Hey guys. We will be running our standard store championship on Saturday, November 7th at the shop. Here is the nitty gritty:
What: Dr. No's Store Championship (AKA The Awakenz is Stupid Because Kilik is Broken Open Championship)
: Dr. No's Comics and Games
3428 Canton Road, Marietta, GA 30066
(770) 422-4642
When: Registration will begin at 12:30. First round will begin PROMPTLY at 2:00. I know our group is lazy and such, but please be here on time guys.
Format : Standard Block 4 Constructed. Legal sets are Shadowar, SC4, and Tekken including all current legal promos. Current banned list in effect. 50 Minute Rounds. Best 2 out of 3. Minimum 3 rounds of Swiss with cut to top 4-8 depending on turn out.
Following Promos are not legal: Kisheri, Ancient Burial Site, Perfect Memory. Nobody should have these as they are not in support but they are not legal until everyone gets a shot at them.
Prizes: $5.00 entry fee gets you a pack and money thrown towards prize support. Top 8 will draft promos from current prize support. All top 8 participants will get a copy of Kilik. Winner receives pack prizes based on attendance. Further prizes to be determined once i see the contents of the kit.
Come on down, get hype, and take your shot at becomingthe champion at the biggest UFS hub in Georgia! I will be demoing the game as well so feel free to bring new players!
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at andrew.maffei1@gmail.com. Get hype and see you in the arena!