the other Adventure deck for example).

Looks like a pass for me. Like Gates of Arkham for Elder Sign, Cataclysm looks to push much/some of the stuff I already have off to the side if I'm playing with Cataclysm. If that is the case, like with GoA, not getting this one, if I have something, I want to be able to use it all in one game (with GoA, you use one or the other Adventure deck for example).

I'm not 100% sure since the board picture is rather small, but the new board surely has the City space, the Portal of Power and the Inner Region. Hopefully also Crags, Ruins and Forest are on their places. If that's the case, I don't see any elements preventing you from using corner boards and the Inner Region overlay, if you want to.

The new Scavenging card says "any Adventure deck" just like the Taleweaver from Firelands. This means that other Adventure decks (Dungeon, Highland, City, Woodland) can be affected by this card, so this also supports cross-compatibility theories. Additionally, the Scavenging card, along with Rotsnout Dog, Trashtown, Toxic Spring and Apocalypse Storm, uses the standard Adventure card template. If those were meant to replace the Adventure deck I think they would have designed a new template, like on Salvage and Broken Armour "Remnant cards".

Still there's not much info yet to understand how this expansion works and decide if it's a good addition or not. Obviously I will get it since I have all the rest of the game, in double copy. :)

Edited by The_Warlock

Merry Christmas to us! Exciting news indeed :D

Wow. This might be the thread with the most negative feedback after just the first spoiler
for an expansion for Talisman.

[but then again, if you didn't like Harbinger, this might not be an expansion for you, I guess.]

I don't agree with the standalone thought, as they clearly call it an expansion.
If its use alters the rules as much as the dragon expansion does - we shall see -
whether we like it or not remains to be seen.

I agree that it would be better to know how this expansion is supposed to connect with the others.
The curiosity is killing me... :)


- Looter: Makes sense for him to exist now. If I read it correctly:

"At the beginning of the game, place the top 3 cards of the Merchant (?) Deck
into the Adventure Discard Pile.

You may carry any number of Objects.

You may treat all objects as if they had an encounter number of 1.

At the end of your turn, you ..."

Can't make out anything else right now.

- Black Knight: I like the idear.

"Starts with Spiked Shield.

When you land on another character, of if another character lands on your space,
you may threaten that character. If you do, he must either pay you 1 gold or 1 life.

When you visit the castle, you may heal up to your life value instead of
encountering the space normally."

- "Barbarian":

Might this be the Blacksmith, who has taken up one of his swords to live
the life of an adventurer after the Cataclysm?

- "Gnome/Halfling":

Trying to figure out what he's supposed to be. No idear right now.

- Woman ("with a throne or something"):

She doesn't look like royalty though. Maybe the enchantress had enough of
her role and decided to "join the party" and show these adventurers how it's done?


Maybe someone here is willing and able to blow up the board so we could try to read some of the board spaces?

(The Sentinel seems to have been destroyed. I think there is some kind of beast lurking on its space or
the (former) hill space above. Can't see it well enough though...)

The mentioned Denizen Deck got me thinking - does this mean we randomly place some of them on the
corresponding board spaces at the start of the game - or maybe, as the game progresses,
so do the Denizens on the board?
Or ... how about a random chance of encountering one at certain spaces?

One more thing: New terrain cards? - I like it!!! :)

Edited by Lorinor

Oh Goody! I promise to not whine about No New News until after 2 months and 2 weeks, okay?

After the boring main board having something different is always welcome. Maybe this new board will be even harder than the original one? At any rate, we will be able to play a little different game from this point on because the very basic board has changed. I think this is a good thing that we will be able to decide which main board we want to use. If anything, this expansion brings new characters and Spells, so it is worth purchasing at least for that.

The more I'm looking at this the more I like it! I don't think this is a standalone at all! I think you can use all of the expansions with Cataclysm (Although I do wonder if Harbinger will be overkill with it.) If this adds more spice to the base board without taking away from the other expansions then I'll be one happy Talisman player!

Edited by Quartzquiz

I think the overall strategy is FFG makes expansions that should work with all other expansions. I'm not sure if I myself would use the Dragon Realm inlay board with this new set, but maybe.

From a thematic point of view, the only corner expansion that wouldn't seem to fit, would be the City. After an apocylyse Highlands, Woodlands and Dungeon would remain, but the City would be altered. Perhaps there are hints to come.

Still, I like it. FFG seems to know what to do next.

Still hope we'll get another Realms set to bridge Woodlands and Highlands.