So confused

By Chris1613, in Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game

So I am looking for some clarification on Enemy Activation and more.

1. Let's say that I have no enemies that are readied in front of me, I then have to go to the Shadows area and flip one card over. Now that I did that, the enemy activates right. So I read from left to right and start doing what it says. Now I come across an Orc Boy in the shadows, it just says Advance, so I do what the instructions say, engage a hero. So I bring him down, now the question is this, will he do 2 damage to me when he advances. The reason why I ask this because I can't find anything that shows that he attacks me. The only time I think he attacks me is when I role dice. Is this a true statement or am I just reading way to much into this?

2.Can I pull one card that is face down in shadows to engage/target an addiction enemy ? If so, does it flip over the moment I do it?

3. Tiers, If I am doing the first adventure which is tier 1. does that mean I only put tier 1 cards into the deck? In the learn to play rule book the diagram shows it pointing at tier 1 and tier 2. How does this work am I making it supper hard on myself with doing this?

4. Thank you for reading and maybe helping me. I love FF community, they always come to the rescue.

1) No, he does not cause you damage when he advances. Orc Boy only causes you damage if he attacks during one of your own actions (from a monster attack result on a black die).

2) Yes, if you have an option to engage an enemy (such as when you activate an attack action) you can choose to engage a face-down enemy in the shadows. It flips up, then moves out of the shadows, then engages you. (The order might matter in some special cases.)

3) The quest tiers tell you what tier of locations and enemies are considered "open". You will often be putting enemies and/or locations of a different tier into the decks, as instructed on the setup part of the quest card. But whenever it says to add a certain number of "open" locations or enemies, those must be of the same tier as the quest (and not otherwise already put into a deck).

Hope this helps!

Edited by JohnGarrison1870