Questions for the next FAQ - Please, post here

By Julia, in Runebound

So, let's say I use all my tokens but a surge, then my opponent flips the surge to a double, can I then just spend the double by itself for no effect?

That's an interesting question. Even if there's nothing saying in the rules about not being allowed to spend a doubler without a symbol on it, we could make some retro-engineering on this passage here:

Both tokens are spent at the same time when the top token is used.

Since there's no other mention in the rules on how to spend a doubler, I'd say it's a safe bet sayin' you cannot spend a doubler unless there's a token atop of it. Nonetheless, it's worth an FAQ entry, I believe. Thanks!


If a combat token that is on a doubler is removed by an ability of the opponent, is the doubler also removed?


Nope, the doubler stays. You may cross-check my answer in the Reference Guide, under Double Symbol, pag. 7


I've had 2 points that I've been unclear on in playing this game.

  1. Master Thorn's Mind Meld is active, then the Ettin (enemy) uses Throw. Does the round end before Mind Meld can return the damage?
    Master Thorn : 2 -lightning- Mind Meld: For the rest of the combat round, after you take damage from an attack, deal an equal amount of -magic- damage.
    Ettin : 2 -lightning- Throw: Deal 2 -skull- that cannot be blocked and end this combat round.
    For this scenario, we gave the advantage to Master Thorn, but we really don't know how this one is supposed to be resolved specifically because one says "for the rest of this combat round" and the other says "end this combat round".
  2. Can the sorcerer (enemy) spend -skulls- and -lightning- together in the same combat action as -skulls-?
    Sorcerer : This enemy may spend -lightning- as -skull-.
    For this instance, we thought that this does allow the tokens to be spent together even though they are a different type.

Thank you.

I have found the answer to most of my questions and I think I have a pretty firm grasp on the rules for this game. However, this one card in The Gilded Blade expansion really throws me for a loop:

Threads of Fate (Social adventure card). To my knowledge there aren't any other adventure cards that affect other heroes in this way:

Each hero may pay 1 (gold). For each hero that does not, you may perform 1 (action) for free. Discard this card.


Test (spirit) +1. Each hero gains (gold) equal to the number of successes. Take this card as a trophy.

OK now when I see "each hero" I assume it means every hero including the hero/player on this adventure. Would that mean that you get an action for yourself plus everyone that doesn't pay? Also, who gets paid? Does the player on the adventure get "paid" or is this a clever way of saying discard or spend a gold into the bank? Lastly, on the second option when you pass the test does it mean that every hero including the one on the adventure gets the gold equal to the successes? I feel like this has to go hand-in-hand with the first option's interpretation.

As you can see this card really makes me overthink the intention as I find it very ambiguous and could be argued either way so I am hoping a more seasoned player may have some insight. I wouldn't really care honestly unless it didn't so greatly affect the results of this card...

Thanks in advance!

(I tried posting this as a new thread but it is still waiting to be approved and then saw this as an appropriate place)

Edited by NerveCentral
On 1/5/2017 at 5:24 PM, jlbeans said:


I've had 2 points that I've been unclear on in playing this game.

  1. Master Thorn's Mind Meld is active, then the Ettin (enemy) uses Throw. Does the round end before Mind Meld can return the damage?
    Master Thorn : 2 -lightning- Mind Meld: For the rest of the combat round, after you take damage from an attack, deal an equal amount of -magic- damage.
    Ettin : 2 -lightning- Throw: Deal 2 -skull- that cannot be blocked and end this combat round.
    For this scenario, we gave the advantage to Master Thorn, but we really don't know how this one is supposed to be resolved specifically because one says "for the rest of this combat round" and the other says "end this combat round".
  2. Can the sorcerer (enemy) spend -skulls- and -lightning- together in the same combat action as -skulls-?
    Sorcerer : This enemy may spend -lightning- as -skull-.
    For this instance, we thought that this does allow the tokens to be spent together even though they are a different type.

Thank you.

This is all covered in the rules and in the FAQ available on-line

8 hours ago, NerveCentral said:

OK now when I see "each hero" I assume it means every hero including the hero/player on this adventure. Would that mean that you get an action for yourself plus everyone that doesn't pay? Also, who gets paid? Does the player on the adventure get "paid" or is this a clever way of saying discard or spend a gold into the bank? Lastly, on the second option when you pass the test does it mean that every hero including the one on the adventure gets the gold equal to the successes? I feel like this has to go hand-in-hand with the first option's interpretation.

"Each" is "each" and "any other" is not "each". So "each" is every hero. Money paid returns to the bank