Stronger grapplehawks

By Arlandiel, in Rogue Trader Rules Questions

Long story short - my dm wasn't ok with my mutant missionary having psychic powers, so I have picked Necrophage instead.
That leave me with frenzy brute necrophage character so I have decided to weave his backstory around him being a failed Blood Angels recruit who somehow managed to survive the implanted geneseed being rejected by his body, but changing him nonetheless.

Originaly I was planning to get pilot (personal) and a jump pack to give me some mobility, but with the Blood Angels angle it will be cool to have a pair of wings on my back. Since dabling into body modification is not still on my character's to-do list (yet... but those insanity points are piling on) and even if it was... I don't think that such graft exist... I was contemplating having a grapplehawk familiar bolted to the back of my armor to carry me arround in over the top fashion.

The problem is that the standard grapplehawk in the core book can lift only 135 kg. and I believe that my brute missionary with his weapons and armor will weight a bit more than that (like 120 kgs for himself and another 50 kg for his gear). 180 Lifting weight will require a grapplehawk with a Str bonus of 4 (since it has unnatural strength 2) to go with it's toughness bonus of 3 in order to achieve that. Are there any way to achieve that (diferent model/implant/whatev) to achieve that without going into tech heressy?

Two grapplehawks!

One for each arm.

Yeah:) Though about this one, but decided that it is a bit too ridiculous... also I don't think that it will fly (no put intended) past my DM.

Other options:

1: Get mutant wings / fake wings attached, and use jumpack that is inconspicous.

2: Obtain jumpack with foldout wings

3: Create / find glider cape / gear with GM assistance / approval. Meaning, you can glide, but not actually fly without assistance.


The Blood Angels have Jump Packs with angel-like wings attached. What's you to stop from getting one like them?

Apart from that I seem to remember that Dark Heresy - The Lathe Worlds had wing-based jump packs for their elite Skitarii.